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‘That I can do something about. I am The Unknown Warrior. Sword of The Raven.’

Across his back he felt the comforting weight of his scabbard and in it his two-handed blade. Interesting. Not a weapon he would use now. His hip wasn’t . . . But then of course that had been when he was alive. He laughed. Around his waist came his belt and everything that hung from it. Daggers, flint and steel.

‘Now all I need is a place to go.’

Sol took a pace forward and six Garonin stood before him. He backed up and looked behind him. No one there. He turned back. Light flowed around the armour of the Garonin. Their hands rested by their sides. None appeared to be carrying the white tear weapon but something that looked like a blade hung from each waist. Sol snapped his sword from his back and held it before him.

‘I believe,’ he said.

In front of him the blade felt momentarily light and it all but fell from his grasp. He reformed his grip, taking careful note of how it felt, how the steel shone sharp and how even the nicks along its edge were part of its perfection. It rested balanced in his hands.

‘Good. Right. I may go down here and now, but some of you fuckers are coming with me.’

Chapter 40

The dead clustered at the end of the passageway. The Raven and Auum’s Tai were at the head of them. Ilkar still probed the wall. Behind them, the passageway fled off beyond their senses. Outside, the void clashed and raced. But surrounding them was an ivory light that came from beyond the end wall.

Every one of them could feel it. They were drawn to it, pulled along by it. None would so much as consider moving away from it by even a toe. Yet none of them could reach it. None, they assumed, but one.

‘Where is he?’ asked Hirad.

‘Gone,’ said Ilkar.

‘Now if I’d replied that way to you, I’d be on the end of a long, long line of abuse.’

‘Sorry, Hirad. Gone through here. He must have done. Ulandeneth. ’

‘We have to get through,’ said Sirendor. ‘He’s going to need our help.’

‘Perhaps he doesn’t,’ said Ilkar. ‘Perhaps this is part of the whole scheme.’

‘Not if Sha-Kaan is to be believed,’ said Auum.

‘Something must open this wall,’ said Ilkar.

‘Another astounding revelation,’ said Hirad. ‘Is it too stupid of me to ask what that might be?’

The dead surrounding them were restless and anxious. Adrift at the end of their journey. Feeling vulnerable as they stood waiting for answers in a place open to attack. They made a hum of chatter and a swirl of emotions that sometimes made coherent thought difficult.

‘We must stop thinking like the living,’ said Auum. ‘This door will never have an iron latch.’

‘Sol had an advantage over us all,’ said Thraun. ‘He has knowledge of this place. Did that help him travel there?’

‘Well if it did, I wish he’d given us some pointers,’ said Hirad. ‘Unhelpful, just disappearing like that.’

‘I don’t think he had any choice in the matter, do you?’

Ilkar’s ears would have pricked when he said that. Hirad smiled, another invisible gesture.

‘No, probably not. So. Any ideas?’

‘Everything so far has been an act of will,’ said Thraun. ‘Or a use of the soul’s energy. We should start there.’

‘You think we can will ourselves over there, do you?’

‘Got a better idea, Hirad?’ asked Thraun.

‘No, it’s just that it’s difficult to will myself to a place where I’ve never been and which lies somewhere . . . you know . . . else.’

‘I don’t want to rush you but I think you’d better start believing as quickly as you can.’

Sirendor’s shadow was facing back down the passageway. Hirad rose above the mass of the dead and looked in the same direction.

‘This does not look promising.’

Three Garonin were pounding up the corridor but none of them was intent on attacking the dead. All three had eyes only for what was behind them. Panic spread among the dead. There was a concerted move to the wall, which remained steadfastly blank and impenetrable.

All the while the Garonin ran on. And well they might because the passageway was folding up behind them.

‘So many problems.’

The melodious voices flowed over Sol, taking the ire from him. He lowered his blade. The Garonin were standing about five yards from him.

‘We underestimated you.’

‘Damn right,’ said Sol. ‘Lucky for you we weren’t all acting together. We’d have kicked your sorry carcasses right out of Balaia.’

‘We think not.’ There was a susurration that Sol took for laughter. ‘But we warned you that resistance forcing us to expend our resources would ultimately go badly for you.’

‘I do remember that. And since then we’ve seen all sorts of wonderful things and bigger and nastier weapons. And yet, when last I looked, Xetesk still stood and you were denied her Heart. And here I stand once again, ready to take you on. No one who stood before me then is alive to tell you about it.’

‘Ultimately.’ The whispered word was discordant and sent a shiver up Sol’s spine forcing him to hunch his shoulders. ‘So much has been expended. So many of our people gone because of your fruitless resistance.’

‘It is not fruitless.’

‘No? One wrecked city still stands. Another is ready to fall. Your land is no good to you. It was ever going to be thus. And yet still you thought to fight, though to accept defeat would have been the easier option.’

‘For you, perhaps. Your problem is that you have fundamentally misunderstood what drives us. It is the will to survive. The belief that we will survive, whatever the odds and however powerful the enemy. And we will. We will.’

Sol saw them hesitate. One of them even fell back a pace.

‘You have spirit but you do not have the strength to turn us aside.’ The melodious quality was back. ‘You think to find a new home. We will follow you and we will destroy you there. You cannot escape us.’

‘So you say.’

‘It is forever the way. We need new worlds to harvest. We do not allow interference. We demand compliance.’

‘Well, as my friend Hirad Coldheart would say, you can shove your compliance right up—’

‘However. We respect a worthy foe and a worthy ruler of men. You are both of these.’

‘I don’t care for your respect,’ said Sol, and he spat on the ground at his feet.

‘No? When you have the lives of so many in the palm of your hand. Lives we can snuff out on a whim.’

‘I’m aware of my task.’

‘But not perhaps of the risks you take. Watch and . . . believe.’

The Garonin all lowered their heads. Sol felt a rush of energy in the air about him. The space above him turned black. He stumbled, almost fell. Night had fallen. From horizon to horizon it was the most complete blackness. But there was movement within it. Images resolved slowly, coming into focus like the world through a bleary eye after a long night.

Korina. The central marketplace. The Rookery. His old inn, now under new ownership but maintaining the tradition. Sol smiled at the memories. But the picture was not right. The market was empty and rubble-strewn. The inn’s sign hung from one hinge and was split down its middle, ready to drop.

‘What is this?’

Sol could not keep the quiver from his limbs. Dreams he could understand. This was something utterly different. The image drew away, like he was rising into the sky. Korina was slowly revealed before him. The once-beautiful capital city, the place where he had fallen in love, reduced to ruins and populated by gangs of survivors searching for scraps.