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“Do you want to see the pictures?”

“You have pictures?”

I nod, smiling. “Give me your keys.”

He does, and I take off running to his car to grab my purse. I pull them out and run back as fast as my feet will let me in the tall grass. “Here,” I say, handing them over to him.

His brows furrow as he rotates the pictures around.

“You can’t see much yet, but that’s our baby right there.” I point to the little white dot. “That’s why I’m calling him or her bean.”

“And everything looks good?” he asks, running his finger along the picture.

“So far, so good. I’m due in April.”

He places his finger under my chin to bring my eyes from the picture to his. “Even if bean isn’t mine, I’m not going anywhere. I mean what the tech said—”

“It’s yours. She put me at five weeks which means the baby was conceived about three weeks ago.”

He wraps his arms around me tightly. “Oh, thank God.”

I brush my lips against his neck. “It would have been you for me either way, too.”

“Are you feeling okay?” he asks, pulling back just a bit.

“Yeah, I just need to sit down. I’m feeling kind of tired … it’s been a long day.”

“Give me a second.” He sits down on the blanket, patting the space between his legs. “Sit.”

And I do, laying my head back on his shoulder. We listen to the sounds of the water running in the creek, and the few cars that drive by in the distance. It’s the most at peace I’ve felt in a long time.

“Have you ever thought about living out here?” he asks after a few minutes.

“A few times. This is my place I come to when I need to get away from everything else just to think.”

“I like it out here,” he admits.

I try to imagine Blake on the farm working in nothing but his jeans, sweat drenching his hair and chest. It’s not a bad picture.

“When we get back to Chicago, I’m going to tell Pierce that I can’t keep working for him. It’s not fair to you, and I’m sorry.”

“What are you going to tell him?”

I shrug. “He knows about the baby. I think I’m just going to tell him I’m taking some time off to concentrate on me … us.”

His body tenses. “When did you tell him?”

“The day we went to New York. I was sick and could barely function. I needed someone to talk to. He’s the one who flew me here.”

“I hate that he’s always saving you from me. I’m done giving him reasons to save you.”

“You don’t know how happy I am to hear that. Is there anything else you want to tell me so you don’t have a reason to run anymore?”

He groans, wrapping his arms around me. “Pierce was the one who gave me your parents’ address. I called him after your text and promised him I was going to do my best by you. Took me almost twenty minutes, but the perfect ass finally gave it to me.”

That’s one thing to thank Pierce for when I talk to him. “Is there anything else?”

“Just that I love you. I’m all out of secrets.”

I push my way out of his arms, and turn around straddling his lap. Folding my arms around his neck, I kiss every inch of his handsome face ending with his lips. We kiss until I’m out of breath and numb.

“Does anyone ever come back here?” he asks between kisses.

“Just me.”

His lips brush against my throat, his hand tugging on the neck of my T-shirt to give him access to my chest. “I’m going to spend the rest of my life proving to you how much I love you.”

“Just stay,” I pant. “That’s all I need you to do … stay.”

“What else?” he asks, pulling my bra below my breast, sucking on my nipple. They may be a little tender, but he does it gently. My hormones are out of control—I either find myself wanting to cry or have my clothes ripped off. Pregnancy is going to be interesting.

I tug at the bottom of his shirt until he lifts his arms allowing me to take it off. “I need you.”

“You don’t have to ask twice,” he murmurs, his lips still exploring my skin.

Within a few seconds, he has me on my back, tugging my clothes off in record time before working the button of his jeans. He thrusts into me without hesitation keeping his eyes on me the entire time. “Have you ever been out here before like this?” he asks, pushing in then slowly pulling back out.

“No,” I answer, struggling to speak.

“I like being your first.”

The pressure builds. “You’re my first baby daddy, too.”

He thrusts all the way in, filling me completely. “I’m your only baby daddy. Now and forever; I promise you that.”

The rest is sweet bliss.

A feeling that goes beyond happiness to euphoria.

And ends in ecstasy.

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WE DROVE FRANK BACK to Chicago yesterday. It wasn’t without a few bumps with a bout of morning sickness that slowed us down in the morning, followed by a craving for pancakes—pancakes with Nutella.

Today is different. I’m about to walk into Stanley Enterprises for the last time. And Mallory comes home, that’s something to look forward to. I’ll need it after a day like today.

The first few minutes are like any other day. I set my stuff on my desk and power on my computer. Reece is leaning against my cubicle with coffee in hand right on cue.

“Hey, stranger. How was your trip home?”

“Crap. I completely forgot to call you. Things got a little hectic.”

She raises her brow, shaking her head. “You have to give me more than that.”

“Blake drove all the way to Nebraska. We made up, I went to the doctor and confirmed that everything was okay, and then we spent some time with my family.”

“Back up,” she says, holding her hand up. “You took him back again?”

I wrinkle my nose. It’s hard to explain without telling her things I can’t. “To understand Blake, you have to know him. There are things he told me I can’t share that help explain why he runs. You just have to trust me when I say he deserves another chance. Besides that, I love him enough to try again.”

“I really want to yell at you right now, but I’d probably do the same thing. In fact, I know I would because I’m even more of a hopeless romantic than you are.”

I smile. “Isn’t that the truth.”

“So where are you guys at now?” she asks, sipping from her cup.

“We’re together. I’m his. He’s mine.”

“I’m happy for you. I really am, but if he leaves again, you better let him go.”

“Oh, don’t worry. He’s already been told. Having a baby is forcing us to at least pretend to be adults.”

She’s beaming this morning. Something is definitely different about her, but I can’t put my finger on it

“What have you been up to this week?”

“I went on a date with the guy from IT. He doesn’t look so bad in jeans and a T-shirt.”

Now it’s my turn to raise my brow. “Big Bang Theory guy?”

“Yes, I actually went on a second one the other night. He gave me the best kiss I’ve ever had, hands down,” she says quietly, glancing around to make sure no one else can hear.

“Does that mean there’s going to be a third?”

She grins. I notice she has a new shade of red lipstick to go with her tight red dress. “He’s taking me out to dinner tonight. I’m glad I gave him a chance; he’s funny and smart. There’s never a quiet moment.”

“Oh, Reece has herself a boyfriend. I’m happy for you. I can’t think of anyone who deserves a little romance in their life more than you.”

“Maybe we can double sometime? I don’t know how much Blake would have in common with him, but it would be fun.”

Sadness rains on my mood. There’s something else I need to tell her, but I need to talk to Pierce first. “Yeah, let’s do that if tonight goes well and all.”

“Oh, I’m hoping it goes really well.”


“What?” she says through gritted teeth. “You aren’t one to talk.”

“You’re right. I’ll shut up.”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

I rub my forehead, stressing over everything I have to do today. “Can we catch up later? I have to go talk to Pierce for a few minutes.”