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“I do,” I insisted, my voice a breathy whisper. I could feel the rise and fall of his chest against my back. I wanted to turn and look him in the eye. I wanted him to know how serious I was.

“I can’t just keep hoping that you won’t bail every time you get scared.”

“I won’t,” I promised.

“If you’re mine then you’re mine,” he said, finally touching his mouth to my neck. “For good.”

“Yes,” I breathed out as his lips drifted slowly across my skin—down the slope of my neck to my shoulder and back. “Forever,” I promised, my words a plea for him to continue. I’d missed his touch even more than I’d thought. My thighs clenched together as he held me against him. Even the thick material of his riding pants couldn’t hide the fact that he wanted me just as badly.

“And for the record,” he said. “I haven’t been with anyone else. You’re the only one I want.”

“Show me. Please,” I begged, his words spurring more determination inside of me to convince him that he was all I wanted.

His grip on me loosened and I slowly turned in his arms. I expected to waste no time pressing my lips to his, but the second I looked in his eyes, he spoke.

“I won’t be able to take you walking away from me again,” he whispered, his eyes almost misty as he spoke.

“I’m not going anywhere.” I placed my hand on his cheek. “I love you too much not be with you. Whatever the risk.” His mouth was on mine almost immediately—a welcomed sensation that I had worried I’d never feel again. I grabbed his shirt and closed the distance between our bodies. As our lips and tongues re-familiarized themselves, he backed me toward the wall. Blindly, I let him position our bodies where he wanted and enjoyed his mouth on mine.

One hand slipped under my dress as he lowered his mouth to my chest. The other hand slipped the strap of my dress down my shoulder until my breast was revealed. He wrapped his lips around my nipple and toyed with my flesh until I was writhing. I tugged at his shirt, wanting to feel his skin against mine. He tore it over his head as I reached for the fastener on his pants with shaky hands. I couldn’t move quickly enough. I’d never wanted him more than in that moment. I felt the sting of elastic as he ripped my panties free from my body.

The nervous energy jolting through my system was met with need as I pushed his pants down enough to free him—curling my fingers around him. Our hands and mouths greedily wandered over each other’s bodies.

“I’ve missed you so fucking much,” he growled as he placed his hand on the back of my thigh. As he lifted my leg and thrust into me, I bit down on his shoulder to stop myself from crying out. The metal wall was cold against my back as he held me against it. His body was warm against mine as I held on to him. Each movement he made was deeper than the last, but I wanted more. I wanted him as deep inside of me as I could get him. It would never be enough.

I pulled his face to mine and kissed him as fiercely as he was driving into me. My hands clawed at his back as I felt my muscles contract around him. I moaned against his lips as his cock throbbed inside of me. I held on to him tightly, not wanting the sensation to end.

“I love you,” he said, resting his forehead against mine as we slowly caught our breaths. He kissed me softly.

“Me too,” I whispered. “More than I’ve ever loved anyone.”

Whipped _36.jpg

I thought getting back on my bike in front of a crowd was going to be the highlight of my day. Then I saw Georgia standing in front of me, willing to fight for our relationship. Willing to put herself out there when I knew she was scared. Willing to take a risk and be with me. I admired her for many things—for this most of all.

I hadn’t planned on fucking her in a shed surrounded by heavy equipment, but the second I felt her in my arms again and felt her lips on mine I couldn’t control the urge to bury myself inside of her. She was mine and she needed to be reminded of that. We both did.

My faith in love was restored the second she admitted that she loved me more than she ever loved anyone. I knew the feeling. I wanted to take her back to my trailer and continue our reunion, but I heard Nick shouting for me.

“Yo! You plan on coming to the meet and greet, Sallinger?!” his voice echoed off the walls of the metal shed as Georgia’s cheeks turned from a satisfied pink to an embarrassed shade of red.

“Omigod,” she whispered, quickly pulling her dress back in place. I removed myself from inside of her and chuckled as I zipped and re-fastened my pants.

“Just a sec!” I hollered back at Nick. “Just adjusting a few things... on my bike,” I added, hoping like I hell that he wouldn’t wander back to where we were hiding. “I’ll be right there!”

“Okay, Romeo,” he laughed. “Your bike looks fine from here,” he noted, obviously standing right next to the machine I’d lied about working on. “I’ll see you up front. Some people want to talk to you.”

“You got it, boss,” I said shaking my head as I pulled my shirt back on. Georgia covered her face with her hands as we waited for him to leave and we tried not to laugh at the situation we’d found ourselves in. I would have given my left nut for ten more minutes alone with her, but we’d have plenty of time to give the whole make-up sex a second round after we finished up at the exhibition. I grabbed her hand, squeezing it with mine, as I gave her a wink. “Come on.”

“I’m not going out there,” she said, keeping her feet firmly planted.

“Yes. You are,” I insisted. “I want you with me. It won’t take that long,” I assured her. “And besides that, as soon as I’m finished kissing the sponsors’ asses, I fully intend on giving you the same treatment the minute this place clears out.”

“Is that right?” She smirked and took a step toward me. “I think I’m the one who still has some kissing up to do,” she admitted. “I’m so sorry for the way I acted. I should have just talked to you about the way I was feeling. I will in the future. I swear.”

“I know.” I nodded. “But I get it. And I believe you when you say you won’t haul ass again the second you get scared. Not that I’m going to let you, but still...” I leaned toward her and kissed her lips softly.

“Not going to let me, huh?” She grinned.

“Not a chance.”

“I won’t,” she promised. “I love you.”

“I love you too,” I said, feeling warmth spread in my chest. Having her here with me was definitely making my return to motocross that much sweeter.

“You were great out there today,” she said as we started walking out of the shed. “It was like nothing I’ve ever seen before. The videos online don’t do it justice.”

“Thanks, babe,” I said, tossing my arm across her shoulders as we walked. “I’m glad you came today.”

“Me too. I get it now. Seeing you out there in your element helped with the anxiety. Not to mention I see just how much precaution you take.” I did take every precaution I could—protective gear and precision planning and execution. I never did a jump or trick that I hadn’t weighed all of the possible outcomes of. Riders got hurt all the time, but most of the time it was because of lack of ability or attention to detail. There was a reason that I was the Freestyle Champion. Hearing that Georgia was starting to trust my abilities—and seeing the excitement in her eyes as she described what it was like to watch me—was reassuring. I believed her when she said she was done being scared. I knew that she was going to fight for our relationship like I did, and overcome her fears.

“I know it seems like we’re all just adrenaline junkies who only want to ride, but I promise that everything we are doing is well thought out. And there’s a whole team of medical professionals on the course at all times. If something went wrong, they’d be there in an instant.”