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“That must be nice, having a club full of men who’d do anything to protect you and look after you.” Her face was sad, and it was the first time I’d seen her look defeated even after all the crap she must’ve been through when she was held prisoner by Daniel Ashley—the psychopath.

“Andie, these guys took you in and vowed to protect you. They did that because they wanted to, not because they expected you to owe them something in return.” I got the feeling I knew exactly why she was here. I’d been approached by women before that have wanted to try their hand at being a Brothers by Blood girl, but I knew in my gut that Andie was definitely not that kind of girl.

“They’ve been so good to me. Slider and Leo especially.” I saw a small blush cover her cheeks even as she smiled. “I don’t want to go home. There wasn’t really anything left for me there anyway when I was taken. But I know that my welcome here will soon be up.”

“I think that’s something you need to discuss with Optimus. He won’t throw you out on the streets, I promise.” I took her hand in mine and gave it a reassuring squeeze. “Look at your options before you decide to do something that you might regret.”

“Do you regret it?” she asked with a frown.

I shook my head. “I will never regret it. They’ve given me something here that I don’t think I would’ve ever gotten anywhere else. I love the club.”

“You’re different than the other girls.” She laughed. “They get angry when one of the guys blows them off to spend time with me.”

“Some of the girls are here for the wrong reasons. They’re lazy bitches that don’t want to do anything for themselves but want the power and authority that comes with being claimed and labeled an Old Lady.” I laughed. “But the reality is, that’s not what these guys are looking for, not from a club whore anyway.”

She smirked. “Oh yeah, then what do you call you and Optimus? I heard Lou Lou telling Sammy that he took her to his room the other night and wouldn’t even touch her.”

I tried to hide my surprise.

So it was all just an act.

She nudged me in the side and grinned. “She said it was because of you.”

“Honestly, there’s just some things about these men I’ll never understand.” I huffed, falling back on the bed dramatically.

Her giggles filled the room, the sound so addictive I couldn’t help but laugh with her.

“So, what’s the deal with you, Slider, and Leo?” I asked as I gave her a friendly shove.

She sighed and fell backward on the bed next to me. “They’re great. Slider makes me laugh so much I feel like I’m gonna pee my pants. And Leo, he’s just …”

“Sexy, hunky, strong, sweet?” I offered.

“Tick, tick, tick and tick,” she said, doing the ticks in the air with her finger. “And that little girl of his. Geez, my heart melts.”

“Sounds like someone has it bad,” I said in a sing-song voice.

“You don’t know the half of it,” she groaned.

I glanced over my shoulder, checking the time on the clock. “Well, will you look at that, it’s past mid-day. That means we can get a drink.” I threw myself off the bed, grabbing Andie’s hand and pulling her with me.

She laughed. “It’s only 3:00 p.m.”

“I’ll bet we aren’t the first at the bar,” I said pulling her from the room and down the hall. I’m not sure why but the brothers had a very strict no alcohol until after twelve policy unless it was a special occasion or you’re just really desperate. I guess the boys had to be kept sober for a least a few hours of the day. I wiggled my eyebrows at Andie when we got to the bar and found Wrench already there with Kev at his side and Sammy in his lap. They all had a bottle of beer in their hands and some music played softly in the background.

“Told you,” I said to her before yelling at the prospect tending the bar. “Neil! I need a drink!”

“Uh, sure. What do you want?”

Kev scoffed and I turned to him. “How long as he been here and he still doesn’t know what I drink?”

Kev reached out and wrapped his arm around my neck, pulling me into his side. He shook his head like he was severely disappointed. “The kid is a few colors short of a rainbow. He ain’t ever gonna get it right.”

“Whiskey.” The deep voice sent vibrations through me that went straight to lady parts. Kev’s arm released me so fast I nearly lost my balance.

“Sure, Prez,” Neil stumbled, racing to get a glass and the bottle for his president.

“Not for me you half-wit. That’s what she drinks. Learn it. Fast.”

Neil nodded profusely, spilling the amber liquid on the bar top as he poured and slid the glass over to me. “There you go, Chel.”

I threw back the whole glass before turning to get a good look at the man standing behind me, the man who’s mere presence threw my world completely off-kilter—or was that the alcohol? Right now, I couldn’t tell. He stared me down, his eyes drilling through my defenses.

“You’re back.” Were the only words he uttered.

Andie took up a conversation with the others quickly, moving out of the tense atmosphere that we had created.

“Yeah, I got in about an hour ago.”

He flicked his head, gesturing for me to follow him before he walked away and I followed. I’d missed him the past couple of days that I had spent with Harmony and every part of me ached to be near him. He took a seat at a table across the room, I pulled out a chair to sit beside him, but his hand shot out, wrapping itself around my wrist and pulling me into his lap.

I didn’t fight.

The anger and hurt inside me hadn’t gone but was simply pushed aside by need. The need to feel him, the need to touch him, the need to hear his voice. I landed ungracefully right on top of him, luckily his other hand caught me before I fell straight off the other side and onto the floor. He wrapped both his arms around my waist and nuzzled his face into my hair.

“How much have you had to drink, Blackbird?” He chuckled against me.

“Just that one,” I answered, pointing to the bar.





His body shook with silent laughter and I couldn’t help but smile as I wiggled against him, trying my best to get even closer to his body—like it was even possible.

“I gave you three days.”

I snorted. “I came back in two.”

“I know. I’m glad.”

“Kit kicked me out.”

Optimus laughed, the sound drawing the attention from his brothers and the girls at the bar who looked over at us with confused looks on their faces. “I know, I told him to.”

“I’m not even slightly surprised,” I said rolling my eyes.

“We need to talk,” he said as he brushed my hair back from my shoulder and his lips found my neck. Just that one simple gesture had me forgetting about everything and grinding my ass against him. “I—”

Turning my head quickly, I pressed my lips to his. My body automatically turned on from the familiar taste of his mouth and brush of his unshaved face against mine. “Not yet. Let me just have five minutes before the world comes crashing down around me again.” I pulled back infinitesimally, my lips still close enough to brush his as I spoke.

Before I knew what was happening, Optimus had hooked his arm under my knees and with his other arm supporting my back as he carried me out of the room and down the hall. “Five minutes might not be enough time.”

“Maybe not, but right now I’ll take whatever time I can get.”

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I kicked the door closed behind me before I tossed Chelsea on the bed. She let out a little squeal followed by laughter as she bounced in the center.

“Are you ever going to give the caveman routine up?” she asked in amusement.