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    “Have a safe flight and call when you get back to let me know you made it okay.”

    Dad nodded and I stepped back away from him. “I love you,” he said with unshed tears glistening in his weary eyes.

    “I love you too, Daddy.”

    He opened the door to the rental car and I stood there as he drove away. This time I wasn’t heartbroken. I just hoped that he could find happiness again one day. It was time he did.

     The door to the house opened and I turned around to see Rush standing on the front porch looking down at me. I could tell he was worried that I was upset about Dad leaving. I started making my way back to him and he came down the stairs to meet me halfway.

      “You okay?’ he asked the minute he was close enough to touch me.

      “Yes. Thank you again for that. It meant more than you could ever know,” I told him.

      “Whenever you want to see him just tell me. I’ll bring him back again. Just say the word.”

     “I want him here for the wedding and when the baby is born. I want him to get to meet his grandson. He doesn’t have anyone but me left. Our son will be his family too.”

     “Done. I’ll have him a plane ticket purchased and ready for the minute we need it.”

     I just stood there and looked up at Rush. When I’d first laid eyes on him I’d been awed at his beauty. Never had I thought that the moody playboy could have a heart the size of his underneath all that swagger. “What changed you? You’re so completely different than that guy I met back in June,” I said, smiling at his confused face.

     Rush reached out and slipped his hand into my hair and tangled his fingers around the strands. “This sweet, determined, sexy-as-hell blonde walked into my life and gave me a reason to live.”

     My chest got tight and I started to tell him just how much I loved him again when I felt it... the baby.

     I reached out and grabbed Rush’s arm. “Rush. He’s kicking me,” I said in amazement. I’d wondered for weeks now if the little flutter in my stomach was him moving. I’d wanted to believe it was. But now I could actually feel him. There was no doubt.

     Rush moved his hand from my hair to my stomach. He cradled it with both hands staring down with a look of awe. “I can feel him,” Rush said in a soft whisper as if he was afraid the baby would stop moving. Instead, at the sound of his voice the baby kicked again.

     “Talk to him, Rush,” I said, watching the most beautiful sight I’d ever seen. Rush fell down to his knees so that he was closer to my belly.

     “Hey you,” he said and the baby immediately moved just under Rush’s hand. He jerked his head up and looked at me with an excited grin. “He hears me,” he said with wonder in his voice.

    I nodded. “Yes, he does. Talk to him.”

   “So how is it in there? Is mommy’s tummy as cute on the inside as it is on the outside?”

   I giggled and he kicked.

   “I figured it was. You got lucky. Mommy’s beautiful but you’ll see that soon enough. We’ll be the two luckiest guys on the planet.”

    He moved again, this time with less force.

     “You be good in there. We’re getting things ready for you out here. Enjoy that cozy spot for now.”

     Rush ran his hands over my tummy and then looked up at me. “He’s really in there. He can hear us.”

    I laughed and nodded. “I thought I’d been feeling him for awhile now but nothing like this.”

     “God, Blaire, that is amazing,” Rush said before pressing a kiss to my stomach and standing up.

    “It is, isn’t it?” I replied, still marveling at how this was mine. This man in front of me and the life inside me.

    “Tell me when he does it again. I want to feel,” Rush said, reaching down to take my hand in his.

    We walked back up the stairs together holding hands.



     It had been awhile since I’d stepped into my dad’s Beverly Hills home. The last time I’d visited, I had stayed drunk most of the time and partied with my dad. This would be a very different visit. I wasn’t that guy anymore. I set Blaire’s suitcase down in the bedroom my dad called mine. It was where I’d always slept when I came to visit him.

     “This is just... wow,” Blaire said walking in behind me. She’d been stopping and taking in the place since we’d walked in the front door. Luckily, Nan and Kiro hadn’t been here to greet us. I wanted time to get Blaire settled in. The plane ride had been long and I could see the exhaustion on her face.

      “You’ll learn rock legends are a bit on the showy side. They like to flaunt their success with things,” I explained.

     “I can see that. They sure have done a good job in flaunting with this place,” she said, walking over to the bed and then realizing it was too high for her. Glancing over her shoulder she frowned at me. “How the heck am I’m gonna be able to get on this thing?”

     I couldn’t keep from laughing. She looked so damn perplexed. “I’ll get you a little stool.”

     Blaire grinned and shook her head. “That’s just crazy. So, if I wanted to lay down now... how might I go about it?”

     I walked over to her and put both my hands on her expanding waist then picked her up and put her on the bed. “That way,” I replied and sat down beside her before throwing a leg over both of hers and laying her back. “If you didn’t look so tired we’d test this thing out,” I teased.

     She covered her mouth as she yawned and gave me a sleepy smile.  “I can stay awake,” she assured me and turned her chest toward mine.

     It was tempting but I knew her body needed rest. I pressed a kiss to her nose. “I’m sure you could, sweet Blaire. But right now all I want to do is massage your feet and calves while you relax and fall asleep.”

     Her eyes got that pleased glow. “Oh, would you? They feel so stiff after the flight.”

     “Go lay your head on the pillow and I’ll get rid of these shoes, which by the way, are not exactly good walking footwear for a pregnant woman. You should have worn tennis shoes, not heels.”

     Blaire yawned again and settled back on the pillow with a sigh. “I know. I just didn’t want to arrive at LAX looking frumpy.”

     She could never look frumpy. “That would be impossible.”

     She smiled and closed her eyes as I began rubbing her arch. “You just love me.”

     “More than life. But that doesn’t make me blind. You’d be hot in a potato sack.”

     She didn’t say anything back. Her eyes were closed and her smile still lingered. I put my attention to massaging her tired feet and then worked my way up her calves. By the time I was finished she was breathing slowly and evenly. I pulled the blanket over her before leaving to let her rest.

      Dean was reclining on the black leather sectional sofa that took up most of the entertainment room. He had their latest album pumping over the speakers and he was playing Halo on his Xbox with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth.

     “While we’re here please don’t smoke around Blaire,” I said as I walked into the room.

     Dean glanced over his shoulder and grinned. “I won’t. Don’t want to hurt the kid.”

     He pressed pause on his game and threw the remote down on the long sleek red table that sat in front of the sofa then picked up his glass. I didn’t have to ask to know it was straight up whiskey.

     “Our girl taking a nap?” he asked propping his feet back up on the table.

     The fact he called Blaire “our girl” rubbed me the wrong way. She wasn’t anyone’s girl but mine. That was the way my dad talked though. He acted like we were a joint thing. He always had. “My girl is asleep. She was exhausted,” I replied, taking a seat at the other end of the sectional.”