“Yeah, yeah. He said his name was Stan…”

“That’s not his fucking name. He’s called Ben. Ben Askew. I was reading about him, just before Christmas. There was some big fucking uproar because he’d bought Lee-Hill Farmhouse… do you know who Ben Askew is, Shark?” Said Howard.

“Gary and Mary… they were talking about someone called Ben earlier… some guy that murdered his wife and daughters…”

“Yep. That’s him. That’s Ben Askew… he's a triple killer. As mad as a fucking hatter. He was a kiddie-fiddler, messing around with his two daughters for years, and then he really flipped, became convinced that they were both… what’s the word now… ‘Succubus’s’…”

“What?” Asked Shark.

“Female spirits… they’re supposed to get into your bedroom during the night, have it off with you against your will, something like that. Anyway, that’s what Ben convinced himself of… that the two daughters were causing him to behave the way he did, because they were fucking demons… so he decided to kill them both, and took his wife out too, just for good measure.” Advised Howard, which caused Shark’s blood to run cold.

Shark spoke to Howard with alarm in her voice.

“Are you saying that Mary’s being held captive by this Ben Askew bloke?” She asked.

“Yeah, it’ll be Ben alright. That’s the only farmhouse around here. Mary’s fucked. Quite literally.” Replied Howard.

“Will you help me, Howard?” Requested Shark. Howard glared at her.

“Why would I want to help you?” He asked.

“It’s like I said before. Do something good, for the people who’ve cared for you since your mom died. Do it for Lucas, for Kay…” Howard suddenly remembered his mother, not long before she died, lying in bed with him sat beside her… she was looking up at Howard, stroking his face…

“You’re a good boy, son. Don’t live your life like me… always worrying, constantly seeing the black side of everything… don’t waste each day, stressing about stuff that you’ve got no control over… get out there, enjoy yourself, but always look out for those who love you…” Howard thought about Lucas; the man that he’d looked up to for the past three years.

“Me and Kay, we love having you here, Howard. Don’t ever feel, as you get older, that there’s some urgent need for you to leave this house. You’re as much a part of the home as myself and Kay are.” Lucas had once told him. Howard thought about what his cousin would be going through at that moment; hell. And it was all his fault.

“What do I get in return, Shark? What’s the deal that you say is on offer?” Asked Howard. “There has to be something in it for me.” Shark stepped towards him.

“You help me get Mary out of that farmhouse, to safety. You don’t touch a hair on her head. When that’s done, then, well… whatever it was you were going to do to her… you can do to me instead.” Replied Shark. “I won’t resist. I’ll take Mary’s place.”



Chapter Twenty Eight


Howard Trenton walked a few feet ahead of Shark Mako, whistling to himself.

“Do you have to keep doing that? It’s really annoying.” Commented Shark, who was still holding Howard’s knife in her hand.

“Why? Don’t you like the tune that I’m whistling?” Asked Howard, before beginning to cough. Shark noticed the heavy bloodstain on the coat covering Howard’s lower back; it was spreading.

“No, I don’t like it.” Replied Shark.

“Tough. If you want me to help Mary, then I’m going to have to insist on being allowed to whistle.” Said Howard. He went to whistle again, just to annoy Shark, but couldn’t. Instead, he began coughing again. When he’d finished, Howard looked back over his shoulder at Shark. “I hope I can hold out for just a bit longer… I’m looking forward to us having a little fun together, Shark… don’t worry, by the way. I’d decided not to kill Mary… I was just gonna…”

“I know what you were going to do to her, Howard.” Snapped the young woman.

“No, actually, you don’t. But you will.” Howard grinned, before giving Shark a wink. “Anyway, I still don’t understand why you need my help. You could take out Ben Askew on your own, surely? He’s an old man, and you’re as hard as nails.” Wondered Howard.

“Yeah, an old man with a great big fucking shotgun… and from what you’ve told me about him, he’s not frightened to use it.” Pointed out Shark Mako.

Howard pointed up the track.

“There it is… there’s the farmhouse. Looks like Ben’s still up. The lights are on.” He said. Shark felt her stomach roll with anxiety.

“I hope he hasn’t done anything to Mary.” She mumbled to herself.

“What was that?” Asked Howard.

“It doesn’t matter. Are you sure that you’re going to be up to this, Howard? That bleeding on your back looks like it’s getting worse.” Said Shark.

“Yeah, I’ve got the thought of our little liaison to hold onto, Shark. That’ll spur me on for a bit longer.” Replied Howard. That’s what you fucking think, Shark thought to herself.

“So, have you raped a lot of women, Howard?” Asked Shark. At this question, he turned around, angered. Shark raised the knife towards him.

“I’m not a fucking rapist.” Howard snapped.

“Oh no? Then what was it that you shouted at me and Mary, back in Skerrington Forest? You were gonna fuck Mary like she’d never been fucked before? Charming. I take it that’s what you’ll be doing to me, eh Howie? Fucking me like I’ve never been…”

“Shut it!” Barked Howard. “I’m not a rapist.” He repeated, quietly. Shark gave him a cynical smile.

“Of course you’re not, Howard. Of course you’re not.” She said.

“It’s not like you think.” Howard told her. “I’m not… dirty…”

“I don’t want to know. Now turn around, Howard.” Ordered Shark.


“Turn around. We need to get Mary from out of that farmhouse.” Instructed Shark. Howard relucantly looked away from Shark, and continued trudging towards Ben Askew’s farm. A pain shot through his back, and down into his legs. I always knew the deal… I sort of guessed that I was going to die up here, and I’m okay with that… let’s face it, this has really been just one great big suicide mission… but I’m still going to have that last little party with Shark… and despite what I’ve promised, maybe Mary too… thought Howard.


Ben Askew unlocked the bedroom door, and walked inside. Mary Broderick was stood in the corner of the room, staring at him with fear in her eyes. Ben looked around the room.

“What are you doing up here? I can hear you, snooping about… you know, moving stuff.” He said. Ben was holding the shotgun in his hands. “I thought I told you to get some sleep. So why aren’t you on that mattress?” He asked. Ben took a few steps towards Mary. “Why are you looking at me like that?” He wanted to know.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Responded Mary.

“Yes, you do. You’re staring at me, all frightened. Why are you frightened of me, Mary?” Quizzed Ben. He smiled. “All I want is for us to be alone together. I’m not going to hurt you.” Ben took another step towards the young woman. “Is it because I’ve left you in this bedroom all on your own?” He asked. “Would you feel happier if I were to stay in here with you tonight?”

“I’m fine, honestly, I’m fine. I’ll go to sleep now.” Said Mary. She walked back to the mattress and got down on it. “See? I’ll just sleep. I’m okay now.” Mary went on. Ben Askew shook his head slowly.

“No… this won’t do. This won’t do at all. You’re scared. I can see that. It’s in your eyes, Mary. The fear. The fear of being all alone, in a strange room. No, I’ll stay with you tonight… sleep on the mattress, by your side…”

“Really, I’m fine, I don’t need…” but before Mary could finish her sentence, Ben Askew put a finger up to his lips in a ‘hush’ gesture.

“It’s okay. I’m here now… you don’t have to be alone anymore.” Said Ben. He knelt down, and placed the shotgun on the floor. Then he stood back up, and removed his trousers and underpants. Mary glanced at the old man’s cock, sticking out, erect. Ben began to walk towards her, and at that moment, someone started knocking on the door downstairs.