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     Dean just laughed and took a drink of his whiskey then took a drag from his cigarette. “You’re a little caveman possessive over her, aren’t you? Didn’t get that from your old man.”

     I didn’t get a lot of things from him but I didn’t say that. “I’ll do whatever needs to be done to make her happy. But I’ll be the one making her happy. Always. Just me.”

     Dean let out a low whistle and shook his head as he took the cigarette from his lips and flicked his ash into an ashtray. “Tall order to fill. Good luck with that. Women can bitch sometimes, just ‘cause they want to. Ain’t no one can make a woman happy when she’s bitchin’.”

     This conversation was pointless. He had never had a Blaire in his life. He had no idea what she was like. I was here for a reason and I wanted to address the problem and go home. “Where’s Nan?”

     Dean sighed and rolled his eyes. “Not here right now, thank the fuck. She’s a crazy bitch.”

     “Where’s Kiro?” I asked, deciding to ignore his opinion of Nan.

    “I’m right fucking here! There’s the man! Look at you all fucking grown up and manly. How’d that happen in a few damn months?” Kiro’s loud voice was unmistakable.

    He walked into the room with some girl who looked about my age draped on his arm. Her cleavage was about to pop out of the tied up shirt thing that looked like a corset. She winked at me. Her lashes were obviously fake. No one’s lashes were that damn long.

     “Came to deal with Nan,” I replied, looking back at my father who was taking another long drag on his cigarette as he let his eyes roam over the female Kiro had brought with him. I knew they shared from time to time. That was not the kind of shit I wanted Blaire to be around.

      “Holy fuck, I owe you my left damn nut. She’s driving me up the fucking wall. Please calm her crazy ass down and help me find a way to talk to her. She always been this insane?”

      I knew Nan had her problems but hearing the man who was the main cause of them talk about her like this pissed me off. I stood up and turned to glare at him. “If she’d had a parent who gave a fucking shit about her maybe she’d have been as normal as Harlow. But she didn’t. You left her alone with my mom. NO kid should be subjected to that. At least my father came and got me. Spent time with me. Gave me the feeling of being wanted. You never did that for Nan. She’s fucked up because of you.” I hadn’t meant to go off on him the minute he walked into his house but he’d opened his stupid mouth about my sister.

     “It’s the boy’s sister, Kiro. Be careful about talking shit,” Dean warned. He had been talking shit about Nan too but I didn’t blame him for her being the way she was.

     The girl pressed herself closer to Kiro. “You said this was gonna be fun. I want some fun, baby. You got my pussy all wet in the limo. It’s ready to be fucked,” she crooned.

     This was also something I didn’t want Blaire to hear and see.  They made sex cheap and dirty. I only wanted Blaire to see it the way it was with the two of us. Not this twisted shit.

     “Be a good girl and get naked while I talk to the boy here. Play nice and I might let him kiss that hot slick pussy too.”

      “Ooooh, good. Two instead of one,” she giggled as she pulled the string to her top so that it fell to the floor baring her breasts right there in front of all of us. Again, this was normal behavior when I’d come to visit my dad but things were different now.

     “Day---um, she’s got them big nipples pierced,” my dad said before downing the rest of his whiskey and standing up.

     “I’m going back to my room to check on Blaire. I’ll talk to you when she’s gone,” I said with disgust before heading to the door.

     “What crawled up his ass? He normally loves enjoying the hot pussy we bring back here,” Kiro asked as I left the room.

     I didn’t waste time getting back to Blaire. She was still curled up on the bed. I slipped off my shoes and went to lie down beside her. Tucking her against me I enjoyed having her close. This was so much more than anything my dad had ever had in his life. The shallowness of his relationships made me feel sorry for him. I knew what he was missing out on. Even with all his success in life he had missed it somehow. So many years lost.



   Rush’s mouth trailed kisses down my neck as the shower spray fell from above our heads like it was raining.  I wanted one of these showerheads in our house. Both of Rush’s hands slipped around my waist and covered my stomach. He had a hard time keeping his hands off my belly since he’d felt the baby kick. It was as if Rush needed to stake his claim regularly. If he wasn’t so dang cute when it came to protecting me it would get on my nerves.

     Before I could completely enjoy having Rush’s body covering my backside and his hands on me, the high-pitched angry scream that I knew belonged to Nan stopped both of us. Rush’s body went rigid behind me.

     “Nan?” I asked, already knowing the answer.

     “Yeah. Guess she found out I was here already,” he replied and pressed one more kiss to my neck. “You finish your shower. I need to go deal with this. She and my father do not get along.”

     I nodded and stood under the warm water as he stepped out of the shower and grabbed one of the large white fluffy towels folded up on a marble pedestal table. I wanted to go with him but he hadn’t asked. But then he wouldn’t. He was so worried about anyone upsetting me.

     A man’s deep voice began yelling in response to Nan’s screams. Who was that? I had only been around Dean a little but I didn’t think the man had ever gotten emotional about anything enough to raise his voice. I turned off the water and grabbed a towel then followed Rush into the bedroom.

     “Who else is here?” I asked as he jerked on a pair of jeans over his naked ass and reached for a tee shirt.

     “My guess would be Kiro. Apparently they’re having their father-daughter bonding,” he replied in a frustrated tone.

     Kiro. I’d only ever seen pictures of the rock god. But he was here now. In this house...

     “Just stay in here. This is why we came. So I could deal with her. She’s raising hell and Kiro can’t manage her. As soon as I get her calm and under control we can go back to Rosemary.”

     I nodded and held the towel tightly around me. Rush started for the door then stopped and turned back around. A crooked grin tugged at his lips and he sauntered over to me. His hands slipped into my damp hair and he cupped my face as he gazed down at me. “I just want to stay here with you,” he whispered before lowering his mouth to mine.

     I grabbed both his arms and held on to him as his mouth brushed gently against mine before he took a small lick at my bottom lip. I opened my mouth so he could taste more when another shrill scream came from downstairs. Rush pulled back and sighed. “Damn crazy family,” he muttered.

     “Go deal with it. I’m okay here.”

     A knock at the door surprised me and I pulled the towel tightly against me. Rush stepped in front of me to block anyone’s view.

     “What?” he called out.

     I peeked around his back as the door slowly opened. I was mentally preparing myself for Nan to come barging into the room. Instead, a girl about my age stood at the door. She didn’t look like anyone I would imagine belonged in this house. Her long brown hair brushed her waist in soft curls and was parted to the side. She had no bangs. It was all one length. Dark lashes framed her sultry looking hazel eyes but she wasn’t wearing any makeup. The straight-legged shorts she had on hit just at her knee and she was wearing a pale pink blouse that buttoned up the front. It was simple and classy.