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“You right, brother?” Beau comes up, looking concerned.

“I don’t know. Let’s go find out how bad I’ve fucked up here.” He rubs the tops of his eyes.

“Hey, this is not your fault, Nix.” I take his hand. I can see the anger working behind his eyes.

“She’s been speakin’ to him like that when I’m not around. Who fuckin’ knows what else she’s been doin’?”

“We don’t know that. Going in there angry might frighten him, okay?” I try to coax him off the ledge. I can see he’s slowly slipping, can see how he might not get a grip on it, but he has to, for Z. He sits on a vacant chair as the guys leave us alone.

“Do you think this is what’s been goin’ on? Why he’s been so withdrawn?” he asks after few minutes of silence.

I want to say no, maybe it was a one-off, but I see the fear in his eyes, hear his plea.

“I think so. The signs are there,” I give it to him honestly.

“Why wouldn’t he tell me?”

“Maybe he was scared, Nix. You saw the look on his face.”

“Fuck,” he breathes out, grabbing onto my hand. “I’ve fucked up badly here.”

“How? This isn’t on you,” I tell him, even though I know he won’t listen. I can already see his mind ticking over at what he missed.

This is on Addison. A mother’s job is to protect her child, not abuse their trust. You can see in Z’s reaction something isn’t right. Something has broken that trust.

“Dad?” Z calls from the back door, his expression lost and scared.

“Hey, bud, come and sit with me.” He taps the chair next to him. I stand to give them some space.

“Can Miss Turner stay?” he asks, looking at me, so unsure.

“Yeah, she won’t go anywhere,” Nix assures him, knowing I won’t leave if he wants me here. I move over one chair so he can sit between us.

“Am I in trouble?” his voice wobbles, looking up at his father.

“Why would you be in trouble? You haven’t done anything wrong,” Nix assures him, his eyebrows creasing.

“I’m sorry, Dad. I didn't know how to tell you.” Z sounds so uncertain, I can’t help but reach out. I take his hand in mine, trying to offer some comfort. He has nothing to be scared about, nothing at all.

“This been goin’ on for long?” Nix quietly asks.

“Just really started to get worse,” Z confirms.

“She touch you in anger like that before?”

I hold back the need to cry at Nix’s question. I just feel so helpless listening to him confirm what I had feared.

“Sometimes, when she’s really angry. Mostly it’s just a grab or slap and yelling at me.”

“Fuck,” Nix curses under his breath.

“I was gonna tell you this weekend, I swear, but then we had the BBQ,” he rushes out.

“Hey, Z, it’s okay. You’re not in any trouble,” I try to reassure him.

“But I should have told Dad or the counselor you sent me to. I just didn’t know what was gonna happen.”

“This is not your fault, bud. We’ll sort it out,” Nix assures him. Reaching over, he kisses his head.

“Let’s go home.” Nix stands and waits for Z’s response.

“Is Miss Turner coming?” They both look to me waiting for my answer. Shit. I want to go, to be there for both of them, but should I back off, let Nix sort this out? Looking up at Nix, he nods, giving me his answer.

“Only if you call me Kadence, but don’t tell any of the kids at school,” I smile, giving him a wink.

“I promise.” He smiles, and for a moment I forget things are about to get a whole lot messier. I don’t know what the hell Nix is going to do to Addison, and the thought alone scares me.

Chapter Twenty-Four


I slam the bedroom door shut behind me, the rage building inside of me bringing me to the brink. The week has been the most fucked up I’ve had to deal with in a long time, but reading what I just read, I’m struggling to contain it.

I made an appointment with my attorney after spending the rest of Sunday afternoon talking with Z, trying to get him to open up about what’s been happening. I soon realized that the shit at his mom’s house is a lot worse than I first thought. I knew that Addison never wanted to end things; that decision was mine, but taking all her anger out on Z? That shit is fucked.

I can’t believe I didn’t see it sooner. The pain of watching my son express his fear of going back to Addison’s tore at me. I want to take away the bullshit she put him through. I want to wring her neck at the shit she’s been telling him, but at the end of the day, the only thing I can do is make sure this shit doesn’t happen again. I’ve wanted to go over there every day this week, do to her what she’s done to him, put my hands on her, but that’s not going to help Z. After just coming from my attorney, and reading through Z’s statement for CPS, I feel like if I don’t get a handle on my burning anger, I’m going to do something I’ll regret.

I pace the length of my room, willing my body to calm. Z doesn’t need to see this; he’s already witnessed too much hate.

My phone beeps from my pocket and I reach back and pull it out.

Kadence: On my way home. Want me to pick anything up?

Is it bad that hearing her call my home her home has me feeling all kinds of good?

Nix: No, only want your pretty face in my presence ASAP.

Kadence: Yeah, yeah, Casanova. You just want my cooking skills. Lasagna?

Nix: Okay, you got me. Your pretty face and your amazing lasagna.

After two text messages, she’s managed to calm me enough to be able to find Z and make sure he’s okay. I couldn’t even talk on the drive home. I probably scared him, but reading his recount of what she’d done to him, her hands on him, and the fact he was too afraid to tell me? Fuck, it was too much.

Walking down the hall to his room, I lightly tap on the door.

“Hey, Z, can I come in?”

“Yeah,” he replies and I push the door open. He’s sitting on his bed, his iPod in his hand.

“Sorry about that. I just needed to have a breather,” I explain my behavior. He nods, looking back down at his lap. Leaning up against the wall, I decide to tell him the truth.

“Z, what your mom has done is tearing me up and I can’t seem to get a handle on it,” I admit. I wish I could, but right now, I feel like I’m swimming in so much hate.

“I didn’t know what to say. What you would have said. I was scared.” He looks up at me, his small voice breaking.

“I know and I’m not angry at you for that. I’m just trying to work through all this with you. You’re my life. Anyone hurts you, they hurt me. I’m meant to protect you, Z. It’s my job.”

I walk forward and sit down next to him. Fuck, this kid is my life. The anger burning in my veins is for him, for what his mother did to him.

“I won’t have to go back, will I?” Fear flashes over his green eyes, and it just cuts me more. Where I crave the chance to have more time with my mom, my boy is hoping he doesn’t see his again. The woman is a fool.

“Not if you don’t want to,” I tell him. No fucking way will I make him go if he doesn’t want to.

“I don’t wanna go.”

“Okay, buddy,” I nod, agreeing with him. I don’t blame him; she lost that privilege when she first put her hands on him.

My phone rings from my back pocket. Pulling it out, I see Kadence’s name flash across the screen.


“Hey, babe,” she says. And a jolt runs through me when I hear her voice. “Is Z there?”

“Yeah, why?” I ask concerned.

“Can you put him on?”

“It’s for you.” I hand the phone to Z, feeling less wanted. I’m jealous of my fucking son. Great.

“Hello?” he answers. His mouth spreads into a smile at the sound of her voice.

“Yeah,” he exclaims, his head bobbing up and down as he listens to her talk. “Okay, bye.” He ends the call, handing the phone back.

“What was that about?” I ask, wanting to know what has him smiling so much, something that only seems to happen around Kadence.