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God, I can’t pull my eyes away. She’s positively stunning. She sparkles, and I swear it has nothing to do with her damn dusting powder. She shines like a beacon, and I’m powerless, completely overtaken by her beauty.

Gage’s eyes brighten when Celia places something in his hand, and he quickly shoves it into his pocket with a sly grin. She holds her fisted hand over Lily’s head. At Celia’s command, Lily twirls with a bashful smile, and her eyes light up with magic as Celia sprinkles glitter over her head.

They both crash into her for a hug, almost toppling Celia to the ground. She gives each of them a quick squeeze and pushes them forward. They hustle back to the aisle and begin their duties as ring bearer and flower girl. Gage holds the pillow perfectly still in front of him, and Lily pelts the guests with flower petals.

Celia stands up and dusts off her knees. Our eyes meet for a brief moment, and it’s electricity, quickly followed by the sting of longing. The current that flows through me only serves as a reminder of what I’ll never have.

The music changes, and Alex starts down the aisle, looking every bit of the beautiful bride. My attention turns to West, the luckiest fucker here today. I see the look in his eyes—the realization that nothing else in the world matters more than this woman standing before him. I’m well acquainted with the feeling. It’s exactly how I feel every time my hungry eyes get the tiniest glimpse of Celia.

And isn’t that the bitch of it.

Pledges are made, rings are exchanged, and happy tears flow like fountains, but my clouded mind can’t appreciate any of it. I feel her behind me. She couldn’t be any louder than if she were screaming at the top of her lungs, although she never utters a word.

I pull Kimberly away from the festivities the first chance I get. I hate to take off without a word, but my chest will explode if I don’t. I’ll give the happy couple my congrats at their going away party. Since Alex and West don’t leave for their honeymoon until next week, our friends organized a going away honeymoon party. I need to ready my heart for another round of tap dancing.

But for tonight, I focus on yet another reason why my cock can’t come out and play with Kimberly’s over eager lady parts.

Fuck, I feel a fake headache coming on…

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“What happened to you yesterday, dude? I thought we had plans to play basketball, and your flaky ass never fucking showed,” I say as I open my front door and toss my keys on the counter.

“Damn, it completely slipped my mind. Sara and I ran all over town yesterday getting ready for Alex and West’s party this weekend, and then Lily had dance. It was a shit show of an afternoon. Sorry about that.” Even now, I can hear the yelps and giggles of Lily and Gage in the background.

“Look at you, all domesticated. Is your fiancé only going to let you out to play on special occasions now?”

I balance the phone between my ear and shoulder so I can feed and water Biz. He’s lucky I’m feeding him at all with the shit he’s pulled lately. He’s taken to peeing on every surface Kimberly sits on after she leaves. My sofa is draped in towels, and the woman is questioning my obsession with her sitting on one particular barstool. I’d sell the hound to the gypsies at this point, but they’d probably return him the next day. I get that Biz isn’t her biggest fan, but there are better ways to make his point than with piss.

“Aw, so that’s how it’s gonna be from now on? Make fun of the engaged guy?” Adam chuckles.

“Nothing to get riled up about, man. It’s good to know your balls have taken up residence in Sara’s purse, though.”

“Don’t you give two seconds thought to where my balls are, fucker.”

At that, I bust out laughing.

“So, big plans tonight?” he asks with a laugh. Now it’s my turn to take the ribbing.

Adam’s quick mention of my date tonight has gravel settling in my gut. Kimberly planned the “perfect” date for us. Candlelit dinner at The Lamplight Inn with the honeymoon suite rented for the night. The message is clear: Sex tonight, at all costs.

Fuck me … literally. I don’t even remember agreeing—I swear she drugged me.

“Yeah, big plans—” I mutter. Before I can finish my sentence, my phone beeps, alerting me to an incoming call. I pull the phone away from my ear and see it’s Granny. “Look, I have to take this, man. Talk later?”

“Yeah, later.”

I hang up and switch to the new call, and adrenaline rushes through me as the speaker fills with hysterical sobs.


“Oh, thank God, Cain. It’s Sarge—you need to get here now. Hurry.” Granny’s frantic voice sends chills down my spine.

I tag my keys off the counter and race out the door before she finishes her sentence. “What happened, Granny? Is he all right?”

“I don’t know, I don’t know,” she sobs. “He left early this afternoon in the truck. He said he needed to pick up a few tools at the hardware store. It’s been hours, and he’s still not back. I knew he shouldn’t drive anymore, but I was afraid of how he’d react if I took away his keys. And n-n-now he’s m-m-missing.”

“Stop, Granny, you don’t know that. He probably stopped by the Melancon Farm to shoot the breeze with Mr. Larry or something. I’m gonna swing by there on my way to the house. I’m headed there now,” I say with the calmest tone I can muster as I fire up my truck.

“Yes, he could be there. That’s a good idea, Cain.” She releases a pent up breath.

“I’ll see you in a few. We’re gonna find him, Granny. He’s fine, I know it.”

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“The Space Between” by Dave Matthews Band

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Present Day

I TURN INTO the driveway after coming up empty at the Melancon’s, feeling dread deep in my bones. I’m gonna find him, no matter what.

I throw the truck in park and notice a familiar Buick pulling up behind me. I don’t give it a second thought as I race up the stairs and find my mom and grandmother clutching to each other at the kitchen table.

“No luck at the Melancon farm. Any word?” I ask, shifting from one foot to the other, way too much nervous energy pulsing through my body to sit down.

“Not yet,” my mom offers. “Will and Mo split up to hit as many places as possible. We’ve searched everywhere … we’re running out of ideas.”

Celia races past me, and Granny immediately wraps her in a tight embrace. “I’m so sorry, Granny. What can I do? How can I help?”

“I’m so scared, Celia.” Granny’s voice cracks with the admission. “What if he’s lost and confused somewhere? What if he’s afraid? This is all my fault for letting him drive.”

“Oh no, you don’t. This is not your fault. No one is to blame here,” Mom says in a stern voice.

“We’ve looked everywhere I can think of. I’m not sure where to go from here.” Granny’s slumped shoulders and hanging head scream defeat, but I won’t give up.

“I can’t just stay here. I have to help,” I say as I head for the door. “I’ll call Mo and Will and see where they’ve already checked. The more people looking for him, the better.”

“Wait,” Mom calls out before I close the door. “Take Celia with you. Two heads are better than one.”


The last thing I need right now is Celia Lemaire anywhere in my vicinity, but it won’t do any good to argue with a distraught woman. So I give a quick nod and head out the door. If Celia plans on coming, she better follow me.

She catches up quickly and hops into the passenger seat of the truck. That works for me, because I don’t have the time to worry about her right now. All I can think about is Sarge.