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It was one of the first things I did when I stepped up as Prez. It was never my intention to patch in and take over from Dad. I loved the club, love the brothers, but for a long time I didn’t know if that life was what I wanted. Earning a living the way they did never sat well with me. I was torn; enlisting to serve my country was something I could see myself doing, running drugs was not.

My decision was made easy when a few weeks before my eighteenth birthday, life changed. Shit went down with a rival club, my mom becoming a victim in their war.

I never thought I would say it, but I hated my father for what his club brought to our family. The pain of losing a wife was too much for the old man. He was in a bad way, worse than me, and the club suffered for it. I stayed, wanting to seek revenge on those who destroyed our life. I was reckless, too far-gone. All I saw was blood. I wanted to make those fuckers pay.

Nothing was the same after that. After going down the path of anger and seeking revenge, I soon realized it wasn’t who I was. The club retaliated and we got our vengeance, but it didn’t take away the hurt or the pain that I was left with. Everything that I was searching for was for nothing. Losing my mom was for nothing. Patching-in and choosing this path didn’t bring her back.

When I finally accepted that I had chosen this path, I slowly started to put my life back together. Too much blood had been spilled and most of the brothers felt the same way. The idea of changing and creating something strong encouraged me to step up, to embrace something that my father originally started. I did my time and worked my way up, doing a lot of shit I wish I didn’t have to, but I pushed through, earning my position so when the time came, I could step in and take the club back to where it belonged. Cleaning up the mess wasn’t something that happened overnight; that shit took time. A lot of allegiances were tested, leaving us vulnerable and open to attacks. Times were tough but we pushed through, coming out better on the other side.

“Dad!” Z calls out as he makes his way over to me. I watch his mom trailing behind in barely-there shorts and a tank that shows she isn’t wearing a bra. Lately she’s been dressing more like the young teenager I met, rather than the thirty-seven-year-old mother she is. I have to wonder why she feels the need to dress like trash.

“Hey, bud, how you doin’?” I ask as he climbs up on my bike.

“Good, I’ve got my tickets ready to go on some rides,” he says excitedly.

“Hey, Nix.” Addison smiles her fake smile, pushing up against me. Taking a step back from her, I ignore her attention and speak to Z.

“Go help Kelly set up with Beau and Brooks and I’ll give you a few dollars for some extra rides,” I tell him, scruffing his hair.

“Awesome!” he shouts, getting off the bike to follow Beau to the stall.

“You talk to Z about his weeklong detention?” I look back over at my ex-wife. Addison and I do the joint custody thing. Z stays with his mom four nights then back at mine for four nights. I hate not having him with me all the time, but I know kids need to have their moms in their lives. Even if she isn’t the best.

Addison pouts her lips, pissed I’m not giving her the attention she wants. I don’t know why she pulls this act; it sure as shit isn’t going to work on me after the fucked-up bullshit she pulled on me last week. Ringing me ten minutes after the scheduled meeting with the school and telling me she was tied up getting her nails done. Luckily I was in town and made the five-minute drive. Now I’m left annoyed at my encounter with Z’s teacher and the unwanted thoughts of the sexy woman.

Addison shrugs, letting me know she didn’t talk to him. I have to refrain from shaking some sense into her. She never used to be this way, only showing her true colors when I finally decided to end things. I was never in love with the woman. I thought I could make it work for the sake of Z, but in the end, it wasn’t worth it. If she doesn’t start acting like a good mother, and get her life sorted, we’re going to have problems. One being Z will be living with me full time. I have no problem taking her to court.

Walking away from her before I lose it in front of the whole town, I get a look at the sweetest ass to grace my sight. The blue jeans are pulled tight, and hug every inch of the fine ass. Her small waist, the curve of her hips and her dark hair that hangs half way down her back makes her even more appealing. Now that’s a woman I wouldn’t mind banging. Adjusting myself in my jeans, I move forward, eager to get acquainted with the dark-haired beauty. I’m stopped dead in my tracks when I see the sexy body belongs to none other than Miss Turner. Well, fuck me.

If I didn’t want to fuck her damn sexy ass in that tight skirt and fuck-me heels she was wearing last time I saw her, I’d be falling over backwards to pull off the jeans that look painted on today. She looks up, her eyes catching mine and her stance wavers for just one second, like she did when I shook her hand. Holy fuck, Miss Prim and Proper just might like herself some biker.

Walking toward her, I notice her take a deep breath, whether to calm her nerves or to gain patience I don’t know, but I’m willing to rattle her cage a little more.

“Why, hello there, Miss Turner.” I drag out the Miss just to piss her off, and also letting her know I’m particularly interested that there is no Mr. Turner.

She squares her shoulders and greets me back. “Hello, Mr. Knight.” She sounds disinterested, but I know better. After the way our meeting ended and the tension now rolling off her, I doubt her disinterest.

“Nix,” I say, wanting to hear my name come from her lips.

“Sorry?” she asks, looking more flustered every second I stand in front of her.

“My name is Nix.” I repeat it even though I know she heard me the first time. Damn women and their games; she doesn’t realize it makes me want her more. She smiles but doesn’t offer me her name.

“Are you signing up for a ride?” I ask, moving the conversation forward. If I play it smart, I can have her willing and pissed in less than two minutes.

“No.” She nervously laughs, “Not me. I wouldn’t be caught dead on the back of one of those.” She moves her head to indicate the row of bikes neatly lined up. The sight of her on the back of my bike flashes wickedly in my mind. What I would do to see that.

"Shame, I’d have grown hard seeing you in those fuck-me heels, straddling the back of my bike.” I give her a grin and quickly turn my back to her, walking back to our stall before she can respond. I’d love to see the stunned look on her face as I walked off, but I’m hoping to see her again later to rattle her some more. If I have it my way, she’ll be on the back of my bike in no time.

Chapter Three


“Need some help, Miss Turner?” Nix’s voice calls behind me as I try to pack the remaining boxes into my car. Shit.

After sauntering off with his dig about my heels and his bike, I’ve tried to avoid him at all costs. Being on the school committee board, I couldn’t leave considering all proceeds of the fair would be going to the new library we petitioned for, but I did my best to not be alone with him.

“No, thank you. I’m good,” I rush out, hoping he moves on. He gets me all flustered; I can’t stand to even look at him.

“Here let me.” He moves forward taking the box from my hands.

“I’m beginning to think that you don’t listen to anyone,” I remark, trying to keep my eyes off his ass as he bends at the waist to push the boxes into the trunk. After watching him all day, I’ve come to the realization that I want him. The way he is with Z just seals my opinion of him. The persona of a cocky, arrogant biker might be what he puts off, but under that he seems so different.