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“So you gonna invite me in, Red?” he asked in the sexiest, deepest voice I’d ever heard. I’m sure my ice cream began to melt just having him so close.

“Umm… yeah, I guess so. Do I know you?” I asked, attempting to be coy. Not one of my better attributes.

He squeezed past me as I opened the door farther. Holy crap, he was hard. I felt the size and it’s thickness as he passed me. I could feel the heat radiating from his package. I put the bowl of ice cream on the table by the door because I suddenly craved something else.

I knew why he was here. I wasn’t incensed by it. How could anyone be upset with Joey Miles? God made perfection. Tall, lean, and a smile that would make any girl drop her panties—except me. I wasn’t interested in him that way. I had no intention of letting him get frisky with that part of my anatomy… especially right now. I heard him bite back a soft groan as he sat on the sofa. I noticed he beckoned me to sit beside him. Oh, he wants me close. He shifted his body and tugged on the front of his jeans, making his intentions obvious as I sat down.

“Are you in pain?” I asked, grinning as I stared at the buttons on his jeans.

“Among other things,” he replied as his eyes went to his crotch.

We both stared at his full-blown erection. It was an encouraging sight. I pursed my lips together as I closed my eyes. Men had no idea what giving a blowjob did to me. It bordered on ecstasy.

I didn’t know if I’d ever had an orgasm. I had nothing to compare it with. The books I’d read explained that vaginal fucking wasn’t necessary for one. Actual orgasm could be achieved sans a cock and could be induced in variable ways, including fingers, tongue, lips, and many other things. When I gave head, my body became tight like a bow and it felt like electrical current buzzing through me. There were moments I felt tiny shocks going through my body. It reminded me of a hot, dry summer day when the air made everything you touched crackle. Only these electrical impulses made me feel exquisitely damp between my legs. I could feel my sex expand and contract the longer I sucked and the deeper his cock went into my throat.

So it was basically a win-win. We both got what we wanted. I always allowed them to come in my mouth, although I’d had a few that preferred my boobs. They’d joked about it being a pearl necklace. But I loved when they released in my mouth. I’d learned how to enjoy the taste and texture. It wasn’t an act for me. I wouldn’t know how to fake an orgasm anyway. I just did what came natural to me.

My favorite thing was skimming the pad of my thumb along their length, feeling the weight of their balls in the palm of my hand, and sweeping my tongue across the crown, catching that first clear droplet of precum. I felt powerful watching their body shake and become taut as I grazed my teeth along their cock, threatening to bite down. Right before they thrust into my mouth, ramming their cock so deep in my throat it bordered on suffocation, I sensed their climax and it spilled from my lips. Most of the time, I tried to swallow all of it. But there were some that produced an overabundant amount. I could only ingest so much. Still, I was an expert in the field and evidently a legend around campus. This was probably the only reason the hottest player on the lacrosse team was sitting on my sofa, sporting a ferocious hard-on.

“Should I take care of that for you?” I murmured as I trailed my fingers across his rigid cock.

“Fuck.” The word blew out his lips more like a moan than an actual comment.

My sentiments exactly. Only I planned to do the fucking with my mouth. I scooted closer to him and fit my hand tightly between the crease of his legs. I let out a sigh as I swept my palm along his thighs. Damn, but he was muscular. I guess you had to be in order to play the sport he did. I flicked open one of his jean buttons. His eyebrows shot up as he smiled questionably. I had some male friends who’d perfected the art of unhooking a bra with a thumb and index finger. I, on the other hand, could tie a cherry stem into a knot with my tongue, and I could seriously deep throat a banana. Plus, I was a virtuoso at opening buttons on jeans with one finger. You had to know your craft. I was a genius at the art of seduction. Not bad for a virgin.

Was I actually a virgin? Because I still had a hymen? I’d read many pamphlets, most of them claiming you are indeed having sex, even if it’s only oral. I’d blown more men than most of my girlfriends had slept with. I wasn’t sure how to label myself. No one actually knew about my V-card status. Well, except Haven and only because we both shared the same affliction. Almost everyone I’d blown had told his friends we’d fucked. I guess it would look bad for their street cred if they hadn’t completed the deed. Evidently, I was a great lay. Who knew?

I quietly giggled to myself.

I popped the rest of Joey’s buttons and pulled out an adequate-sized dick. I’d seen bigger, but they didn’t belong to one of the sexiest men on campus. I sighed as I swept my tongue across the crown.

“Oh man. Wow. Damn. Baby, that feels good.” He groaned as he wrapped his uninjured hand around my hair.

“I haven’t even started yet,” I said, pausing as I looked up at him. “Can you take off your shirt?” I asked sheepishly. I wanted to rest my head against that six-pack. Suddenly, he pushed me up and away. What the hell?

He stood and pulled his shirt over his head, and then he kicked off his shoes along with his jeans. I swear I was fucking salivating. His body was a masterpiece. Every single inch of him was flawless, ripped from stern to stem. Muscle packed on top of muscle. His physique wasn’t body builder big, just lean and cut. His innie belly button sat snugly right above his indented V. And I had vastly underrated the size of his cock, because with him naked, it looked much larger and currently was pointing west—right at me.

Joey pulled me off the sofa and forced me to my knees. Oh, he was one of those. Domineering and controlling.

I grasped his cock firmly and began stroking it as I nibbled across the head. His moans and groans motivated me. Once I began tracing my tongue around his sack, I knew he was lost. I felt his balls scrunch up and get rigid, and I knew it would only be a matter of time before he lost his load. College and high school boys had that in common. I could go for thirty minutes at least until my jaw began to ache. If they were tiny, I could squeeze out an hour. If they were man-meat, sometimes fifteen minutes. There were instances I barely got started and they would come. I haven’t a clue why they called the act foreplay. To me, once they came, my job was complete. It was over. Finished. At least I was.

“You have to stop. I’m gonna come.”

I stopped sucking briefly to contemplate his words. Joey Miles didn’t want to come in my mouth? I pulled back, allowing his dick to fall from my lips. “Okay, but isn’t that the point? How could you not want to come?”

“Oh, I want to come, baby, but not in your mouth.”

I was still confused. Maybe he wanted to ejaculate on my boobs. I watched as he backed away and helped me up off my knees. Ow. Rug burns. Again.

“I wanna fuck you,” he said as he crushed me into him. His cock was at full mast and slick with my saliva as it pressed into my stomach. My tank top had risen up, so it was resting against my bare midriff. I hadn’t been like this with anyone. I’d never allowed dick-to-body contact—never encouraged it. But having Joey Miles naked. Yum, that was something to celebrate. His warm breath nuzzled my ear. The sensations going through my body now were definitely foreign. I felt hot and flushed. There was an ache below my hips. My thighs were wet, and I could feel a pulsating between my legs. Not the same sensation I got when I had a cock in my mouth—these were different. I almost wanted to touch my forehead to see if I was feverish, but this was my body reacting to his.