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“S’unlocked.” Her unknowing partner in crime looked a little nervous. She smiled at him, hoping her nerves weren’t showing. It wouldn’t do to back out now. Not when she talked herself into going this far, made goo-goo eyes at a boy she wasn’t sure was of legal age, and stopped by that pricey lingerie shop on the way.

She thanked the young man before tentatively entering the room. She was hoping Falon hadn’t returned yet. When Marcy called and told her he had left the office, she almost scrapped her plans, afraid he would be waiting behind the door. Looking around the empty room she realized a part of her was hoping he would be.

“Now or never,” she said, looking around the sitting area before heading to the bedroom of the suite.

Talking to Marcy this afternoon had made her realize that her heart needed to know she wasn’t just another notch in Falon’s bedpost. She needed to know she wasn’t the only one feeling the connection that sizzled between them. This was the last attempt she would make to reach beyond his walls of ice. If he didn’t respond, she would know there was nothing beyond the sexual heat between them.

That she could deal with. It was not knowing and never going after what she wanted that would kill her. This thing with Falon had made her realize she had been giving up on what she wanted her entire adult life. She had altered her career when she lost her family because her grandfather had no one left but her. She felt she owed it to him to give up her dreams as she watched him deal with the crumbling loss of his only son.

She didn’t regret her choice now. She loved working for the agency, but she wasn’t going to let the possibility of heartache keep her from her dreams any longer. And if she were going to be completely honest with herself Falon had been a dream of hers for far too long.

Focusing on the task that brought her to breaking and entering, she unloaded her cache onto the bathroom counter. She had one shot to get the Iceman to open up and she prayed she was ready to accept the consequences.


Falon slid the slim plastic card that served as a key into the slot in the door. He couldn’t believe he had skipped out of the office. Things were moving along ahead of schedule, but that was no excuse for his irresponsibility. He was missing a meeting with one of the agency’s biggest clients to come back here and wallow in the quagmire of his thoughts and self-pity. What the hell was wrong with him?

The soft glow of candles didn’t register in his muddled brain until he had removed his suit coat and placed it over the back of a chair. That’s when he noticed hundreds of wicks dancing around the sitting area and leading into the bedroom. What was going on?

A chill shivered down his spine and setting at the small of his back, he wasn’t sure if he should leave the room and call security or investigate. The delicate smell of honeysuckle—an aroma he would forever associate with Sarah—drifted from the bedroom, making up his mind. What was the little minx up to?

He toed off his shoes and loosened his tie before slowly crossing the room. In the bedroom was a picture that would forever be seared in his memory. Sarah lay, sprawled across the bed he had been sleeping in for weeks. She wore nothing more than a few strategically placed scraps of black lace that he supposed passed as lingerie. They looked more like sensual barriers designed to drive a man beyond all reason. Just hiding her delicately tipped breasts and the heaven at the juncture of her thighs, he could commiserate with all those men driven to madness by a woman.

He wasn’t sure his restraint could withstand the torment her supple body presented. A woman had never tested him as much as Sarah. She spoke to a primal part of him that he had worked so hard to suppress, bringing to the forefront the essence of a man he was afraid to be. Swallowing in an attempt to wet his suddenly dry mouth it took him a moment to gather his thoughts.

“Sarah?” His voice came out a husky mess causing him to wince. He didn’t want her to affect him this much. He didn’t want the feeling of warmth that was unfurling in his chest as the fact that she had done all of this for him registered, amping up his arousal. She had planned this seduction of his senses, wanted him to find her like this, open for him to devour. The thought sent a lightning bolt of heat to the groin causing his already painful erection to harden further.

He hadn’t realized he was moving until he stood directly over her. He watched in amazement as she regarded him with eyes made sleepy with arousal. Her tiny hand playing delicately with her collarbone stole his attention as the sensual movement made his teeth hurt with the urge to follow those fingers with his mouth, teeth, and tongue.


Sarah lay on the bed looking up at Falon, feeling more powerful than she ever had in her life. When she heard the door open, she felt a flutter of nerve in her belly as fears flashed through her brain, the image of him laughing at her attempt at erotically seductive at the forefront.

Then she saw him silhouetted in the door and all thoughts of fear fled as arousal hit her like a freight train. The idea of being on display for him was a stronger turn on than she expected. Seeing his eyes glitter in the candlelight as he took in the room then finally landed on the bed and more importantly her body wantonly spread across it.

When he growled her name, she felt her womb clench in primitive response. She wanted this man and the fact that she was the reason his chest rose and fell in shallow breaths and she was the cause of the impressive tent growing behind his zipper emboldened her.

She watched through lust-lowered lids as his nostrils flared and his gaze followed her hand along its slow journey across her collarbone. Watching him watch her had her skin tingling and a steady ache throbbing between her legs. She was trying desperately to keep her rebellious body in control when every fiber of her being was urging her to have his weight upon her.

“Are you sure about this?” Falon’s glittering eyes never left her exposed body. “You know my rules, Sarah, I’m leaving in a few weeks, and nothing is going to change that.”

She crawled to the edge of the bed and took hold of his tie. Two could play at this game, if he was going to try and distance himself from that was happening here she was going to make it as hard as she possibly could to do so. Reaching up and taking the end of his expensive silk tie in her hand, she began to slowly wrap it around her fist, drawing his face closer to hers. “Just shut up and kiss me.”

She barely had time to finish her whispered command before he was taking siege of her mouth, claiming it as his own and branding her forever. She dove into the sensations headfirst fully prepared to drown in the ecstasy she knew he could bring her.

Before she knew it, she was lying on her back ripping at his shirt in desperate need to feel his skin upon hers. His hands were tracing every inch of her as if trying to memorize her every dip and hollow while he frantically returned her kiss. Each thrust of his tongue had her hips bucking in an involuntary movement as old as time. Her body recognized its match and would settle for nothing less than his full invasion.

She let herself get lost in his expert hands for a moment, loving the feel of his lips and tongue tracing an erotic line from her lips down her jaw and throat. He was driving her crazy. When she finally ripped his shirt free of its buttons, forced it down his shoulders, and felt the shuddering response of his body to her touch, she pulled herself back to her senses.

She needed to take charge of this situation before he so expertly reduced her to a puddle of need. Pulling the tie that miraculously stayed around his neck over his head she wiggled out from under him, despite his growled protest.