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“I think we should keep you two separated as much as possible. You should never be left unsupervised together.” He shook his head in mock disapproval. “Such bad girls.”

“You like us bad.” Everly paused and dug her toes into the wet sand. “Poor Varushka. She has no idea what she’s walking into. At least Kate chose this life, and I was already kinky. That poor kid is going to have some serious culture shock to deal with.”

Ambrose pulled her close and tilted her head back with his thumb. “We could start a petition to find her a more vanilla husband, if that would make you feel better.”

She stood on his toes and kissed him. “No, Master. I think Konstantin’s heart is in the right place. I just hope he’s not so hard up that he steamrolls over her to make her into what he wants, you know?”

“Well, we tend to call each other out if we’re being asshats. If you think he needs a talking-to at some point, you tell me and I’ll talk to him.”

She breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you, Master.”

When she looked out at the water, he stole a kiss.

“Have I ever told you that being naked really suits you?” He slid his hands over her skin, and she melted against him. Every time she was in his arms like this, it felt like a piece of him had been put back in its place. There was contentment, relief, and a feeling that everything was right in his world.

“You’re such a fucking romantic, Master.”

“Wait. What’s this?” He crouched down at her feet, and feigned picking something up, then stood and held it out to her.

She blinked at his palm, then at him, then back again.

“It’s . . . Someone lost this?” Everly eyed him suspiciously.

The old-fashioned ring glittered in his palm, and he struggled to slow down his racing heart. Fuck, he sucked at this stuff. “No. This is your last chance to throw me back in the ocean though.”

“Ambrose. That is not a proposal.”

“No? Should I get down on one knee?” Without hesitation, he sank to one knee then tugged at the end of the bow holding one side of her bathing suit bottoms together.

“Behave yourself. This is supposed to be romantic.” A laugh rolled from her, and she pressed her fingers to her mouth, trying to quell it. A tear trickled down and she wiped it away, grinning like a kid at Christmas.

He offered the ring to her again. “This isn’t fancy, but it was my great-grandmother’s. Everly, you’re hot and funny and smart, and I love everything about you.”

“That’s better.”

“And if it’s not big enough, I’ll buy you another one.”

“Ohhh . . . it’s more than big enough.”

“The ring, little girl. I was talking about the ring.”

“Oh, um. Yes. Me too.” She gave him a sexy grin, and his hand crept back to her ribbons.


“Yes, slave?”

“Maybe you should put the ring on my finger before we lose it.”

He inclined his head. Point taken. “So is that a yes? You didn’t answer me.”

“You didn’t ask me anything, Master. You just listed some of my positive attributes.”

Did she have to be bratty about everything? Chuckling, he said, “Everly, my hot little piece of ass, will you marry me?”

She eyed him up and down, like he was a tasty piece of meat. “Yes, Master. But only if you fuck me. Immediately.”

He slipped the ring onto her finger, and stared at it in disbelief. She’d actually said yes. The ring was on her finger. He blinked up at her, full of wonder and giddy excitement. He jumped to his feet and pulled her into his arms.

She kissed him then squealed when he threw her over his shoulder and strode off toward the trees.

“I’ll be fucking you almost immediately. First we need to talk about what happens when you get bossy with me,” he grumbled, and swatted her ass. “Bossy slaves get punished.”


Brat. His brat. At least she couldn’t see his smile. It would only encourage her.


Thanks again to our agent, Nicole Resciniti, from the Seymour Agency, for all of your attention and patience. We couldn’t ask for better representation or career advice. You’ve also seriously impressed us with your willingness to be seen with us in public.

Also, thanks to Kristine Swartz, our editor at Penguin, for your direction and always being available to answer our questions, as well as for patiently guiding us through the process.

Of course, we wouldn’t get far without our street team, the Badass Brats. You ladies (and man) are the best friends and supporters authors could ask for. We love you all!

Special thanks to our bff and fellow author, Cari Silverwood, for your ongoing support and quirky humor. No one else can use personal insults to show their affection quite like you can.

We had the pleasure of meeting author Sidney Bristol at a convention this year. Sidney, thank you so much for the cover quote! Can’t wait to hang out with you again soon. (Sidney really is as awesome as she seems online, people.)

And finally, thanks to our partners and families for being supportive about our hours and deadlines, and never complaining when it was pizza for supper again.

Look for the third novel in the Masters Unleased series


Coming soon from InterMix

Two writers in two countries transform into the writing duo Sparrow Beckett each night after wrangling their housefuls of children and pets. They are the authors of Playing Hard to Master and Finding Master Right. Sparrow also writes as Leia Shaw, and Beckett writes as Sorcha Black.

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