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“I need this,” I finally answer back. It’s true.

“Just promise me something, Lila.”

“What?” I ask, pulling a dress from my closet.

“Don’t take it any further this week. It’s too new, and I don’t want to see you jump into another relationship. You need to walk slowly this time.”

I blow my bangs away from my face, looking to the clock. I really need to get going. “I will try really hard not to have sex with Pierce this week. Is that what you want to hear?”

“I’m so convinced,” she answers back, sarcastically.

“Good because I really need to get in the shower.”

“You’re difficult.”

I laugh, untying my robe with my free hand. “But you still love me.”

“Behave, Lila.”

“Bye, Mallory.”

Before she can get another word in, I end the call and step into the steamy shower, letting the hot beads of water hit my skin. I haven’t felt this alive in months—this aware. Pierce woke me up in more ways than one.

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“Jesus Christ, Lila. Are you trying to bring attention to yourself or your designs?” Pierce asks when I meet him in the lobby.

“What?” I ask, throwing my arms up.

He motions the length of my body. “That dress. Are you trying to distract Wade or drive me crazy?”

I glance down at my form-fitting red pencil dress and four inch red pumps. Power was all I had on my mind this morning. “Is it too much red?” I tease, tucking a long curl behind my ear.

He steps close, placing his hand on my lower back to pull me into his body. I feel exactly like I did just over an hour ago when we were lying in my bed, and he wouldn’t have to do much to get this dress off me so we could do it all over again. “That dress wraps around you the way I want to be wrapped around you, and if the stares in this lobby are any indication, it’s not a dream I’m alone in.”

Leaning in closer, I whisper in his ear, “But you’re the only guy in the room who really knows what’s under this dress.”

He hardens against my stomach. I want to feel that so badly. I want him to erase some of the marks that have been left behind, to wash away my bad memories.

“Lila,” he breathes, holding me even tighter.

I stare up into his bright eyes. “Yes?”

“There’s going to be consequences for this later.”

I bite my lip. He twitches. “I’m up for the challenge.”

A throat clears behind us, breaking the stare but not the physical contact. “Mr. Stanley, your car is waiting.”

“Just wait outside. I need ten more seconds with Ms. Fields here.”

“As you wish,” he answers before disappearing.

“Can we go now?” I ask when the driver is out of earshot.

He shakes his head, letting go of me to adjust his suit. “You’re going to be the death of me.”

And, you’re going to be the life of me, I think as we make our way to the car.

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PIERCE WAS RIGHT. Wade’s eyes stayed on my legs through the entire meeting this morning. He made sure to get a seat right next to me during lunch with a small group of investors, and now as we walk through the hotel building for the first time, I can’t help but notice his gaze fixed on my backside every time I turn to ask a question.

For me, a man will never be attractive if he tries to undress me before he woos me. He has zero chance at winning me over, and I’ll never see him as anything but a creep.

“Can I use that ladder?” I ask, wanting to get a look at the lobby from a different angle—one that a person might have coming down the soon-to-be glass staircase.

“Of course,” Wade says. “Let me help you. I don’t want you to fall in those heels.”

Pierce practically growls at him; it’s not the first time today. “I’ve got her,” he says, standing behind me. He knows by now that my interest in Wade is below zero, but he’s also well aware that Wade’s intentions aren’t good.

The space is huge with an industrial feel—a blank canvas really. “I think the design plan is perfect for the space. I can’t wait for you to see it,” I say, carefully climbing back down.

“I’m excited for tomorrow.” Wade smiles, hands tucked in his pockets.

I smile back, feeling an interesting mix of excited and nervous. “Me too.”

“So, what time can I expect you at my place tonight?” he asks, eyes dancing between me and Pierce. It’s been such a long day, I almost forgot about the little get together Wade planned.

“We have a few things we need to do beforehand, so we’ll plan on nine o’clock.”

“Perfect,” Wade answers, walking us out to the street.

I wonder what we could possibly have to do, but Pierce knows way more than I do, so I just go with it.

“Do you want a ride?” Wade asks, pointing to his black Escalade. At lunch, we went three blocks from his office, yet he still insisted on taking the car.

Pierce shakes his head. “We’re staying just down the street. We’ll catch you later.”

After Wade is safely tucked away in his oversized ride, I turn my attention back to Pierce. “What do we have to do before the event?”

“That dress was a bad choice. A really bad choice.”

“That doesn’t answer my question. What do we have left to do?”

He wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me close as we walk down the street. “If you’ll let me, I’d love to take that dress off you. What happens after that is up to you.”

My heart flutters. A tingly sensation runs down my spine. Watching Pierce talk business in his charcoal gray suit wasn’t easy for me today either. Every time his hand touched me, I thought of this morning, and when he’d lift his hand to make a point, all I could think of was what those fingers can do.

He may think I’m the mouse, and he’s the cat, but I think it may be the other way around.

We walk quickly back to the hotel, past the bellboy, straight to the elevator. It seems like forever before it opens, and when it finally does, we’re the only ones inside.

Sometimes I think before I act. Sometimes I don’t. I’m not sure my head’s all in the game, but every other part of my body is.

As soon as the door closes, I slip my fingers in his waistband, pulling him to me. He stares down at me, eyes hooded, and I can’t stop. I don’t want to stop.

“Are you taking my dress off in your room or mine?” I ask. He said we were going to move at my pace, so I’m moving us right along. Might as well get a speeding ticket; it’s been a while since I let myself have a little fun.

“Mine,” he answers before pressing his lips to mine. His kiss is punishing—meant to leave me wanting more. I let go of his slacks, running my fingers over his impressive bulge. He moans against my lips just as the elevator opens.

“Just a second,” he says, pulling me in front of him as we walk down the hallway. “You have no idea what you’re doing to me, Lila. No idea.”

I think I do because he’s doing it to me, too.

He splays one hand over my stomach and uses the other to unlock his door. As soon as we cross that threshold, there’s no going back.

I have a second of control left before I lose it all.

All I’ve ever wanted is for a man to make me feel this way, but it’s scary, too. I’m opening myself up again. Time heals all wounds, or that’s what they say. Time might make them better—might ease the pain—but it can’t protect you from new cuts or hide old scars.

I enter his room, making my choice. My back is pressed against the wall. He uses his strength to lift me as he stares down into my eyes. So fierce … so beautiful. He slips my left heel off then right, trailing a line of kisses down my throat.

I’ve been starved of affection, but he’s given me permission to lust again.

I thought this would feel wrong, but it feels so right.

I’ve held my breath for too long, and it feels so good to breathe again.