cultural traditions that are above instincts;

his or her own limited understanding;

«intuition on the whole» — things emerging from the subconscious level of an individual’s psyche, coming from collective psyche, external delusions and from being possessed as this term was interpreted by the Holy inquisition;

God’s guidance on the basis of the previously named things except for external delusions and possessions that are direct intrusions into another person’s psyche against the will of its bearer.

These are things, which are possibly or actually contained in every individual’s psyche. But among them there can be a certain component, which dominates over other in the individual’s behaviour. If the first one dominates, then the individual has a psyche of the animal type. By the way his behaviour is organized he is an animal resembling a human (such were the members of any national society in the past). If the second dominates the individual has a psyche of the zombie type. He is a bio-robot programmed by culture (such are the majority of Hebrews and most average people in the West move towards reaching this level. The problem of possible over-population is supposed to be solved by family planning programs, legalized sexual perversions and imposing the culture of «safe sex»). The third and the fourth are typical of personalities with the demonic type of psychic structure (they are the so-called «world backstage»: masters of biblical cults, leaders of mondialism, eurasianism, superior scientologists, blunt Satanists, etc.)

And only the fifth corresponds to the human type of psychic structure and is a norm for a human being (Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, Stalin all worked towards realization of this norm). Here the individual’s life is no more a game without meaning or a game for pleasure’s sake. This game acquires the meaning of implementing Superior Will maintaining the easiness of childhood busy with joyful game.

[49] During the redaction of the copy of “The Last Gambit” on the radio “Echo of Moscow” on October 21, 2001 a strange revelation of world-famous Spanish couturier Paco Rabanne to the presenter M. Ganapolsky:

«M. Ganapolsky – Question: you are a citizen of the world, but even in our announcement we say that you are a Spanish couturier.

P. Rabanne – And moreover I’m Basque. It’s even worse. It is completely crazy territory. And I’m crazy too, as any wise man. One always says that wise men are crazy.

M. Ganapolsky – And that Spain, is it always with you? That Basque Province, is it always with you? Or is it the same to you, and the world culture is totally common?

P. Rabanne – Indeed, we are living in the time when one says about the globalisation. And this is the development of different connections, formations, radio, television and the Internet. And any information appears all over the world at once. Really, some planetary spirit is needed. Basques… The Basques are the descendants of Atlantes – the very those, whom after the ruin of Atlantis Maya on one shore of the ocean and Basques on the other shore came from. It is an ancient civilization. It is a civilization of explorers, adventurers and fortune hunters. And I myself am an adventurer in spiritual sphere».

There is a work of IP of the USSR “The Sorrowful Legacy of Atlantis” (“Trotskyism is «Yesterday», but not «Tomorrow»”)

[50] «Next to the springs of Ebre the mountain Caucaïon stands. Thick oak woods encircle it. Wild rocks and cyclopean stones crown its top. This place considered being sacred for millennia. Pelasgues, Celts, Scythes and Geths consequently banishing one another approached one after another to the sacred mountain for bow on its top to different gods. Climbing to such height and creating with such efforts his temple in the realm of whirlwinds and lightning, doesn’t man look for the same single God, no matter how does he call Him? The temple of Jupiter stood in the middle of sacred wall, strong and unassailable like a fortress. A peristyle of Doric columns led to dark entrance portico. The shining sky of Greece often clouded over with thunderclouds above the mountains of Thrace. And then its rugged valleys laid like a stormy sea ploughed by lightning».

In the above-printed extract from “The Great Initiates. A Study of the Secret History of Religions” by Édouard Schuré, the name of the mountain where Jupiter’s temple was situated “occasionally” is phonetically quite similar to the name of the place in Mexico, where Lev Bronstein, more famous as Trotsky, found his last shelter.

[51] The hierophants were the ruling clerical class of Ancient Egypt.

[52] The Northern and Southern parts of Ancient Egypt had their own colour-symbolism – red and white (from colours of papyrus and reed) correspondingly. On the occasional coincidence today these colours with an addition of “blueness” exist at the national flag of about every state of the biblical civilization.

[53] It’s the citation from Pushkin’s poem “Hero”.

[54] This isn’t precisely true. At first in 1492 Orthodox Jews were expelled, and after ten years in 1502 Muslims were expelled as well. Of course they were expelled not because of their ethnicity but of their religion.

[55] The Rake (Russian)

[56] His Providence has not yet been known because one believes in Him, but nobody believes Him. (An unknown Russian author )

So, don’t mix to believe in God (which is usually understood as the belief in the simple existence of God) and to believe God (to believe God – is to believe what God says to be true).

[57] 1 Corinthians, 14:33

[58] The epigraph by Pierre Courtade to the book by Edgar Morin “De la nature de l'URSS” (“About the nature of USSR”) - Fayard 1983

[59] This name originates from the Russian mythology, and doesn’t refer to storage ponds and their dead water spaces.

[60] “To step on one’s own rake” is the Russian idiom (though may be in English there is the same one) that has an analogue: “to through stones in one’s own garden” and means: to be troubled by the result of one’s own evil intentions and actions.

[61] An herb tea made of hibiscus and called the same.

[62] In Russian there are three words sounding differently that are used to show really different things. Two of them are translating in English as “Jew” and there is no word for the third. We (though in citations and in stable statements we will leave an original term) will use the next translation:

Hebrew – shows national (or, correctly, pseudo-national) belonging of a person to the some system of “national” clans.

Jew – it is a word to name the Judaists, so it shows only the religion, not nationality (or pseudo-nationality as “Hebrew” does). There is no need to confuse these two terms. But also “Jew” can be not Judaist, but one who knowingly or unknowingly follows the Judaic conception of all-world domination (see the Supplement 1). So it approaches to the term “zid”.

Zid [zhid] – shows one’s belonging to the active parasites corporation inclined to parasitizing on work and labour of others.