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“I know that... now,” she said smiling up at me. As we approached the crowd of people surrounding the small pavilion where Nick had set up the meet and greet, I was glad that she was there with me. I wanted to show her off and show her that this business was more than just riding.

“You’ve got a lot of fans,” she said as she looked around. We spotted Nora and Reid across the way and started to make our way toward them.

“I only need one,” I whispered in her ear. As great as it was to be loved and hear them chant my name, I knew that in the long run there was only one fan I couldn’t live without. If Georgia hadn’t shown up that day, there was no doubt in my mind that I would have been on my way to Illinois that night, trying to win her back.

“You got her,” she said, leaning into me.

“Oh hey there,” Nora said with a smile as wide as her face. “Glad to see you two together. I hope you made her work for your forgiveness,” she added.

“She worked for it all right,” I said raising my eyebrows and earning an elbow from Georgia.

“We’re getting there,” Georgia told Nora as I pulled my arm from her shoulders and grabbed my newly bruised rib. “He’s willing to look past my neurotic behavior.”.

“We all do it,” Nora snickered. “‘Cause we love ya.”

“Aww... thanks,” she said shaking her head.

“We better get up there,” Reid said, nodding toward Nick who was frantically waving us over. Three men in suits stood next to him, waiting to meet us. “Pilsner’s head looks like it might explode if we keep them waiting any longer.”

“We can’t have that.” I kissed Georgia’s cheek before Reid and I started our walk over to where Nick was on the verge of spontaneous combustion. “Don’t let me forget to remind you that you lost to a girl when this thing is all over.” I slapped my hand on his back. “That really happened, right?”

“It really happened,” he confirmed. “But, you know, I feel okay about it. I mean, if I’m going to get beat at least it was because she’s a damn fine athlete,” he shrugged. “Not to mention, I think it helped my brother’s morale a little too. That girl has been wearing him out.”

“Yes she has,” I said, pointing out that Hoyt and Chayse were standing in the corner. The heat coming off the conversation they were having was palpable. “And I don’t think she’s anywhere close to being finished.”

“Poor bastard.” Reid shook his head and we both laughed as we commiserated with his brother. We all used to think that figuring out how to become motocross champs would be our main concern in life. We were wrong. So damn wrong.

The second the Bennett sisters showed up in our lives—or we showed up in theirs—there was a shift in priorities. Handling love was so much harder than handling a dirt bike. From where I was standing, Hoyt was in the same boat with Chayse McCade. Except she was making him work for a life raft before letting him in the boat.

“He’ll figure it out,” I told Reid. “We did.”

* * *

“Finally,” I said, opening the door of the Airstream. I found Georgia waiting for me and wearing one of my t-shirts. Only one of my t-shirts. My pulse started racing the second I saw her legs and picked up speed as I let my eyes drink her in from head to toe. How was it possible that she got more beautiful each time I saw her?

“Hi,” she said, nearly jumping into my arms and kissing my lips. The meet and greet had lasted nearly three hours. Luckily, between autographs and posing for pictures, Nick had secured a contract with Valiance Apparel, the newest outfitters of Throttled Energy riders.

Georgia and Nora had their fill of the excitement and told us they would see us at home. Nora had gone back to her and Reid’s apartment. My home was on wheels at the moment, which meant Georgia had come to the Airstream and taken a shower. I was ready to be alone with her.

“I hope you don’t mind that I borrowed some clothes,” she said stepping back to look down at the worn, black t-shirt she’d pulled from my dresser. I had to smile at the ‘I Like it Fast’ wording printed over the image of a dirt bike. “My luggage is at Reid’s apartment.”

“I don’t mind,” I said, letting my hands drift down her bare thighs. “You look better in this than I do.” I knew that if I let my hands go up any farther, I wouldn’t be able to stop myself. “I’m going to grab a shower,” I started to tell her my plans for cleaning up and then ravaging her, but my attention soon shifted. “Is this the right trailer?” I quickly realized that the inside of my trailer was completely different. New paint on the walls, new rugs on the floor.

“Yep,” she said. Nora had shown up with the trailer the day before and I hadn’t had time to do anything except hook it up in the RV court at Mill Valley. “I spruced it up a little.”

“A little?” I said, checking the place out. The kitchen was spotless and the usual clutter I had strapped to the top of the counter was gone. My coffee pot, my portable bar, my collection of trophies, were all missing. She opened a cabinet to show me where she’d stored all of the items that once littered the countertop.

“If I’m going to be staying in this thing when I visit you, I wanted it to be less... bachelor pad.”

“You mean you didn’t like the movie posters and duct taped renovations?” I laughed, silently thanking the heavens that she was staying. I’d always thought about redoing the place, but was always sidetracked with something. Riding mostly. Or chasing after a pretty blond, anxiety-ridden nurse.

“I didn’t hate them,” she assured me, wrapping her arms around my waist. “I just thought that maybe it needed freshened up a bit.” She pointed out the new leather sofa and shelf she’d installed to display my trophies. My flat screen television was neatly mounted on the wall, and my video games and console were organized—probably alphabetically—beneath it. “Do you not like it?” The concern on her face was sweet.

“I love it, babe. Thank you.” I kissed the crease between her eyebrows. “I want you to feel at home here.” If a few throw pillows and a good cleaning were all it took to keep her on the road with me I’d let her do it. Hell, I’d let her paint it pink and cover the damn thing in lace if it meant she’d be visiting me more often.

“Good,” she said, letting out a sigh of relief.

“When did you find time to do all this?”

“I’m a fantastic multi-tasker,” she answered proudly. “And you know how I like to keep busy.”

I nodded. That she did.

“Speaking of multitasking,” she said, rubbing her hand over my short hair. “When did you find the time for this?”

“Oh, you know, I might have had a ‘she broke up with me, I need to do something drastic’ moment of weakness,” I confessed.

“Sorry,” she said with a forgive-me smile. “Good thing you look super sexy with short hair,” she added.

“Don’t I?” I leaned in for another kiss, but she shook her head.

“You do, but there’s more to see before we start making out,” she insisted with a laugh and giving me a quick peck on the lips. “Come see the bedroom.” She grabbed my hand and led me through the small kitchen, to the bathroom, and through the curtains she’d hung to separate the bedroom. When she pulled it back, I was blown away by what she’d done. It wasn’t just a queen-sized mattress on the floor and few blankets thrown on top of it like I’d had. There was a bed frame, nightstands, and new gray and white linens.

“This looks incredible,” I told her, wondering exactly how she pulled this off on a nursing student’s budget. “Did you pay for all this?”

“You did,” she said biting her lip. “I didn’t spend much,” she assured me. “Your PayPal password was stored on my computer,” she confessed. “I was going to call and ask you first, but I wanted it to be a surprise.”

“It’s fine,” I told her. I didn’t care if she spent my money, especially on something for both of us. We were a couple and that meant we’d share everything... including money. “I’ll get you a credit card with your name on it,” I added. “I want to take care of you Georgia.”