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She releases me with a loud pop, and when I finally manage to pry my eyes open, I see she’s wearing a smug grin. I reach up to grab her waist, but my arm goes limp before I touch her. I’m jelly. I barely muster the energy to expel a long, satisfied sigh.

Celia crosses her arms and raises her eyebrow. “You’re looking at the champion of the tease. Yep. That’s me, this girl right here.”

Her saucy words wake me right up, and I grab her by the waist and throw her down onto the mattress. She squeals as she flies through the air, and I’m on top of her in no time flat.

“I’m gonna have my head between your legs for the rest of the day,” I whisper, running my thumb along her jaw. She bites her lip, and I feel a shiver run through her body. “You want me to spank that clit?” Her eyes widen and turn a stormy blue, and I just know she’s dripping wet for me. I know I can flip her switch with my words alone. “Baby, I’m gonna tease you so good.”

I lower my body to hers and touch my lips to her nose, and her eyelashes flutter. A door slamming filters through the house, and we both jerk up at the sound.

“Celia, guess who’s home! You better not still be sleeping. I haven’t seen you in months, and we need some serious girl time.”

I recognize Audrey’s voice right away. I shrug and smirk at Celia. I guess our friends will find out about our change in status sooner rather than later, and that’s fine with me.

“Move,” Celia whispers forcefully, as she shoves her hands into my chest. I roll off her, and she shoots up out of the bed. She races to the bedroom door and shouts out through the crack. “I’ll be right there, Audrey. Let me finish getting dressed, and I’ll meet you in the living room.”

Before Audrey can reply, Celia slams the bedroom door and flips the lock. Clothes are thrown around the room in a flurry, and my shirt and jeans smack me in the chest.

“Put those on and stay in here.”

I slide on my jeans and watch as Celia throws on her clothes with trembling hands. I’m not sure what the fuck is going on right now, but I know I don’t like it. I walk up behind her, and turn her into my arms, pulling her head into my bare chest.

“Tink, calm down. Audrey is your best friend. I don’t know what you’re getting so worked up for. She’ll be happy for us, I’m sure of it,” I say as I run my fingers through her hair.

She tilts her head up to me, and her eyes are swimming with tears. “I’m afraid that’s where you’re very wrong,” she whispers.

I swipe the first drop to fall onto her cheek, and my chest aches seeing her this way. Once she talks to Audrey, she’ll see this is all a huge overreaction. I know Audrey wants her to be happy just as much as the rest of us. We’ve all watched Celia mourn—it’s time for her to move on and embrace life again.

Celia inhales deeply and pushes away from me, squaring her shoulders and holding her head high. “I need you to stay in the bedroom, Cain. Don’t come out, okay?”

I shake my head. “I’ll stay put, but if I think you need me, darlin’, you can’t expect me to just sit here—”

“Please, Cain. Just once, do what I’m asking you to do.”

Her pleading eyes do their trick, and I reluctantly nod. I don’t know what the hell she thinks is going to happen. What vested interest could Audrey have in who Celia dates? And, hello? The dude in the bedroom is me, and Audrey and I are buds. I expect no less than a high five from her.

Celia files out of the room like she’s walking to her execution, and shuts the door behind her. I hear muffled voices, but I can’t make out words, tone, or mood.

So I sit and wait. And I suck at waiting. I’m not a man who can sit on his hands, so I pace.

“No! No, you can’t just walk away!”

It’s the first thing I’ve understood since Celia left me, and it sends chills down my spine. Audrey’s words are harsh and laced with anger. A deep sob is the only response to her words, and it takes all my strength not to barrel through the door.

I hear the front door closing, and several minutes pass before the bedroom door opens slowly, and Celia reenters the room. Her motions are stilted and she looks almost frightened. I rush to her and crush her to me. I hold her face in my hands and take in her fallen expression.

She refuses to meet my gaze.

“Celia, look at me.” Her eyes stop on mine for only a moment before they dart away. “What did she say to you?”

“She saw your truck in the drive and your boots by the door. She knows.” Her voice is a vacant whisper. There is no fight left in her words.

“Good, I’m glad. Our friends were going to find out sooner or later anyway. Hell, Adam probably already knows, since he lives next door. We have nothing to hide. We’ve done nothing wrong.”

I look to her for some type of agreement, but her mouth turns down, and her bottom lip trembles.

“I need you to leave, Cain.”

“Okay, I’ll go for now. Why don’t I head home, and I’ll come by and pick you up this afternoon. I’ll take you fishing.”


“No? What the fuck do you mean, ‘no’?”

She tries to break my embrace and step away, but I tighten my hold. With that one motion, it all becomes clear to me. Tiny seconds paint the picture. It’s a moment full of yearning. For me, I long for this beautiful girl wrapped in my arms, but she longs for someone else.

And I’m the fool.

“This was a mistake. I’ve made a mistake.”

And there it is.

“You’re wrong,” I say forcefully. She shakes her head and pushes my chest, but I won’t relent. “Nothing about you and me is a mistake, and you know it. You have my heart, Celia, and I know I have yours.”

“I haven’t had ownership of my heart in many years. It’s not mine to give,” she says robotically.

“Fuck that! I don’t believe it. I don’t believe you.” She cries out in frustration and breaks away from my grasp. She turns her back and covers her face with her hands. I’m not going to let her hide from me. “I don’t believe you, Celia. I feel it. I feel you. And no matter what you say, I know I have your heart. I know it beats for me.”


“I love you.”


“I’m in love with you.”

“Stop it, Cain!”

I get closer, willing her to turn around and see me. If she wants to eviscerate what we have, she should have to look me in the eye when she does it. I deserve that much.

“Stop what, Celia?”

“Just stop!”

“Say it! What do you want me to stop?”

She whips around and glares at me, muscles tense, eyes blazing, ready to strike.

“Stop loving me!”

Her words are a slap in my face, and I jerk back from the impact. I’m speechless. I’m wounded. I’m fucking furious.

After an eternity of silence, she whispers painfully, “You’re making what I have to do, who I have to be, so hard.”

“It was never my intention to make it easy for you, Celia. I did, however, plan on making it worth it. Not anymore.”

I grab my shirt off the bed and throw it on, itching like hell to get the fuck out of here. I can’t stand the sight of this room, this bed. I can’t stand the sight of her.

“I never should have led you on. I never should have started this with you. I’m so sorry, Cain.” With slumped shoulders, she releases a sob that she catches with a hand over her mouth.

“Really? That’s the tune you’re gonna play?” I wait for an answer, but she continues to stare at the floor. “You sure weren’t singing that song twenty minutes ago when my dick was in your mouth!”

Her gasp lets me know I hit my target, and my anger refuses to let me regret it. She’s gutted me, and I feel inclined to return the sentiment.

I storm to the door and stop at the entrance. This is it. I’m walking away from the first thing that’s ever felt real to me … fuck that, I’m not walking away; she’s kicking me out. Before I leave, I feel inclined to ask the one question that sits at the forefront of my mind.