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Lucky snatched his jacket from the stool by the entrance and rushed out onto the street. He hopped onto his 1969 Shovelhead and cranked it with one jump. He took off on Bourbon Street toward Baby’s apartment. The only thing on his mind was making sure she was safe. That and the glare in Slade’s eyes. That was going to come back to bite him in the ass. He was sure of it.

Chapter Thirteen

Baby Jade

It took Baby three blocks before she calmed down enough to realize she was half naked and wearing five-inch stripper heels. Had she been anywhere else, she might have been a little more concerned, but half-naked women weren’t exactly rare in the city.

Of course, none of that made her feel any better about her ass cheeks hanging out and her cleavage spilling over the top of the tiny leather triangles barely big enough to cover her nipples. She was definitely getting some attention on the street. Catcalls and whistling. A stalker quickly started shadowing not far behind.

“Hey, honey. Where you off to in such a hurry?” the man sneered through a giggle. Baby Jade tried to ignore the man and walked faster. “Come on, honey. Don’t take off. I got everything you need right here!” he hollered.

Baby, now in a full on jog, looked over her shoulder to see the man grabbing his crotch and making a lewd noise, sticking his tongue out in her direction.

By the sound of his voice, the man was gaining on her. She kicked off her shoes, not stopping to pick them up. As she rounded the corner, a single headlight streamed from the adjoining alley, racing past her straight toward the man. The driver revved the engine and snaked around the man, causing him to stumble and fall backwards, flat on his ass.

Baby watched the driver backtrack, slowing enough to reach down and snatch up her high heels. He circled around, stopping in front of her. Lucky handed Baby her shoes. He shrugged out of his jacket and draped it around her shoulders. She slipped her arms through the sleeves, enfolding herself in his musky scent.

He unhooked the half-shell helmet from the bitch bar and placed it on Baby’s head. She attempted to buckle it, but her trembling fingers couldn’t latch the strap. Lucky grasped her hands in his and lowered them to her side before fastening the helmet. Neither of them spoke. Baby slid onto the back of the bike, wrapping herself around his waist. He sped away into the night, leaving the man staring at the tail light.

Lucky pulled up in front of Baby’s apartment, parking his bike on the curb. She handed him the helmet and drew the oversized jacket around her. Damn, she longed to touch him, his skin on her skin. She wanted to feel the heat of his breath on every part of her body.

He handed Baby her canvas bag he had picked up from her dressing table. The two walked silently up the sidewalk. Ma’Linn’s light was out, but her doorway was covered in feathers and some kind of red substance. Baby didn’t want to know what that was about, not after the night she had experienced.

Lucky looked at the entrance and then back to Baby. Before he could open his mouth, she said, “Don’t ask.”

He smiled, stepping closer. He wound a tuft of her hair around his finger. Within seconds, his entire hand was entangled in her mass of black waves. Cradling the back of her head in his hand, he turned Baby’s face up to meet his. The heat in his deep chocolate-colored eyes made her body ache.

“Invite me in,” he commanded in a low whisper.

Baby dug her keys out from the side pocket of her bag and struggled to unlock the newly painted front door. Lucky grasped her hand and slid the key into the lock, giving it a turn. He never took his gaze off hers, setting off a burning desire between her legs.

She walked in and held the door open. Once he was inside, she shut and locked the deadbolt out of habit. Linking her index finger through his belt loop, Baby led Lucky to down the tiny hall and into her bedroom.

He took a quick survey of the bedroom and eyed her stationary bike. “You have exercise equipment in every room?”

“It takes a lot of work to stay in shape. I never miss a day.”

His lips curled at the sides, revealing those delectable dimples. “Oh, you’re gonna miss today, but that’s ok. You’re still gonna get a workout.”

“You’re pretty sure of yourself.” Baby dropped her head, running her bare foot over the rug.

“Are you blushing?”

She smacked her hand on his hard chest. “Stop it.” The heat rushed to her face, causing her cheeks to turn bright red. Damn, he looked yummy in his worn-out jeans and ratty old t-shirt.

“You look good in my jacket.” He grabbed the side and pulled her closer. “I bet you look pretty good out of it too.” Lucky slid his hands under the jacket, sliding it off her shoulders, allowing it to fall to the floor. She expected his gaze to travel, but instead they stayed locked on hers. His fingers skimmed her back as he traced the outline of her top.

She tugged on her bottom lip, shying away from his gaze.

Lucky lifted her face. “Don’t turn away.” He tucked a strip of hair behind her ear. “Damn, you’re beautiful. I bet you hear that all the time.”

“If by beautiful, you mean hot, sexy, or fuckable, then yes.”

“No, that’s not what I mean. I mean beautiful. Sure, you’re gorgeous. Ain’t no denying that shit. But you’re much more than that. You’re strong. You don’t take shit off people. You’re caring. I can tell that from your neighbor. Not to mention you’re smart. Everything about you turns me on, not simply your looks.”

As she tried to turn away again, Lucky held her face in the palm of his hands. “Why is that hard for you to believe?”

“You wouldn’t be here right now if I didn’t look like this,” Baby said, waving her hands dramatically in front her scantily clad body.

“I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree.”

Her lips twisted into a slight grin.

“That look right there is the one that tells me I’m getting myself into a shitload of trouble.”

Baby ran her hand across Lucky’s chest, excited by the thought of seeing his hard pecs without a shirt on. She slid her hands under the hem and ran her nails along his chest. A small groan escaped his lips, causing her to grin again.

“Shit. That look right there,” Lucky said, picking Baby up and tossing her onto the bed.

He stood at the foot of the bed, yanked his black tee over his head, and tossed it to the floor; exposing his chest and chiseled abs. Ink covered his flawless body. His bare chest revealed the way his jeans hung perfectly on his impeccably carved hips.

Baby lay back, spreading her legs to invite him to come closer. With hunger in his eyes, he climbed onto the bed and settled himself in between her long, bronze legs. The heat from his skin on hers set her body humming. Pulling himself closer to her face with his elbows, her sex throbbed as she felt his hard bulge rub against her sensitive pussy.

Lucky grazed his lips across the length of her neck, nipping at her flesh. She moaned as he slipped one arm around her, placing his palm on the small of her back pulling her close to his rock-hard body.

Why do I feel like a fucking virgin?

Lucky used his other hand to unravel the laced straps to Baby’s corset. Her breathing quickened as he pulled the last knot loose. The fabric fell to the side allowing her breasts to spill free, her nipples erect from the rush of air. Lucky looked her up and down, wide-eyed with his lopsided smile.

“Shit,” he said in a breathless whisper.

“You like?” She usually didn’t like male attention, but she thrived on the effect she had on Lucky.

“I’m gonna devour every last part of you.” The sincerity of his words made her wet. The sensation intensified, her thighs vibrating as his mouth found hers. He kissed her long and hard, opening her lips with his tongue. He had a natural smell. It was how she would describe heat, intense and smoldering. She craved every part of him. She tugged on his tongue, sucking as if it were his cock. His hips grinded against her sex with her moans in perfect rhythm.