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He remains stoic for several long beats before speaking again.

“I can’t let you leave here, Calla. There’s too much danger out there for me to let you go.”

His words trigger more frustration. Standing, I lash out with the little bit of self-worth I have left.

“You can’t make me stay here. What part of that don’t you understand? My God, I said I believed you. We can both move on and chalk this up as the one big mistake we will make in our lives. You can settle down with Emerald or God knows who and have little motorcycle riding, gun shooting fucking babies for all I care.”

I don’t have the will to be strong any longer. Everything is too much all at once. Seeing him again after all this time, noting all the changes in his body that make him even hotter now than he was even then, has made me feel the loss of every one of those six years that have gone by. My limp body sags to the floor and I cry. I cry because it’s killing me to be in this room. I cry because the man I once loved is so damn close to me, and he’s not mine anymore.

I don’t know how much time passes, but somehow I pull myself together, lift my wet face off of the carpet, and meet the eyes of the man who betrayed me.

“You’re a heartless bastard!” I scream.

“That I am. But not when it comes to you. When it comes to you, my heart beats. It fucking beats so damn fast you have no idea. Now look, I know you’re confused. Your world is suddenly fucked up. But I swear to you, if I let you leave here, you won’t make it a mile down that road before someone either takes you or puts a goddamned bullet between your gorgeous eyes. This isn’t a fucking joke. It’s not up for discussion. Until I fix this war with the Savages my father got this club into, you will stay here.”

I arch an eyebrow at him.

“The Savages, huh? You’re the one who chose this life, not me. So why would someone want to put a bullet through my head?”

Instead of answering, he scowls.

“Jesus Christ. The less you know, the fucking safer you are.”

I lift my hands up and shove my hair out of my face, letting out a bitter laugh as I do. This is crazy. I came here for a simple divorce, one I was sure would come easily, and now I find myself being held prisoner for reasons unknown to me. I mean, come on. How much crazier can this shit get?

“Not sure what you find funny about this whole thing, babe. Care to share?”

I look at him in mock astonishment.

“You don’t find this funny? After six years I finally decide I want my freedom from a marriage that was wrecked before it even got started. I came here expecting to get just that and now I’ve been told that my husband fucked some slut on my wedding day to protect me. Then he disappears for God knows how long, comes back here and runs some gun smuggling, illegal biker club, knowing where I’ve been the entire time. And now he’s going to kidnap me to save my life? I’m sorry, but I find this to be quite comical.”

Scooching my back up against the wall, I reach for my shoes and slip them on my feet.

“I’m leaving.”

I turn on my heel preparing to walk right out of there when his hands grasp me around my waist from behind. I let out a scream as I’m hauled backwards with my damn feet dragging on the floor.

“Son of a motherfucker! Do you want me to tie your gutsy ass up?” he barks, tossing me face-first onto the bed.

I begin to kick. He growls when one of my pointy-toed shoes connects with some part of his body. His strong hands grasp me by both of my ankles as he manhandles me to the edge of the bed.

“Cain, this is kidnapping. I’m done playing games. Let me go!” I demand.

“Fuck it. I tried being nice. To treat you kindly. You leave me no other choice.”

In a flash, he flips me over and his full weight crashes down on top of me, pinning me down with both his hands and his stare. I suck in a very much needed breath. My traitorous body heats up when I feel his erection press into me and the arrogant prick knows it. He smirks, insistent on making sure the hardest part of his body is pressed against the now wettest part of mine.

“Do you remember the first time we fucked? How you screamed my name so damn loud when I tasted your virgin pussy for the first time? When I popped your tight fucking cherry?”

He is like a supernatural shape shifter changing from good to evil. Suddenly, the weak woman I became a few moments ago returns and I simply lie there, appalled by his words.

“Let’s clear this shit up right now,” he says harshly. “You are not leaving here. You will shut your fucking mouth. This isn’t high school or college or even fucking Disney World. This is my club, my house, and my goddamned rules. You will stay in my house, you will do what I say, and you will sleep in my fucking bed. When I decide to fill you in on more, I will, but until I do, you will stay right the fuck here! Now, do I make myself clear? Because I’ve got shit to do, and even though this was a pleasant surprise, I was in the middle of a meeting I need to finish.”

He shoves himself off of me, his look lethal and downright chilling.

“Stay,” he commands, pointing his finger at me like a dog. “And let’s get the record straight. We are not a gang. This is a club and a damn bar. We don’t do drugs. Never have, never will.”

With that, he turns and strides out of the room, slamming the door behind him. Just like that, he’s gone. And me?

I’m trapped.

Chapter Four


“Motherfucking cock sucking son of a motherfucking bitch!”

I’m an asshole. She’s here. The one person in my life that I love is here, and I just treated her like a piece of shit under my shoe.

As much as I might regret the way I dealt with her, for her own protection, she will have to do what I say and talk only when necessary for as long as she’s here, which for her will be like pulling her own damn teeth. The Calla I know would never keep her mouth shut. I’m fucked either way I look at it, but she’s safe here and for now that’s what matters to me the most.

She’s even more strikingly gorgeous than I remember. I’ve seen over a thousand pictures of her over the years, and not a damn one of them compares to seeing her in person.

Her hair, though. My God, that hair. The thick mass used to be curly, the long locks hanging down the middle of her back. But now? Fuck. It’s sleek and straight, sitting just a few inches above the curve of her ass.

Her ass, which was right in my face when I slung her over my shoulder. My cock is still hard thinking about the way her skirt hugged that plump, firm, and shapely backside that connects to the longest pair of legs I have ever seen.

And her tits. Fuck me with those, too. They’ve grown. My woman always had a nice rack, but now I could look at them for days... fondle them for hours and suck on them for the rest of my life.

My fingers twitch thinking about the way they would feel in the palms of my hands.

And her pussy. I have never forgotten how incredible she feels. I know for a fact how pink, wet, and tight it is. I can picture her smooth mound, the way it tastes. The way her muscles clenched my cock. Clutching. Squeezing tightly, as if she never wanted me to come out. I never wanted to. I could live inside her forever.

My beautiful wife doesn’t have any clue as to the lengths I’ve gone to in order to keep tabs on her all these years. I know her every move; her monthly visits to the day spa where she treats herself. Her school schedule. Her friends. I know every damn thing. Hell, I went as far as assigning my friend Manny as her personal bodyguard. Sick fucker that I am, there were several times I had him set up video in her room just so I could watch her sleep, and listen to the soft sounds of her breathing.

It’s not just her body that first caught my attention all those years ago. It was her brains. She’s brilliant. Queen of her own mind. She was never afraid to speak it, to say how she felt. And here I am crushing her as if she’s the one who hurt me, when it’s the other way around. I’ve single-handedly destroyed my marriage and my life, all for this fucking club. I hate it and everything it stands for.