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“Are you sure you don’t want to talk about him?” Pierce asks, tucking his free hand in his pocket.

“That would be a little weird, don’t you think?”

“I just don’t like seeing you like this again.”

“Thank you for caring, but we need to draw a line somewhere in our friendship. He’s off limits.”

We step into the elevator. Just the two of us. Instead of standing beside me, he stands in front of me, swiping his thumb under my eye. “You missed some mascara.”

“You don’t have to be so nice to me,” I say, trying to avoid looking right at him. Two minutes before a meeting is not a good time to cry.

“I don’t know any other way to be with you.”

The elevator door opens before I can say anything more.

We quietly walk down the hall and into the empty conference room. I take a seat and pull my phone out, partly to avoid talking to Pierce, but mainly to see if Blake has been trying to get ahold of me.

Nothing, so I take the initiative.

Lila: I’m in NYC. Didn’t get a chance to tell you.

It shows as read right away, but he doesn’t type a response. Maybe he’s relieved to have me gone. Tonight, I’ll go home to an empty apartment, and we’ll start our old cycle all over again. Only this time, I’m not going to let him spin me in circles. This isn’t a game; this is life … my life.

Wade walks in, all smiles. “Good to see the two of you again.”

“I’m hoping it will be the last time for a while,” Pierce chides, unbuttoning his suit jacket. He sobers up well.

“I guess that depends what you have for me.”

I clear my throat and stand, making my way to the revised board. My stomach churns, but it’s hard to say whether it’s nerves or hormones. “I redid the penthouses … a few times actually. I think what I’ve come up with will appeal to most wealthy travelers while still keeping a sense of fun.”

I pause unintentionally, my whole mind freezing up. There’s too many personal things weighing on it for me to even pretend that this matters to me today. “I gave the rooms a rustic-modern feel. Rustic furniture with clean lines as well as all the modern amenities people have come to expect.”

I step to the side to give him a better look. He takes in every detail, face expressionless. My whole future hangs in the balance.

“Explain to me why we’d have wood planks around the fireplace instead of tile or rock.”

I swallow hard. “It fits into the lobby and gives the room a rustic feel. I even thought it would be great if we did wood-burning fireplaces instead of gas. Room attendants could help when a guest wants a fire.”

“We’re not putting together a proposal for Vail or Aspen, Ms. Fields.”

My eyes well with tears. Hurt feelings and hormones are not a good combo. My stomach churns like it did earlier in the plane. “Excuse me,” I say, running out of the room, disappearing into the same bathroom I sought refuge in last time we were here.

This time, I lock the door to ensure no one visits unexpectedly. It’s only then that I take a few deep breaths. The same thoughts repeat over and over in my head: Wade hates my designs. I’m going to be a mom. Wade hates my designs. I’m going to be a mom.

My phone dings in my purse.

Blake: When will you be back?

I debate if I should answer him or just leave him wondering. He leaves me wondering a lot, but I still want him. We tend to always crave what’s worst for us.

Lila: Late tonight.

Several seconds pass.

Blake: We need to talk.

Lila: I tried to last night.

I picture him sighing, running his long fingers through his hair while pacing whatever room he’s in.

Blake: Tell me again. Give me another chance.

Before I can think of a reply, there’s a heavy knock on the door. “Lila, are you in there?”

I wipe my eyes, inhaling a deep breath. “Yeah, just give me a couple minutes.”

Stepping out of the stall, I check my make-up, patting my forehead with a paper towel. I would give anything to not have to step back in that conference room again. But the reason people make money in business is because it isn’t easy.

When I open the door, Pierce is standing on the other side, hands in his pockets, forehead wrinkled. “I’d ask if you’re okay, but I already know the answer to that.”

“I’m not in the mood to be picked apart,” I say, studying the pads on my fingers.

His arms wrap around me, pulling me into his chest. “I’m sorry you had to deal with that, but we need to go back in for a few minutes to wrap up. I told him if he screws with you like that again, I’m going to take him for everything he’s worth. Can’t promise it will help, but I’m not beyond knocking his teeth out.”

“I’m going to need some chocolate after this,” I mumble against his dress shirt.

He laughs, running his hands up and down my spine. “I know just the thing that will make you feel better.”

“Is your mind in the right place, Stanley?” I tease, needing to lift about 100 pounds of pressure off my back.

“My mind is exactly where you want it to be,” he answers back.

Without another word, he loosens his grip on me and holds my hand in his to walk back to the conference room. Wade chats away on his cell phone, only looking back up for a brief moment when we walk in.

Ignoring the aura he gives off, I stand next to the mood board waiting for the meeting to resume. It gives me a couple minutes to decide what I want to say. Pierce walks the room, glancing at the art pieces Wade has displayed. As soon as Wade says goodbye, Pierce takes his seat, smiling at me to loosen my nerves even more.

“I’m glad you decided to rejoin us,” Wade says with a smile only the devil could match.

“Where did we leave off?” I ask, deciding I want to avoid the fight he wants to start.

He rests his forearms on the table. “I was picturing your design in Colorado.”

“Oh yes, you were being a jerk. Not sure how I forgot that,” I hit back.

Pierce raises his hand. “Let’s move on. Ms. Fields and I have a plane to catch soon.”

“Fine, Stanley, I’ll cut the bullshit. I like the design, and I think with a few tweaks to the furniture proposal and colors, it would work.”

I lift my brow in surprise. “So, you’re okay with the wood?”

He regains his signature cocky grin. “I love the wood.”

There are so many choice words that would like to fall from my lips, but I hold them back. Pierce has less than five minutes to get us out of here before I completely lose it.

“Lila can make a few tweaks and send it back by the end of next week. I don’t think this requires another meeting.”

“As much as I live for these moments,” Wade responds. “That’ll work.”

“Are we done here?” Pierce’s words are tight. We’re both ready to kill him.

“We have clear direction now. Let’s see what you can do with it.”

Our goodbyes are always short, but this one breaks a new record as we exit less than two minutes later, hopping into a waiting car.

“There aren’t many people I don’t like,” I admit as we start down the street. “But I really hate him.”

“You’re part of a large club.” He glances out the window as we speed down 5th Avenue. “Are you ready for chocolate?”

“As much as you can get me.”

The car pulls in front of Magnolia Bakery. “Sit tight. I’ll be right back.”

I’ve heard of Magnolia before and always wondered if the cupcakes taste as good as people say. Another signature piece of New York I’m going to try.

He emerges a few minutes later with a box and two bottles of water in his hand. “If these don’t make you feel better, I don’t know what will.”

I open the box to six different flavors. “Oh my. What kinds are these?”

He points to one in the center with light brown frosting. “Knowing you, I’d start with that one. It’s a chocolate cupcake with peanut butter buttercream.”