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“Your shit is on the floor,” I groan, pointing down to his riding boots and the clothes scattered all over the floor.

“Yeah, so?” he shrugs.

“Well, it’s annoying and I keep tripping over it,” I simplify what I think is pretty self-explanatory. I don’t have time for this right now, but I need to get this out.

“Well, give me somewhere to put my shit and I’ll put them away,” he replies, sitting up.

“You want like…a drawer?”

“Yeah, or half your closet. Either way is good.”

“You mean move in?”

“Sure, thanks for asking,” he jokes, making me laugh.

“Is that what you want, Sunshine?” I walk over to the bed. We haven’t discussed this subject, but since that night when he held me as we cried over the baby we lost, he hasn’t left my side. Either we sleep here or we’re at the clubhouse, but we’ve never talked about moving all our stuff into one place.

“Seriously, woman. You can be so clueless.” He leans forward and pulls me to him. “Of course I want us to live together,” he declares like I’m simple.

“What, here?” I eye him, unsure I want to live here anymore.

“Here, or we can get a place of our own. Doesn’t bother me. Either way, I want to wake up with you every day, in our bed.”

“We could get a new place,” I surmise, thinking of where we could move to.

“Whatever you want. On one condition,” he bargains, then nips at my neck.

“What?” I ask, pushing him away.

“You can’t bitch me out for my clothes on the floor.” He grabs me and pins me to the bed.

“You’re going to mess my hair up,” I complain as he climbs over me.

“Tell me we are moving in together and you won't ever bitch me out for my clothes and shit bein' around the place, and then you can go,” he challenges, being a smartass.

“What if we stay together for fifty years? That’s a lot of years not to bitch you out.”

“What do you mean if?” he questions. “There are no ifs baby, only whens.” He kisses me hard, letting me know just how serious he is.

“I don’t know if I agree with those terms.” I hold my ground and look at the clock before freaking out. “I need to go, now,” I repeat once again, rolling to the left to get out of Sy's clutches. I was meant to be meeting Kadence in five minutes, and I have a fifteen minute drive. Shit.

“You’re not going anywhere until you tell me you want me to move in with you.” He stops me by my wrists and pulls me back. Typical Sy; no asking, just telling.

“Yes, baby. I want you to move in with me.” I look up and smile at him sweetly.

“Good answer,” he smirks, kissing me again.

“Now I feel like we unquestionably just became exclusive,” I tease, expecting a reaction.

“What the fuck, Holly?” he grunts, giving me what I want.

“Ha ha ha. You’re too easy, Sunshine. So gullible,” I laugh, bringing my arms around him.

“But I have to go. I love you.” I push him back so I can move out from under him. “And I’ll see you later.” I turn and kiss him one last time before heading out.

“You better be ready for me. ‘Cause I want you in our bed tonight.” I don’t miss the our or his tone. I can’t even freak out because this just seems right.

Everything with Sy has always felt right.



“Trust Jesse to know he has a surprise party waiting up here, then not show up,” Kadence exclaims over the loud and annoying music of Liquid. I still don’t know why we had to come here. Fuck Jesse’s family. If they don’t want to come to the clubhouse, then too fucking bad.

“He knows this is going on?” I ask, watching the stairs for Holly to make her entrance.

“Didn’t you know?” she laughs, leaning back and rubbing her small belly. She’s only just showing, but each week it slowly grows bigger. It makes it hard for Holly and me watching it. I know Holly doesn’t let it get her down, and I know I’m trying to get her pregnant again, but sometimes I see Holly looking at Kadence's belly and the look in her eyes just breaks me.

“Well, if he knows, what the hell is Holly doing with him?” I ask, annoyed he’s pulling this shit. Holly was dragged into organizing this party two weeks ago, and it's bullshit. I want her all to myself, but everyone keeps stealing her from me.

“It’s not his fault. His family said something to him, but we shouldn’t ruin the surprise because of it.” She shrugs like it’s no big deal. Fuck, Jesse’s family are a pain in the ass.

“She’s down there when she doesn’t have to be?” I ask, growing uneasy.

“Calm down, Sy. She’s with Jesse, which means she will text before they come up,” she says when she sees me watching the stairs.

“Knowing Jesse, he found a quick lay and pissed off on her.” I turn back to the table, trying not to worry. Since Chad and his father had the clubhouse searched and paid the girls a visit, we’ve all been laying low. I haven’t let Holly out of my sight. I know I’m probably overreacting, but between the asshole who took her and Chad who hurt her, I’m not taking any chances.

“Looks like your woman is fine down there.” Beau points down to the bottom dance floor where Holly and Jesse are dancing away, together. Are you fucking kidding me?

I try to control my anger at seeing her sexy-as-fuck body sway to the music while a bunch of men look on. She always was a tease, something that attracted me to her in the first place. And I know she’s only doing it to get a reaction, but every time I see it, it not only makes me see red, but feel it.

“HOLLY!” I shout over the music, but she doesn’t hear. “HOLLY!” I shout again, the anger in me growing each moment she looks at the motherfucker who should be up here, but is instead down there dancing with my woman. I give up the shouting. Even if she did hear me, the fucking minx probably wouldn’t stop.

“Sy, you can’t go down there.” Kadence tries to stop me but I don’t listen. Storming down the wooden staircase two stairs at a time, I whistle and finally get her attention. She falters for a moment, reading my anger and assessing what she’s going to do with it.

“Come here, now,” I mouth over the music. She doesn’t respond at first, her eyes moving up to the balcony of the VIP party, and then finding mine again. Yes, sweetheart. You’re meant to be up there with me. Slowly, a small smile plays on her lips, her grin growing the moment she sees just how pissed off I am.

“Now,” I mouth again, but this time my command doesn’t stop her. Lifting her hands she goes back to dancing next to a fucking clueless Jesse. Done with this game, I finish taking the stairs and push my way through the crowd.

She doesn’t see me; her back is to me as she continues to move her ass to the music, but I know she knows I’m there. Without skipping a beat, I take her hand and spin her around. I don’t watch for her reaction, just bend at the waist and pull her over my shoulder,

“Sy! What the hell are you doing?” she shrieks, hitting my back while I smack her tight ass. I keep my hand there making sure her dress doesn’t come up to flash any fucker her panties.

“Put me down, motherfucker,” she curses, trying to get out of my hold.

“Have I told you that your dirty mouth turns me on?” I taunt, ushering her through the crowd and ignoring all the looks.

“Sunshine, you’re going to ruin Jesse’s surprise.” She tries to wiggle out of my grasp, but I hold her tighter.

“He knows we’re up there, and if you don’t stop hitting me, I’m gonna slip my hand up this dress and slide my finger into your panties and every fucker in this club will see me finger fuck you. Do you want that?” I ask her. My cock wakes from its slumber at hearing my threat.

“You wouldn’t dare,” she seethes.

“Try me, baby,” I sneer, taking the steps two at a time.