For a second or two, Stan’s suggestion didn’t quite register with either Shark or Mary. When it did, Shark was the first to react.

“What are you talking about? ‘Sleeping arrangements’? We’re not staying here.” She said. Stan sat down in an armchair, and sipped at his mug of tea.

“Well, I don’t think that you’ve got much choice.” He responded.

“Look, mister… you don’t understand. There’s a fucking psychopath on the loose somewhere out there… me, my friend here… yourself… we’re all in danger, real fucking danger…”

“Do you mind not using that sort of language in my home, please?” Cut-in Stan, harshly.

“Did you not listen to anything that we told you about what happened to us earlier? Howard Trenton has already killed two of our friends today, and he’s been after us all night. If he somehow finds that we’re here, he WILL find a way in, and he’ll murder all of us… he’s not the sort of person that would have any hesitation in killing an old man, either, and you can trust me on that one…” half-shouted Shark.

“Oh, I’ve heard all about Howard Trenton on the radio today. I know that he’s wanted for the murder of an elderly gentleman in Coldsleet… look, I agree with you. He sounds like a very dangerous individual. However, that doesn’t change the fact that there’s nothing we can do about it tonight. As I said before, we’ll sort out the sleeping arrangements…”

“I’m not stopping here!” Exploded Shark. “Not with that freaky nut-job out there!” She stood up, from off the sofa, shaking. Mary reached out to Shark’s hand, and took it in hers, stroking it gently.

“Calm down, Shark, just take it easy. We’re okay now.” Mary said.

“How can I take it easy? We’re out in the middle of nowhere…”

“We’re not in the middle of nowhere.” Stan tried to correct her.

“We’re out in the middle of nowhere, with a murdering, psychotic, fake yellow-eyed shit-bag hunting us down.” Raged Shark. “It’s hardly conducive to a fucking relaxed atmosphere, is it?”

Chapter Twenty Six

Shark Mako headed out of Stan’s lounge, and down the hallway, towards the front door, followed by Mary.

“What are you doing, Shark?” Asked Mary.

“I’m getting out of here, that’s what I’m doing. If we stay here, then we’re sitting ducks for Howard Trenton.” Shark replied.

“But he doesn’t know where we are.” Pointed out Mary.

“We don’t know that. We need to keep on the move. It’s not safe here.” Said Shark. Stan appeared in the hallway.

“Where do you think you’re going?” He wanted to know.

“How do I get to Oakden from here?” Shark asked Stan.

“You won’t be safe out there. You need to calm down. Even if this Trenton boy somehow shows up here, then I can protect you.” Stan replied. He opened up a door that was built in to the bottom of the staircase, and reached inside. Stan pulled out a large, single-barrelled shotgun, to demonstrate his point about being able to protect the two young women. Both Shark and Mary stared at the weapon for a moment.

“Nice gun. But I don’t need your protection.” Said Shark. “Now, how do I get to Oakden?” She repeated her question.

“You don’t need to go to Oakden. Not now. What you pair need is a good nights sleep. I’ll walk us all down to the village in the morning.” Was Stan’s answer.

“Fine. Don’t tell me then.” Shark looked at Mary. “Are you coming, or what?”

“Maybe Stan’s right… we can get some sleep, then go down to the village in the morning, when it’s light… when it’s safe.” Answered Mary. Shark took a deep breath, trying to contain her temper.

“I’m not staying here, and that’s that. Now are you coming with me, Mary, or are you gonna stay here?” She asked again.

Stan tried to reason with Shark.

“I think that your friend here realises that it’s a lot safer in this farmhouse, than what it would be if you went back outside.” He said.

“Is that what you think, Mary?” Asked Shark.

“I don’t want to go back out there, Shark. Not with Howard somewhere around.” Admitted Mary.

“Are you sure?” Shark wanted to know.

“Yes. I’m sure.” Confirmed Mary. Shark turned back to face Stan.

“Right. I’m going to take my chances, try and reach Oakden. You heard what Mary said. She wants to stay with you, and that’s her decision. So just make sure that you stay true to your word, and protect her, if needs be.” Said Shark. Stan nodded.

“Of course I will. It’s a given.” He assured Shark.

“Now, will you please tell me how to get to the village?” Shark repeated her request. Stan straightened himself up.

“Yes, I’ll tell you.” He replied. “You need to head left, back onto the gravel path. Once you’re on it, carry on down the hill. You’ll come to a T-junction with another gravel track. Turn right. It’ll lead you straight into the village. It should take you about fifteen, twenty minutes maximum” Advised Stan.

“Okay… got it.” Said Shark. “As soon as I reach the village, I’ll arrange for you to be picked up, Mary, so don’t get too comfortable here.” She added. Shark moved over to her friend and gave her a hug. “You’d better look after her.” Shark warned Stan, before opening up the front door and beginning her trek down to Oakden.

After Shark had left, Stan guided Mary back into the lounge. The elderly man carried the shotgun at his side. Mary sat on the sofa, whilst Stan walked over to the window, peeking out of the curtains.

“Do you think that Shark will be able to find the village okay? What with it being so dark and all?” Mary asked.

“I shouldn’t think so.” Answered Stan, who was still gazing out of the front window of the farmhouse.

“I beg your pardon?” Said Mary, confused about Stan’s reply to her question. The elderly man turned around, a deadpan expression on his face.

“I said, I shouldn’t think so.” He reiterated. Mary felt her stomach tighten a little.

“What are you talking about?” She asked, nervously.

“If she follows the directions that I gave her, your friend will end up back in Skerrington Forest.” Smiled Stan. Mary’s whole body stiffened.

“Why the fuck would you give her the wrong directions?” She responded, her voice trembling. Stan slowly raised the shotgun, until it was aimed at Mary.

“So that she’d go away… so that you and I can be alone. We don’t need someone like your friend around. She’s too mouthy… and she’d just get in the way.” Advised Stan, as he walked across the lounge, towards Mary…


Shark Mako walked hurriedly along the gravel track, her whole body aching, but driven by a determination to reach the village, and find rescue for Mary. After a few minutes, she reached a T-junction, just as Stan said that she would. Shark remembered the elderly man’s directions, and took the right pathway, which led onto the edge of another field. The gravel track carried Shark past the field, and then down into a dip, between two high, elevated grass banks. The track was easier to walk along, more even and less bumpy, giving Shark’s aching feet some much-needed relief. She looked ahead, and, in the near distance, Shark could make out the shape of a bridge, crossing the path that she was on. This looks like an old railway line, thought Shark. I wonder if this is the one that used to run into Coldsleet, before they closed it down? She wondered. Shark picked up her pace a little, continuing along the track, then walking under the arched railway bridge. I guess that this old line runs into Oakden. It shouldn’t be too far away now. Shark began to feel a genuine sense of hope returning insider her. She couldn’t help but smile to herself. We’re going to get out of this one okay. I didn't think that we would, but I was wrong. We’re going to make it. Then suddenly, Shark heard a noise that almost made her jump out of her own skin…


Mary walked up the farmhouse staircase, with Stan right behind her, pointing the barrel of his shotgun into the small of her back. They reached the top of the stairs.