Beside the “Tyrannicides” in the Lexicon there appeared a plan of a very strange building from the third “picnic”, where it was called the “White House”. In fact it was the plan of ancient Greek city Tirinth with a fortress, in Argolide, built in the second half of II millennium B.C., to the south from Mycenae. The first edifice was dated by III millennium B.C., the last – by XIII century A.D., as the lexicon said. Every edifice on the plan had its number, and by number 11 was marked … the public bath.

If “Tirinth” for the author of the “Post Historical Picnic” was a symbol of New York, then he was very precious in indicating the place of “blood bath” – towers of WTC. It’s interesting, that hardly noticeable number 11, indicating the bath, presents on the picture of “picnic”, and, on the contrary, well-seen number 17, marking the Western Gates on the plan of Tirinth, is absent in “picnic”. But in the final scene of “Queen of Picks” by Pushkin, Hermann goes mad, and sitting in the room №17 in the hospital, doesn’t answer any questions and mutters very swiftly: ”Three, seven, ace! Three, seven, queen!..” May be, Pushkin wanted to show this way that number 17 holds sway over Western world? And authors of “picnic” don’t like it?

The picture representing the “fighting elephant”, with the inscription “place of the most important meetings”, was as well found in the lexicon, with the explanation, when and how the fighting elephants were used. It was explained, that they were appreciated for their strong force, cleverness and psychological effect they made on enemy’s infantry and cavalry. It was noticed, that elephants were used by Alexander Macedonian in his battles, and that he was somehow stopped in Afghanistan, and at that moment I suddenly remembered that “elephant” is the symbol of Republican Party in USA. Today Republicans rule in the country and strive to penetrate into the “place of the most important meetings”.

There was no picture of Coliseum in the lexicon, but I’ve learnt from the article that this ancient building was called after colossus of Nero standing beside the amphitheatre. Naturally, I remembered about “Colossus of Rhodes” from the first “picnic” and learnt that being considered one of Seven Wonders of the World it represented the bronze statue of Helios, 37 m high, which stood above the entrance to the harbour with his legs pulled apart. Haret from Lind created it in 285 B.C. 58 years later, in 227 B.C. (the sum of numbers is again the fatal 11) it was completely ruined by the earthquake, because its frame was made of iron and stone. The colossus of Nero, made in 58 A.D. by Zenodor, was two meters higher than the “Colossus of Rhodes”. The Emperor Vespasian ordered to turn this colossus into the statue of Helios, and the Emperor Adrian moved it to the Flavius amphitheatre, which since those times has been called Coliseum. But, frankly speaking, after all these researches the aim of strange inscription under “Coliseum” – “Toilets, occupied by putschists” – didn’t become clearer for me.

It was well past midnight when I decided to stop my investigation. All the more, I had to confess, that although the trip along “Lexicon of Antiquity” has enriched my knowledge of history and even helped to maintain some important informational interlinks between “picnics”, it hasn’t made the solution of the rebus closer.

The night was uneasy. I couldn’t fall asleep for long, and when at last dozed off heavily, shortly before dawn, the pictures from “picnics” were winding in my half-dreams, like in kaleidoscope, reflecting some “struggle of ideas” in the depth of my sub-consciousness. And gigantic towers of WTC turned into the legs of Rhodes Colossus, each standing on its bank of harbour mouth before the ancient port, or into Spasskaya Tower and some church in Petersburg, unknown to me; and appeared strange name from somewhere – “Church on the blood”. May be, it was the dome of St. Basil’s Cathedral? All the next day I must resemble Hermann from Pushkin’s “Queen of Picks”, for I answered not in the point and added numbers, expecting to get the fatal 11 in result. It might be telephone numbers, car numbers or house numbers.

September 23 – 24. “Matrix”

On Sunday, after supper, I decided to have a break and shifted to big notes from Holmes’s file. The first article that attracted my attention was a note about the film “Matrix”, printed from Russian site The translation was rather good, though it was clear that it was made not by Englishman but by Russian, who spoke English rather well, diluting it with American slang. The note was called “Matrix” is different to “Matrix”. I‘ve seen this film the last year. Then it seemed to me simply one of hits, may be a little more eccentric than other contemporary hits, and so I started reading the note supposing easy-reading text. And how great was my surprising when after finishing the first chapter with brief rendering of the main events of film, I realized that I could understand almost nothing of what I’ve read. I stopped and thought: what’s the matter? I understood each particular word, but the sense of the whole phrase eluded from me. I had a feeling, that this was some unknown language, resembling English but formally. By the end of the evening I have coped two first chapters, and stuck in the third finally. It was called rather unusually: “Mathematics and God’s Providence”. The clock stroke midnight, and I gave up and went to bed. In spite of hard work with unusual text, I felt vigorous and energetic in the morning.

I’m to see the film anew, or it will be very hard to understand the note.

Thinking about this, I went to editorial office, and bought on the way the videocassette with “Matrix”. Having finished my business, I tried to watch “Matrix” in the evening by the eyes of the author of the analytical note. Either it was for good sleeping this night, or for yesterday work with the hard text, but I had a feeling, that I’d never seen this film. Or, did I get the new look on habitual things? Encouraged with this thought, I started reading again and reached the forth chapter “‘Matrix’ ruling”. This chapter turned out to be the key, because it made me understand the existence of new kind of power, different from any known before – conceptual power. I re-read thoroughly the part of chapter, especially interesting for me:

“And so there is a kind of social power, which has not surfaced in the field of attention of the traditional political science and therefore, lies beyond its understanding, which is firmly connected to the processes, going on in the world (the reality) of the multiple predetermination matrixes. First, this kind of power represents the dependence of the social life to a particular matrix or a set of matrixes. Second, this is the power, exercised over the society by those people, who posses the capability to destroy, transform and create previously non-manifested subordinate matrixes, predetermining the life of the human societies within the limits set by the all-enclosing matrix – the Gods Predetermination.

If one tries to describe the contents of such matrixes, there will appear the conception of the life of the society as a certain ideal and as a set of means, by which this ideal is brought into life. In accordance with this, for quite some time we call the power based on the matrix processes, the conceptual power.

Here one should understand that the conception of the life of the society is not an ideology. An ideology is sometimes not even the reflection of the conception, but only one of the means of the implementation of the conception into life. For example, in the history of the humankind all the subtle systems of slavery were covered by the ideologies of freedom of the labour from oppression – but the slavery was the essence of the conceptions, which remained principally the same during many centuries, although they have changed many ideological cover-ups. Also, the conception of the life of the society is not its acting legislation or the juridical projects. All the legislation is just a frontline, by which the ruling conception is protecting itself from the development of the alternative conception in the same society”.