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“Hey, Dad,” he smiles, looking like he’s excited to be coming with me today.

Pulling out, I notice Addison still standing there in her nightgown at one pm. “Your mom sleep in today?” I ask, pulling out of the driveway without acknowledging her.

“Yeah,” he mumbles, looking down at his iPod. After a few minutes of driving in silence, I decide I’m gonna come right out and tell him about Kadence.

“So, bud, I wanted to talk about something that’s important. You think you’re up for that?” I ask.

“Sure,” he says, looking up from the game he's playing

“Well, I guess there’s no other way to say it other than, I’ve been seein' someone,” I say, waiting for a response. I’m not sure what sort of response, but I’m expecting something.

“So you’re not getting back with Mom?” he asks a little too excitedly. Okay, not what I was expecting.

“No, bud, why would you think that?” I ask, wondering what shit Addison has fed him.

“Mom said you guys were getting back together.” He looks at me confused.

“Shit, Z, I’m sorry, bud, but we’re not,” I tell him truthfully. Fucking Addison is spinning her shit again.

“Good,” he states.

“Good? You okay with that?” It’s now my turn to look confused; the kid is confusing me now.

“Yeah, Dad, I’m okay with it.” A smile breaks out over his face.

“Okay, so if you're cool with that, I hope you’re cool with who it is then,” I say, testing the waters.

“Do I know her?”

“Yeah, bud, you do. Miss Turner and I have been seeing each other for a little while now,” I let him know, watching him closely.

“Cool.” His excited voice bounces off the windshield.

“You okay with that too?”

“Hell yeah, that’s wicked, Dad.” He smiles over at me.

Well shit, there you go.

“She’s coming to the BBQ today. I want you on your best behavior, okay, bud?” I ask, knowing he’ll be good; he always is when he’s at the clubhouse.

“What do I call her?” he asks, already thinking ahead.

“Let's just start off as Miss Turner, and we’ll let her lead us as to how we’re gonna handle it. How’s that sound?”

“Sounds good, Dad,” he beams up at me. “Is she gonna be my new mom?” His enthusiasm is flowing out.

“Jesus, Z, calm down,” I laugh. “You already got a mom to start with, and Kadence and I are a long way off from that. Let's just see how it goes, yeah?”

“Okay, Dad,” he sulks. The fella is getting way ahead of himself. I hope he calms a little and doesn’t scare her off. It was hard enough getting Kadence to the clubhouse today. I’d hate to think what she’d do if she heard Z start talking about that.


“Yeah, bud?”

“I really like Miss Turner. She's funny and pretty.” I smile over at him, agreeing with him. “And when you are ready, can she be my mom?” The question throws me a little, not the part about me being ready, ‘cause I can see myself getting there. It's the prickly feeling I’m getting that he wants a new mom.

Pulling up to the clubhouse, I file it away for when we have some one-on-one time. Something is not sitting right with me.

“Let’s just get through the BBQ today, and then we’ll talk. Okay, Z?”

“Okay, Dad.” He nods and opens his door excited for our afternoon. I’m prepared for this; ready for Kadence to be more a part of my life, a part of club life. I just hope today doesn’t push us back.

Chapter Twenty-Three


We pull up to the compound just before four p.m. After Nix had his way with me on the kitchen counter, proving how hard he could fuck me, we had breakfast and then spent the rest of the morning in his bed. After he had fed me lunch, he brought me home in his big-ass truck. I missed the bike, but I knew he was on his way to pick up Z so I didn’t complain. Holly was home, but that didn’t stop him from kissing me senseless, before leaving me to go pick up Z and get ready for the club BBQ.

The last few weeks have been a whirlwind. I’ve said all along, I’m not sure where this thing between us was going, but the turning point for me was the night I told him about my burns. I never considered that letting him in and revealing that part of me could bring us closer together, but it has. I feel like we are at a new phase in our relationship, but I also feel like I’m in way over my head. When it’s just Nix and me, I feel comfortable, happy and content, but taking it further, letting Z see this part of us, freaks me out. How do I act? What if he hates this?

“So is Sy going to be here?” Holly asks, pulling me out of thoughts of Z having a massive fit about us.

“I’m sure he will be, Holly,” I tell her as she slowly makes her way up the long gravel drive of the Knights Rebels compound. My head is already going through every scenario and I’m freaking the fuck out.

“Do you know what you are getting yourself into, Kadence?” Shutting off the engine to her beat-up Honda, she turns to look at me.

“I have got no idea, Hol, but there’s something there. Nix has made me realize how much in the past I’ve been living,” I tell her, turning to face her. “I don’t know where this is going, but I’m ready to move on. I'm ready for some goodness.”

She smiles, reaching for my hand. “I’m glad, babe. If anyone deserves it, it’s you. Now, let's go have us a hot biker BBQ,” she cheers, getting out of the car, her short skirt and tight tank sure to capture some of the guys’ attention. I opted for jeans and a tank.

Walking up to the front door, I notice a few more bikes in the compound. My hands sweat knowing we’re moving into new territory, and I’m not sure if my heart is ready for it. My head screams, telling me it’s a good thing, but my heart is second-guessing if introducing us to Z is the right thing to do.

“Come on, woman. Suck it up,” Holly says, noticing my reservations before dragging me through the door, apparently eager to see inside the clubhouse.

Leather and smoke assault my senses and I drag a breath in, my body remembering the scent as all Nix. I’m beginning to love this place. Music beats out of the surround speakers making the framed pictures hanging on the walls next to us shake slightly. Children, women, and their men fill the room, their voices fighting to be heard over the music. Holly takes me straight to the bar, ordering us two Coronas from Hunter.

“This place is great!” Holly marvels, taking a drink from her beer.

“Kadence,” Jesse calls from behind me. I spin on my stool to face him. He leans down and kisses my cheek. “Good to see you here, darlin',” he whispers to me, a slight grin on his lips. Jesse steps back and then looks over my shoulder. “I don’t think we’ve formally met,” he drawls. I turn back to Holly, watching Jesse bring her hand to his lips. Real smooth.

“Holly, this is Jesse. Jesse, this is my best friend, Holly,” I do the introduction without much enthusiasm.

“Hello, sweetheart.” He moves in close and I have to laugh. I think all these men have it bad for themselves, but Jesse takes the cake. The guy is the modern-day Casanova.

“Hi.” She barely gives him a glance, not affected by his blatant flirting. Holly’s disinterest doesn't deter Jesse. His play is only taken to the next level when he reaches out and pushes a loose strand of hair from her face.

“Geez, you’re a pretty little thing, aren’t ya?” he states, and both Holly and I roll our eyes. Watching Jesse with his blond messy hair and tanned skin standing next to Holly’s similar coloring, you can’t help see they would make a cute couple. However, I know the type of guys Holly goes for, and Jesse’s good-boy looks are not her type.

“You done?” Sy’s voice comes up behind me. A tremor slides down my spine at his dark, menacing tone. I don’t turn to face him, but from the look Holly is giving him, I know he is pissed. I freaking knew he has something for Holly.