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The Sinners of Revolution Clubhouse is in Sterling Heights, about a half an hour from my parents’ home. My palms are sweaty, my mouth is dry, and I am shaking as I pull up to the gated drive leading in. Two security guards with rifles stand outside, forcing me to come to a stop. I push on the button to roll my window down. An older, dark-haired man with the longest beard I have ever seen sticks his head inside my window, inches away from my face.

“Well. When the news traveled that young Cain up and got himself married, they didn’t say she was a pretty little thing. Welcome, young lady. I was told by the Prez himself to send you right up.”

He taps the side of my car, then backs away. My nerves settle in an instant. If everyone around here is as nice as he is, then we should all get along just fine for the next month. I drive slowly up the paved road. The winding trees sway back and forth with the warm, light breeze that sweeps into the car.

After a moment, the compound comes into view. Every type of Harley in every color you can think of is sitting out front. The garage is open, and I can see men inside working. The club whores, as Cain calls them, stand outside smoking and giving me the evil eye as I drive by. I hold my breath as I come to a stop in front of the office, where Cain told me to meet him when I texted him to let him know I was on my way.

I shut my car off before exhaling and climbing out. If I’m going to be one tough ass bitch of a lawyer, I may as well face my fears now. I need to suck it up and deal with Cain’s dad.

My flip-flops smack against the wooden steps as I climb. I tug on my jean shorts as I knock on the door. They’re too short, and I hate them, but for some reason Cain loves them and asked me to wear them when I showed up.

The door swings open and a beautiful, dark auburn-haired woman smiles at me. This I know to be Cain’s step mom, Darcy. He has told me all about her; how she has settled his father down from all his whoring around.

“Hi,” I say with a wave.

“Hi, Calla. Come on in. Jed’s in his office and wanted to talk to you for a minute. I’m not sure where Cain is. He should be here any minute, I would think.”

She gestures me inside. I follow her to the office where she opens it and we both step inside. Shit, his dad is huge! All I can see is broad shoulders and muscles bulging everywhere. Holy shit!

“Don’t let him intimidate you,” Darcy whispers.

My gaze works its way up to his face, which is twisted with a shit eating grin.

“Well, Calla Lily Bexley.”

Damn, this man could swallow me up whole. I’m not moving from this spot. I don’t think I could move if I tried.

“Hi, sir,” I manage to squeak out, much to his amusement.

“There ain’t no sir around here, girl,” he laughs.

“And I’m not too pleased about you marrying my boy, either. But what the fuck am I gonna do about it? You’ll soon find out for yourself that a prissy ass little bitch like you isn’t cut out to be an old lady to a Sinner.”

He eyes me up and down.

“You are a pretty little thing, though. Look a lot like your mother, and thank Christ for that.”

I know what he means, but I’m too damn scared to say anything. He’s talking about my dad… screw his ass! He may be Cain’s father, but he’s a fucking prick.

“Jed, be nice to the poor girl,” Darcy warns him, smacking his arm.

He merely gives her a ‘don’t fuck with me’ look.

“Just get her the hell out of here.”

He waves us off, then slaps Darcy on her ass. She lets out a little yelp, but bends and kisses him on his mouth. He pulls her in closer, one hand grabbing her boobs and the other a handful of ass. When he lifts his face from hers, his patronizing stare cuts through my brave façade, sizing me up to see if I can handle the kind of shit that goes on around here.

I can tell by the way he looks at me that he can smell my fear. I know all about the women; people fucking and sucking each other off in the corners. At parties. In their rooms here at the compound. I also know something this snarly bastard doesn’t know. His son wants nothing to do with this. He wants to go to college and be a cop. And he wants to be with me.

I have failed this part though, only because I have been caught off guard. Bound and determined not to let him get to me, I follow Darcy as she walks around his desk and toward the door.

“Come on, let’s go find your husband and have some girl time. Leave this grumpy ass to deal with the shit that his boy is all grown up and in love,” she says cheerily.

“I like you,” I say as she takes me outside and points me in the direction of their house, which is directly behind the compound.

“I like you, too. Sorry about that back there,” she adds, jerking her thumb towards the office.

“He’s pissed at Cain. The two of them go at each other’s throats all the time. But a piece of advice.”

She stops and places her hands on my shoulders.

“Stand by your man. Don’t ask any questions, and do your own thing. We’re a club; we all work outside of here. Have our own families. We’re not like some of the other clubs who deal drugs, guns, and all that stuff. We’re just a group of people who like to ride, party, and have fun. The men who are married don’t cheat on their old ladies. The ones that don’t have an old lady can do whatever the hell they want, with whomever they want. Oh, and one more thing… stay away from Emerald Jefferson.”


The name vaguely rings a bell. I know I’ve heard that name somewhere before. More than likely from Cain.

“She’s Jed’s VP Monty’s daughter, and she is a little bitch. She’s been after Cain for years.”

“Oh,” I say, a little shocked.

I know if Cain had mentioned her to me, I would definitely remember. I’ve really never been the jealous type. Cain has never given me a reason.

“Good to know, and thanks again.”

I wave and watch her walk back the way she came.

I practically sprint across the yard to the house. Excited to finally be alone with Cain, I jog up the porch steps. Do I knock or just go in? I choose to just go in and let him know I am here. I head straight up the stairs, where he’s told me his bedroom is, and tap lightly on his closed door. No answer. I twist the knob slowly, with visions of him lying in bed waiting for me.

Gently I push it open, my excitement bursting from within me. Then, my eyes go wide and my heart drops to the fucking floor because my husband is in his bed. But not with me, his wife.

“Cain!” I scream.

She turns around, her long, blond hair swinging right along with her. Her fake boobs getting groped by his hands. A crude smile flashes across her face as she sees me watching her glide up and down on my HUSBAND’S DICK!


I just look at him, confused, hurt, and angry, and run. Not once do I look back.

Chapter One

Six Years Later

Six years. Seventy-two months. Two thousand and ninety-one days and way too many damn minutes it’s been since my feet have stepped on American soil.

And here I am sitting in my Mercedes coupe shaking like a bitch while I wait in line to cross over the Canadian border into Michigan.

What was supposed to be the best day of my life all those years ago drove me here when on my wedding night I found my husband fucking another woman in his bed. Not just any woman either, she was the one I was warned about by Cain’s stepmom moments before I went into his house and caught him. Stupid whoring club slut.

Nice, wouldn’t you say? I was young and naïve like my mom said when I told her we eloped to get married. I wasn’t smart enough back then to realize I had been set up to walk in and find him with some skank riding him.

My mind went blank and I drove across the border to Canada and never once came back. I threw my phone in the river and ended up in a bed and breakfast just outside of Windsor, Canada.