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‘Yniss, hear your servants. From beyond the bonds of flesh, we call you. We seek that which all elves desire. To find a new place to call home. A place to bring our people where they might flourish in your glory. Where Tual’s denizens might run free. Where Beeth holds mastery over all that grows and where Gyal’s tears bring life. Where Shorth may speed our passing from one life to the next.

‘Hear us, Yniss, your servants ready to do your bidding. To serve the purpose for which we are chosen. Hear us Yniss. Spare us for greater tasks in your name. The enemy still fights. We will cast them down.

‘Hear us, Yniss. Use us, love us. Your servants ever.’

There was a brief reverential silence, broken by ignorance.

‘Well, that got us precisely nowhere.’

Auum raised his head.

‘If I did not respect those of your kind already fighting for you, I would cast you all aside to perish in this miserable void where your souls will find no rest for all of eternity.

‘Wait.’ Auum looked at the end of the passage, coming ever closer. ‘Believe.’

Ilkar and Sirendor came across without difficulty. The elven mage took one look about him and sat on the ground, head in hands. Sirendor stood exactly where he had appeared, staring down at his perfect chain mail shirt and fine, tailored clothes. His blade rested in a delicately carved scabbard, its hilt freshly bound and its pommel buffed to a brilliant shine.

‘Admire yourself later,’ said The Unknown. ‘We need to get Thraun out of there.’

Sirendor nodded. ‘And quickly.’

‘Ilkar. We need you.’

Ilkar raised his head. His sharp features were drawn with sadness and his dark hair lay lank across his shoulders.

‘There is no mana here. Not a breath.’

‘We don’t need your magic right now, we need your soul,’ said The Unknown.

‘I feel empty.’

‘Well, Thraun is going to feel pretty flat too in just a moment,’ said Hirad.

Ilkar nodded. He pushed himself wearily to his feet and stood with the three warriors. Arm in arm, they bowed their heads. Ilkar leaned gently into Hirad.

‘Good joke, by the way. Probably your first.’

‘Concentrate,’ snapped The Unknown. ‘Invest your faith in The Raven. Push out with your soul. Reach for Thraun. Reach for all The Raven dead. Remember Thraun. Loyal, great heart. Whether man or wolf, Raven born and ever one of us. Stand with us, Thraun. We need you. Fight with us.’

Hirad sensed them all deep within him. The bond they had shared when they lived intensified now they stood together as souls clad in memories. The warmth and strength it brought suffused him. He cast his mind out, visualising the corridor. He thought one word and pulsed it through his soul.


A wolf howled close by. The Raven quartet broke up. Thraun padded towards them, scenting the air. He was hunkered low as he came, semi-submissive and plainly anxious. Hirad moved to him, kneeling down in front of him.

‘You’re safe, Thraun. Among friends.’

‘Where are we?’ asked Sirendor.

‘Ulandeneth,’ said The Unknown.

‘I’ve been in some dull places but this beats them all,’ said Sirendor. ‘Which way is out?’

‘I don’t know. But we’re going to need more of us, to build the combined soul that has the power to sense our destination.’

Hirad looked at The Unknown and wrinkled his nose. ‘I don’t want to doubt you or anything but how do you know that?’

‘I don’t. It’s a hunch. But feel us now, even with four and a wolf. You all came back to me, remember, and you were stronger when you were close to each other. Well nothing’s changed except I’m dead too. The Garonin have tried to get to me twice now. There’s something I can do alongside The Raven that bothers them. Something they can’t comprehend or control.’

Sol had begun walking. The others fell into step with him.

‘The Ravensoul,’ whispered Ilkar. ‘They don’t possess souls. It’s our one advantage up here.’

Hirad rubbed his hands over his face. ‘Have any of you taken a look about? There’s nothing here. I mean, I don’t see a whole line of doors, do you? Where are we headed, exactly?’

The Unknown spread his hands.

‘Come on, Hirad, you can’t be that literal. For one thing, everything is here, we just can’t see it yet. And for another, there was never going to be a line of doors, was there? This isn’t one of Korina’s filthy brothels.’

‘Well all right then, smart-arse. What are we looking for?’

The Unknown rounded on him. ‘I do not need your quick mouth and slow brain in my ear, Hirad. And aren’t these questions I should be asking you? Correct me if I’m wrong, but I died at your behest, you and the rest of The Raven, to help you find a new resting place. Right, well I’m here. You tell me what’s next. All the time we delay, the Garonin are slaughtering our people. So either make a positive comment or shut up.’

‘If that’s the way you want it.’

Hirad turned and wandered away in another direction.

‘Gods drowning, Coldheart, you can be such a child,’ said Ilkar.

Hirad’s frustration boiled over. He stalked back among them and none of them would catch his eye.

‘Think I want to be here in this miserable wilderness walking from one blank space to another? Seems to me I’m the only one brave enough to ask a few tricky questions. Sorry if I ask them in the wrong way but that’s me, isn’t it? None of us is real, all right? We do all know we’re not really standing here looking ten years younger than when we died and in our old armour, don’t we?

‘I mean, we’re here, but this is all a figment of memory or something like that. It has to be. I’ve just killed three Garonin with this sword and I don’t want to think too hard about how that could possibly be. After all, they were actually alive, they actually bled and lost limbs, and I’m just a floating soul. Is anyone else finding this just a little bit odd? And that’s even though it is unbelievable to be standing with you, fighting with you and arguing with you, and I never want it to end.

‘The fact is that none of you has the first fucking clue what to do, have you? We’ve lost all the dead we came with. We can’t help the living by standing with them any more and we haven’t even got an enemy to fight. I’m happy to admit I do not know what we are supposed to do here. The rest of you seem to be relying on blind faith. Stupid. It really is.

‘Well. Has any one of you got anything to say?’

Hirad’s voice boomed around them as if they were in an enclosed space. Ilkar and Sirendor both looked at their boots. Thraun was prone, watching Hirad’s outburst with his head cocked to one side and ears pricked right up. The Unknown had stopped his march too. He didn’t turn for a while and Hirad saw him shaking his head. When finally he faced Hirad there was a smile broad enough to relax the most tense of muscles. He walked to the barbarian, took the sides of his face in his hands and kissed his forehead.

‘And I love you too, Unknown, but I think the others will get jealous that you only have lips for me.’

‘Hirad, as usual, in your random and confused fashion, you have come up with the answer.’

‘I have?’ Hirad raised his eyebrows. ‘Care to point me at the cleverest bit of what I said?’

‘Shouldn’t be too hard,’ said Ilkar. ‘It’ll stick out like a mage at a Black Wing party.’

‘Actually, it’s most of what you said in one way or another,’ said Sol. ‘But, in a nutshell, blind faith is exactly what it’s about. Look, they had me here once before tied to a chair and I couldn’t see the bonds. Only when I believed I could stand up was it possible to do so. Same as when I decided I wanted to come home. I had to know that was what I wanted above all else. And I had to visualise it to make it happen. This is a place beyond life or death. It’s both and neither. Stop believing and you’ll fade. Believe utterly and there’s nothing you can’t do.’