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“Shit, that was a mistake,” I mutter as my fingers soothe my swollen lips.

“Like hell it was,” he hisses, taking a step back, watching me.

“I’m not interested in you,” I lie. My hands shake in front of me, the rush of adrenaline that shot through me at his touch now leaves me feeling exposed. "In fact, I have a date tomorrow night, so if you’ll excuse me.” I turn and open my door, desperate to get away. His hand comes to the door, stopping me from closing it.

“If you kiss like that when you’re not into it, I’d love to see how you kiss when you are,” he challenges with an arrogance that seems to affect me. He smirks then lets go of my door.

“I don’t intend for you to find out,” I reply before slamming my door, starting the car and driving off. I have to force myself not to look back.


Sitting in a booth the following night at Fireside Bar, I think back to Nix’s challenge. “If you kiss like that when you’re not into it, I’d love to see how you kiss when you are.”

The bastard is playing with me; I know it and now I can’t get him out of my head. I’ve known the man for all of five minutes and I can honestly say he infuriates me. Infuriates me and makes me think of things I shouldn’t be thinking about, especially about a student’s dad. Taking a sip of my cocktail, I push all thoughts of Nix Knight and his amazing kissing abilities aside and attempt to enjoy my night.

After tossing and turning all night and thinking about that kiss, I woke this morning and vowed to not think of him again. Yeah, I was failing miserably. I wasn’t lying when I told Nix I had a date tonight. My best friend Holly dragged me out tonight for a double date. She’s been seeing some guy named Ben and they thought it would be a good idea to set me up with his roommate, Braydon.

So far things haven’t progressed well, and I’m starting to regret agreeing to come along, something that I always seem to do around Holly.

Braydon is not my usual type, but he looks good, so that’s a win at least. However, everything else is lacking. I like my men to be a little manlier, a man’s man if you will. Someone who takes charge of the situation, but not someone who bosses me around, 'cause I sure as hell won’t put up with that. I spent too many years with my ex-fiancé, letting him dictate to me. I was weak back then. Now I’m not afraid to stand up for myself.

Shaking my head of thoughts that won’t change the past, I realize Braydon and Ben are still talking about the latest football game playing on the overhead screens. Great.

Looking over at Holly, I watch as she scans the club checking out the talent for the night. That’s Holly, on a date and still scoping her options. I’m about to tell her to quit when she kicks me under the table.

“What?” I whisper-yell to her as I lean forward and rub the shin where she just planted her stiletto.

“Check out the hot piece of ass that keeps looking over here,” she whisper-yells back, and I turn my head to see the man who’s been the center of my thoughts since the first day I met him, Nix Knight. Jesus, the man looks better each time I see him. I groan out loud when my eyes connect to his, and he gives me a wink. What an ass.

“Who the hell is that?” she questions, and I motion her to the ladies' room to talk.

Having escaped our table without even a glance from our dates, we push through the bathroom door when Holly starts firing out questions on who the sexy guy in leather is.

I’ve known Holly since college, meeting during first-day orientation. We realized we had a few classes together and so our friendship began. Her crazy personality brings out the fun in me, and she’s been my best friend for over ten years; not a day goes by I’m not thankful for her. When I lost my house, she welcomed me in with open arms. I survived and fought my way through recovery with her help. She came to every appointment with me, sat with me after every surgery and setback. If it wasn’t for Holly, her upbeat attitude and her crazy out-there moments, I don’t know where I'd be. Three years later, we still live together and haven’t killed each other, yet.

Pounding at the door startles me mid-way through my explanation about the badass biker who I met in my classroom last week, and the sexy, smartass man I kissed last night. The door pushes open, revealing none other than Mr. Sex On Legs himself. My best friend, or should I say ex-best friend, looks to me, her smile in place as she wiggles her eyebrows.

“I’ll just wait outside.” She looks to Nix, then back to me, mouthing, HOT, before leaving me alone with the insufferable man. Traitor.

Facing Nix, I prepare to give him a piece of my mind when he steps into my space, close enough for me to smell his cologne. Shit, don’t be swayed by the amazing smelling man, Kadence.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” I manage to get out while fighting the pull of his subtle cedar smell.

“I’ve come to ask you the same question, Kadence.” I ignore the fact he uses my first name. One kiss and he thinks he knows me? No, it’s more like he’s gloating that he learned it last night and now won’t stop calling me it. “What are you doing with the stick out there?” He moves closer as I step back into the counter.

“Who I date is none of your business, Mr. Knight.” I use his last name, trying to put an air of professionalism between us. Even though his assessment of Braydon is correct, I don’t need him to know my date is a bust.

“Well, you see, Kadence,” again with my name, but this time the sound comes smoothly off his tongue and sends a shiver down my spine. Hell, every single thing he says to me pulls me further into his spell. I want to slap my own face to snap me out of it. “That’s the problem, ‘cause I’m gonna make it my business. After that kiss last night, I’ve decided I need more.” His cocky attitude pulls me out of my stupidity and just pisses me off more.

“Step back,” I hiss, ignoring his line about me being his business. This guy is smooth. I’ll give him that, but I don’t fall for cheesy lines. Nix just shakes his head. “Mr. Knight, step the fuck back now,” I say again a little louder. His eyes flash with something that is unreadable, as he leans in closer.

“Oh, Miss Turner,” he rasps like he’s in pain. “My name and fuck coming out of those beautiful lips makes my cock rock hard.” The filthy words coming from his mouth should disgust me, should make me feel dirty that I find him unbelievably sexy as hell, but they don’t. Jesus, what is wrong with me?

Yes, there is some fierce electricity between us, and yes, I kissed him, but nothing can happen. I should be offended, but I’m not. Instead, it sends a thrill straight through me and I fight the urge to clench my thighs to soothe the ache he has created.

“Do those lines work on all the girls, Nix?” I say his name this time, his lips dangerously close to mine. If he leaned in and kissed me, I wonder if it would be like last night’s: fierce and full of desperation.

His eyes narrow and a grin forms on his lips, lips that I know have the ability to make me come undone. “Tell me, Kadence, if I stuck my hand down these tight-as-sin jeans,” his finger trails along the tops of my pants, “and touched your pussy, would you be wet for me?” he purrs, and my body responds before my brain can catch up; the shudder runs through me. He doesn’t miss it, pushing further into me. Chest to chest. Nose to nose.

What the actual fuck is wrong with me? There are warning bells screaming at me to stay clear, but his words make me weak. I have never, ever, been so turned on in my life. Wetness pools in my lace panties and I can’t even deny he is wrong. This pull he has over me is terrifying. If he told me to drop to my knees and take him in my mouth, I’m not sure I could refuse him.

The thought appalls me, yet at the same time, I become even wetter. Shaking my head out of the lust-induced fog he puts me under, I gather some much-needed strength and push the hard muscles of his chest. “Step back,” I demand, and again he ignores me. Instead, he moves his mouth to my ear.