And indeed, after September 11 the world has changed. If I saw this text before the “black Tuesday”, I would have thrown it away not paying much attention to it. But now, 13 days after American events, I felt some unfamiliar force behind these words, as well as confidence of rightness of the deed, essence of which the authors were trying to express. Even not penetrating into details, I understood the entire and important component, which is not always possible to be indicated by words. One paragraph in the forth chapter was underlined perhaps by Holmes himself:

“Entering the world of any enclosed matrix from its upper level – enclosing matrix – it is enough to DECLARE all opponents nonexistent, powerless or in other way transformed; to announce oneself invisible and all-mighty (obviously immortal and invulnerable in the world the matter of which fills the cells of the embraced matrix). After that the necessity for all theatrical effects with shooting, fights, disappearances over the telephone cable lines and tragic impossibility to disappear from the persecutors, having dissolved in air, or to leave them alone with their "matrix" generated daydreams, having disappeared over mobile telephone. There is no need in all these show-off entertainment FX for the public if there is a valid entry in such matrix even from the different matrix of the same order, to say nothing of the enclosing matrix of the higher order; such stuff is even difficult to consider as any pleasure for the eye”.

I guessed vaguely, that this paragraph was dealt somehow with the events of September 11 and with the solution of “picnics” rebus, all the more, that Holmes paid his attention to this very paragraph; but still I could say nothing more distinct. But I was rather astonished by the text of the note, with regard to Holmes’s behaviour.

If Holmes has read it, why did he never discuss with me such important problem? Did he want me to understand it by myself? Or isn’t it high time yet? Or, may be, Holmes himself has problems (!!!??? – Watson was amazed by this thought) in understanding this, and he simply doesn’t know, what and how to speak about it?

The deeper I became absorbed in the note the more I understood that I was dealing with some new philosophical system developed in Russia by the group which was called the Internal Predictor of the USSR. The familiar word “predictor” was comprehensive for common sense: “predictor” means forecaster, and suddenly I remembered my classmate, prattling the words “predictor-corrector”, refusing to go to some party on the eve of some exam of him during student’s session. The remembrances of my classmate lead me to the mathematical reference book, where I found the description of one of the methods of computing mathematics, under the name of “predictor-corrector”, where: “the solution of the problem is found by successive approximations; the algorithm of the method represents a cycle, in which two operations are carried out consistently: the first – prognosis of solution and the second – the verification of prognosis for meeting the requirements of preciousness of solution of the problem. The algorithm is complete in that case, if prognosis meets the requirements of preciousness of problem’s solution”.

So it became clear to me that I encountered with new notional and terminological system, on the base of which the parts of knowledge, inaccessible to the common mind, can be represented to the reader in rather clear and extremely brief state. For instance, the course of psychology, accessible only for specialists in Western countries, was rendered in the frame of one page in the note. It seemed to me that important, so I made up my mind to keep this fragment for myself, although for finding an explanation to the picture with an ape in the third “picnic”:

“Mentality of any individual is a multi-component information system. More exactly: mentality is an information-metric system, since mentality is first of all the algorithms, and algorithms is a sequence of steps of transformation of the information, what is impossible without different kinds of matrixes, common to algorithms – the converters of measured conditions, which represent all kinds of “tracing-paper” from the objective all-enclosing measure-matrix – the God’s Predetermination of life.

The personal psyche determines individual behaviour of a man based on the elements, which in computer business it is usually referred to as software. The information software, guiding the people's behaviour is different in quality and includes:

Instincts of a biological species “Homo Sapiens”;

Habits, absorbed from the surrounding culture of the community in a ready-to-use way, and executed mostly (as the instinctive programs) automatically in "triggering" situations;

Fruits of the individuals' own intellectual efforts;

Intuition, which nor is homogeneous, and includes:

The results of independent (isolated from the environment) work of unconscious levels of mentality of the individual;

Spiritual, or bio-field, influence on the individuals' mentality by collective mentality, which the individual supports and participates in the spiritual world;

Intimidation from outside and possessiveness, as a result of field influence on the individual from the other subjects of both embodied, and bodiless spirits;

Direct Highest Guidance.

The information software, determining individual behaviour, proceeding from some of the above mentioned diversified components, is not necessarily – in all the life circumstances – go without collisions with the information software of behaviour, proceeding from the other components. Depending on what the individual prefers, allowing this or that algorithms to be executed in his behaviour both in material, and in the spiritual worlds, his personal psychological composition builds up, even if the individual does not realize at all, what this is. Owing to ambiguity of individual preferences, aimed at the resolution of internal conflicts between diverse components of information software of behaviour in everyone's' mentality, the society at large displays more or less vividly expressed tendency to polarization: on one end there are those who mostly unconsciously aspire to subordinate everything to satisfaction of their instinctive needs – on the other those who more or less consciously aspire to summon everything to accord with the God’s Providence and to live their lives on the route of God’s Guidance.

The first group are the carriers of an animal build-up of mentality and in essentially represent speech-capable humanoid apes, more or less tamed by the influence of the cultural environment of the civilization. Representatives of the second group are at different stages on the path of irreversibly becoming humans – the carriers of the human build-up of mentality.

In between these two categories of the society there have dispersed (in the mathematical sense of statistical distribution) all others: different bio-robots-zombies – those who reject the freedom of their mind in the statement and resolving of different tasks, and also reject intuition, subordinating their will to the affect of external factors.

Among the zombies there is one specific group – the demonic personalities – those who do not reject both their mind and intuition, but who reject the guidance from God and thus stay in intoxication by the will power both of their own, and of some embodied or spiritual substances.

But under a closer look all zombies, including the demonic personalities, are identical carriers of the animal build-up of mentality, whose instincts are cemented by the norms of culture and surface – directly or in perverted way – under different masks of formal innovations in hedonic culture – subordinating all components of the mentality to the extraction of various pleasures from all and everything”.