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I’ve lived here my whole life, and, amazingly, I’ve managed to survive without your overprotective ass telling me what to do.

In her mind, he arched a brow but couldn’t hold back a smirk because, secretly, he loved her bratty side. But really, it wasn’t snowing that hard, was it? She finished her teeth then peeked out the bedroom window.

The ground and cars were covered in a thick coat of white fluffiness. Jeez. It picked up fast. Thank God it was Sunday and she didn’t have to work in this mess. She and Ambrose had planned to spend the whole day together. He’d promised her a “wining and dining adventure.” They were supposed to go to a wine tasting then another one of his favorite restaurants. The man had a lot of those. Strange for a blue-collar worker. But sometimes taste defied status.

It made her a little worried for their future together. She couldn’t, in good conscience, let him keep spending so much money on her just for food. If they were going to have something long-term, he’d have to scale back the fancy stuff here and there. They were still in the impressing-each-other phase, so she let him spoil her, but guilt was starting to push in. How could he afford to keep up that lifestyle? She guessed because he lived modestly in every other way he could spend his extra money on fancy food and experiences. The resourceful thriftiness would come in handy someday—like when they had to put together a nursery for a baby.

“Whoa,” she said to the window. “Slow the fuck down.” Her uterus was spinning out of control.

Her text alert beeped.

Just stay put, little girl.

She grinned at her phone. Are you going to wine and dine me in my little apartment?

Secretly, she hoped he’d fuck her. Her period was finally over and she’d been hard up since.

Don’t worry. I have a new plan. Do you have warm clothes? Or only fashionable, impractical things?

Warm clothes? Why did she get the sense she wasn’t going to like this? She was about to respond when another message came through.

Never mind. I’ll take care of everything. Be there soon. Xoxo

She wasn’t sure whether her stomach fluttered with excitement or anxiety. Maybe she should put her schoolgirl skirt on. At least then she’d know where things were headed.

Speaking of clothes, she was still in her pajamas. What should I wear for this mystery date?

It took a few minutes for him to reply, which she spent staring at the phone in the middle of her bathroom. So annoying. She was fucking hooked.

Warm clothes that you don’t care about getting ruined.


They were going fucking skiing or something dangerous and . . . cold. Maybe she should have warned him about how much of a wuss she was. Unless she was protesting, spending long amounts of time outdoors really wasn’t her thing. Couldn’t they just watch a movie or something normal?

After spending half an hour deliberating over what to wear, she finally settled on an old pair of sweatpants and a thermal shirt she’d had since high school. It was warm, but she looked like a slob. This was definitely not her idea of a romantic date.

With a sigh, she threw her hair in a side braid then searched her room for her gloves and hat.

A knock at the door interrupted her and she went to open it, afraid of what she’d see on the other side.

It was Ambrose, covered in white powder, wearing a parka and hat and grinning like a fucking idiot. “Hey, my little snow angel.”

She started backing away. “No. Whatever your plan is, no.”

His evil laugh didn’t comfort her. He followed her inside, shaking himself off like a dog and stomping his boots on the mat in the entryway.

Then she noticed the shopping bag in his hand. “The abominable snowman brought gifts?”

“Yup.” He placed the bag on the back of her couch then started pulling out the items. “Here,” he said, shoving a pair of snow pants at her. “Try these on.”

She stood there flabbergasted, unsure of where to even begin. “Just what do you have in mind for this date, Ambrose?” Her gut had been right. She wasn’t going to like this.

With a twinkle in his eye that reminded her a five-year-old, he said, “We’re going sledding.” Then he pushed a pair of snow boots into her arms.

Stunned, she looked down at them. The tag read clearly, SIZE NINE. “How do you know my shoe size?”

“I make it my mission to know everything about you.”

“That’s creepy.”

He laughed.

“This must’ve cost a fortune.” She looked over everything he’d taken out of the bag—wool socks, a fleece hat, thick waterproof gloves, hot pink snow pants. “I can’t take all of this.”

“It’s not your job to worry about that.”

“Yeah, but this is—”

“Shush.” He started pulling the shopping tags off the items. “You’re gonna give me a complex. I can take care of my woman.”

“I’m not going sledding.” She placed the boots back in the bag. “You can take this stuff back.”

“What’s the matter?” He smirked. “It’s gonna mess up your pretty hair?”


“Poor baby. Are you scared? I didn’t know I was dating such a chicken.”

She rolled her eyes. “That’s not going to work on me. I’m not eight years old.”

With a sigh, he stepped closer. When she grimaced and tried to back away, he grabbed her around the waist with his cold, wet arm.

She squealed. “Ugh! Ambrose, you’re freezing!”

“Come on,” he rumbled, bringing his face close to hers, like he was going to kiss her. “Do it for me.”

Squirming, she tried to get away. “Your nose is so cold!” Chuckling, he rubbed it on her cheek. She couldn’t help but laugh at his silliness. “Ugh. How did I get stuck with a boyfriend like you?”

He let her go and stepped away. “Like what? Handsome and charming?”

“Crazy and ridiculous!” She didn’t tell him how adorable she thought he was when he got playful like this. As much as she loved his masterful side, his unpredictability and delight in certain things made him fun.

“I’ll give you lots of orgasms after,” he said with a hopeful lilt in his voice.

She froze in place. He was going to bribe her with orgasms? “Seriously?”

“As many times as you go down the hill, that’s how many orgasms you’ll get.”

Crossing her arms over her chest, she stared at him. He didn’t need to know she was actually considering it. “Can’t we just skip to the orgasm part?” She really should have worn the schoolgirl skirt.

“Hey, you promised me a game the other night.”

Shit. “You remember that?”

“This is my game. You owe me. Now get your ass in these cute snow pants before I beat you.” His eyes darkened. “I promise sledding will be a lot worse if you’re sore.”

Sighing loudly, she grabbed the pants out of his hand. She’d go, but not without attitude. “My ass is going to freeze out there,” she mumbled, pulling the snow pants over her sweats.

“Mmm. I know exactly how to warm it up.”

Yeah right. If she turned into a popsicle, he wasn’t touching her.

*   *   *

Her fingers and toes finally thawed in the warmth of the hot tub. “Mmm,” she purred as the jet stream hit her back. “Good call coming here instead of my apartment.”

Across from her, Ambrose chuckled.

“I can’t believe your friend is gone again though. Is he ever home?”

His gaze dropped, and he shrugged. “Now and then.”

“Why bother having a mansion if you’re not home to use it?” She shook her head. “Another reason why rich people are so weird.”

“Yeah.” He sighed deeply, then a twinkle appeared in his eye. “You had fun today. Admit it.”

Going for nonchalant, she said, “It was okay.”

“Just okay?” He scoffed. “I could hear you giggling all the way down the hill.”

So it’d been a little more than just okay. Despite the cold, he’d made her feel like a kid again. For once, she didn’t care how she looked, who was watching, how hard she laughed. They just let loose and had fun, like they were fucking five years old. It was sort of . . . amazing.