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I looked up and caught him staring at her for like the hundredth time in the last hour. “Because that boy has been eye fucking you since he had you in sight.”

She brushed her hair back from her face and chuckled softly, but didn’t answer.

I sighed dramatically. “Come onnn…I need some excitement. Are you two doing it or what?”

Just as I finished, I realized the room had become quiet as the DJ was announcing the next girl on the stage. Everyone at the table stared at me with amused faces. Even Missy giggled at the awkward situation and Tally smirked at me from across the table, giving me a devious wink that only made me more frustrated that I didn’t know the answer to my question.

I wondered why Harmony was taking so long with my drink so I went in search of her. I found her at the bar with Kit trying to drag her away, pointing to the hallway that led to the private rooms. She was laughing and pulling back, but I could see he was breaking down her defenses. I walked up and threw my arms around her shoulders, poking my tongue at Kit like a spoiled child.

“She’s mine for tonight, buddy!” I grinned. “Take your…ding-dong, and use your hand if you’re desperate.”

Harmony and Kit laughed, but he released her hand. “It’s called a penis, Chelsea. P-e-n-i-s, penis!” he taunted, knowing the word made me cringe. I’m not sure why it did, it was just one of those words I didn’t like. Kind of like how some people hated the word moist, or throbbing.

I screwed up my nose, only making them laugh harder. Grabbing my drink off the bar, I pulled at Harmony’s hand. “Whatever! She’s mine.”

Harmony gave him a quick peck on the cheek as I pulled her past. Those two had an intense connection, even after only knowing each other for a short time. As much as Harmony had fought against it, I admired Kit’s persistence. He knew he wanted her and he wasn’t about to give her up for anything.

I thought about Optimus. He just wasn’t like that with me. Sure he chased me and had me in his bed over any other girl ninety-nine times out of one hundred, but I was beginning to think it was more out of convenience and pleasure than anything else. We both know that the chemistry we had together was explosive—something I’ve personally never experienced with anyone but him. But he never fought for me like Kit did for Harmony.

She nudged me in the side as we took our seats back at the large table that the club was gathered at. “Are you okay?” She’d obviously noticed the quick change in my mood, but I wasn’t about to let Optimus destroy a night out with my best friend. I plastered on a smile and leaned into her. “Are Missy and Tally doing it?”

She eyed me for a second, I’m sure curious as to what was going on in my head. But one of the things I loved about Harmony was that she didn’t pry. She knew I’d come to her when I needed her and she was okay with that. She understood that it was just who I was. And she accepted it.

Her eyes moved, looking over at Missy and Tally, who’d suspiciously moved to sit next to each other and were sitting extremely close having a quiet conversation.

“I don’t know. Do you think? Tally doesn’t really touch the girls at the club. I mean like, he’s the biggest flirt, but I’ve never seen him actually do anything. Do you think that’s why?”

Missy looked up and spotted us staring. She quickly sat back, shuffling her body a little away from Tally, who frowned as she did.

Definitely a story there.

“Harmony! Come dance with us.” I heard someone call as they came up behind us.

I recognized the girl as one of the strippers I’d seen on the stage earlier in the night. Harmony had told me the night before that she’d become close with a couple of the girls who worked at Glow.

She explained that the club girls who lived at the Troy chapter were different than the girls we had back home. They were sneaky and devious, the type to stab you in your sleep if they wanted your man. Since she’d been here in Troy, she had had more than one run-in with club whores, but they had ended pretty quickly when Kit had thrown their asses out to the curb. Harmony was an Old Lady, and not just any Old Lady, she belonged to the President of the club. There was no way Kit was going to let some power-crazed club girl get away with treating his woman like shit.

If you can’t show respect for the club, you didn’t deserve their help or protection—end of story.

While we had girls back home, that could be a little crazy and possessive of the boys, most of us seemed to get along pretty well. The attraction to the men in the clubs couldn’t be helped really. While they were outlaws, and we all knew they had businesses on the side that we were kept in the dark about, the men were also, for the most part, genuine and gave a shit about us. We respected their rules and they treated us like human beings.

Unfortunately, some woman were just bitches—that was just life.

“Not tonight, honey. My friend is here,” she said gesturing to me. The girl gave me a big smile, she seemed sweet.

“She can join us. The more, the merrier!” she said, beaming.

“Chelsea doesn’t dance,” Harmony explained, laughing. I shrugged. I didn’t care if people know I couldn’t dance. It was a fact. I just didn’t have rhythm when it came to music and I wasn’t really sure how to move my body or make it look good.

“What do you mean she doesn’t dance?” Missy piped up, clearly shocked.

“I can’t. This amazing body just doesn’t know movement.”

Missy frowned. “I thought you said you were a runner?”

I nodded. “I am.”

“And you like sex don’t you.”

I rolled my eyes. “Duh.”

Missy pushed her chair back and came around the table. “If you run, then you know rhythm and movement. You just gotta learn, baby.” She held her hand out to me. “Come on, I’ll teach you.”

I shook my head. “Trust me, people have tried.”

“Come on, Chel. Please!” Harmony gave me some ridiculous looking puppy dog eyes that only made me laugh, but soon the whole table was cheering, telling me to do it.

I sighed. “Fine! But nobody is allowed to laugh.”

I took Missy’s hand and she grinned triumphantly. “Babe, I promise, if these bastards laugh, I’ll ban them from Glow for a month.”

The table groaned in unison.

“Can you do that? Doesn’t the club own Glow?” I asked skeptically as she pulled me toward the now empty stage that was closest to where we were sitting.

She smirked. “They may own it, but this place is mine. And without me, they wouldn’t have any girls to strip.”

Some slow music started as we climbed the steps and instantly I watched as Harmony and the stripper, Honey, began swaying and twisting with the sound. Harmony was stunning, her long blonde hair falling down her back and swishing back and forth.

I knew when we were done that there was no way in hell I was going to be able to keep Kit from dragging her to some room and having his way with her. But I didn’t mind. My best friend was happy, and that was all I cared about.

“Okay, I want you to think about running,” Missy said as she stood in front of me.

“Trust me, right now that’s all I’m thinking about,” I muttered.

She rolled her eyes, but moved forward and gripped my hips in her hands. “Close your eyes.” I sighed but did as she asked. “Okay, so at first you’re just going to start off slow, like a walk. But instead of your feet, I want you to put that movement into your hips.”

She pushed at my hips and I moved them from side to side, thinking in my head about the beat I would walk to while I was warming up.

“Instead of just throwing them side to side, I want you to twist them a little, and use your waist as well. Dancing isn’t just in the hips, it’s in your whole body.”

I tried to listen and do as she told me, attempting to keep my movements in some sort of time to the bass of the music, much like I would when I was running. I often used the bass of a song to keep a steady rhythm with my feet, it helped me to push further and faster.