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As I stifled a yawn, I moved the mouse and then took my phone out of my pocket as I waited for the computer to start. During the meeting in Thomas’ office, I’d received a text but ignored it.

Georgia: You better come back for me!

I laughed as I read the message.

Me: I’ll be there. I swear!

James had said to relax, but I couldn’t. Everything in me felt tense. Georgia must’ve been as restless as I was, because she continued messaging me.

Georgia: She wants me to be Betty fuckin’ Crocker.

Me: Cook me something good.

Georgia: Oh, go fuck yourself.

Me: I may have to.

Georgia: You have a greedy cock.

Me: Says the girl with the greedy pussy.

Georgia: I’ll talk to it tonight.

Me: Your pussy?

Georgia: You’ll never get any more pussy unless you tell me what my father wants.

I set my phone on the desk and checked my email. I felt behind and out of touch, since I’d been so focused on Georgia that I’d ignored my work. Typically, I’d check multiple times a day to make sure I didn’t have a client waiting for a response. But that had been the last thing on my mind lately.

“I got news!” Bear yelled from the hallway. “Conference room!”

I hopped up from my chair, holding my chest because his voice had scared the crap out of me, and followed him down the hallway. He sat down, waiting for everyone else to arrive before he spoke.

“Good news?” I asked.

He nodded and motioned toward the door. Bear had always been a friend. Most days I wanted to punch him in the face, but he always had my back. Always. There wasn’t a moment in my life that I couldn’t ask him for a favor or worry that he’d say no.

“What’s the word?” Thomas asked when he sat down.

“Tank found the car.”

My mouth dropped open. Fuck, that only took twenty minutes. “Already?” I asked.

Bear nodded with a shit-eating grin on his face. “Dumbass brought his car to Tank’s place, so it wasn’t that hard.”


“This morning. The front end had been smashed in. Dude made some bullshit excuse about hitting a deer and needed it fixed as soon as possible.”

“Is the guy there?” I asked, tapping my foot on the floor.

“Nope. Tank has to call him with a quote.”

“I’m on it.” I picked up my phone.

“You want help with this guy?” Thomas asked with a gleam in his eye.

I shook my head. “Let her dad and me handle it.”

“Fuck.” He slammed his hand on the conference table.

“Let us help,” James pleaded, motioning around the table.

“No,” I told them and narrowed my eyes. “I don’t know what we’re getting ourselves into, but you guys should stay out of it.”

Morgan rubbed his chin and studied me intently. “Why?”

“If shit goes bad, I don’t want anyone else on the hook for shit that is all my fault.”

“Your fault?” Sam asked with furrowed brow. “How is it your fault?” The guys must’ve filled him in with their version of the events before I arrived.

I put my hands up, trying to silence their grumbling. “She wouldn’t have been driving if it weren’t for me fucking shit up.”

James leaned back in the chair and sighed. “Now you’re talking crazy.”

Rising from the chair, I leaned over the back and looked around at my friends. “It’s my burden to deal with.”

Morgan stood and rested his hand on my shoulder. “Dude, you’re an idiot.”

I dragged my eyes to him. “Thanks, man.”

“You know we’re all down for a good ass-kicking.” He gave my shoulder a hard squeeze.

I nodded. “I’ll call you if we need backup. Good?”

“Let me do some digging on the guy. Let’s see what we find out before you and Rambo head into more trouble than you can handle.”

“I don’t think I can get him to back down. Her dad is pretty intent on handling shit himself.”

“Buy me an hour, and I’ll dig up everything I can. Don’t call her father yet.”

“Fine,” I said, hanging my head and staring at the floor, thinking about how this would all play out.

As I started to walk out of the conference room, Thomas said, “Frisco, wait to see what Morgan finds before you turn down our offer.”

I nodded with a sigh before I walked to Morgan’s office. “Hey,” I said as I poked my head into his office. “Can you text me the info when you get it?”

He glanced at me, giving me a warm smile. “Sure, buddy. I’ll text you whatever I find.”

“I need to get Georgia.”

“Understood,” he said, shooing me away with one hand.

Without saying goodbye, I headed to my office and grabbed my keys.

“Frisco,” James called out just as my hand touched the door handle. “Thomas and I want in. It’s fine if you don’t want the other guys, but we’re coming with you.”

I turned around slowly. “Why?”

James crossed his arms over his chest. “Because we look out for each other.”

“Is that the only reason?”

“I don’t need one,” he replied with his mouth set in a firm line. “That’s what friends do.”

“I’ll call you,” I told him as I spun around, pushed open the door, and headed to Georgia’s parents’ house.

As I drove, I decided I’d tell Georgia. She deserved to know. I didn’t think it would change anything. Her father didn’t seem like the type of man who would let anyone, especially his daughter, tell him what he could or couldn’t do.

All I knew was that whatever he decided, I’d have to have his back. If I wanted the man to be on my side, I’d have to stand by his.

Chapter 16


After I pushed back from the table, I rubbed my stomach. “That was fantastic. Thank you for all the hard work.”

Mrs. Phillips blushed. “I just whipped it up. It’s nothing.”

Georgia rolled her eyes as she tossed her napkin on the table. “She lies.”

I clasped Georgia’s hand in mine. “Doesn’t matter, babe.”

“So, how was work?” Mr. Phillips asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Good. I got a lot done.”

“That’s good.” Georgia ran her thumb along my hand. “Can we go soon? I’m tired and want to sleep in my own bed.”

“Before you do that, can I have a word with you, Frisco?”

Georgia’s eyes narrowed, focusing on me. She knew something was up. My woman was smart.

“Sure.” My eyes never left hers. “Give me a minute to talk to your dad.”

She leaned forward, bringing her mouth to my ear. “You’re gonna tell me what’s going on in the car, got me?”

I swallowed hard, trying to rid my mouth of the sandy feeling that had settled on my tongue. “Yep.”

The chair Mr. Phillips had been sitting in scraped against the wood floor as he stood. “Let’s talk in my office,” he said, standing above me, casting a shadow.

“Be back.” I gave her a kiss on the cheek.

Even though my back was to her, I could feel her eyes on me as I walked out of the kitchen and followed her father to his office.

“What did you find out?” he asked as he closed the door.

“The guy brought his car to my buddy’s garage to be fixed.”

His eyes widened as he sat down behind his desk. “That’s convenient.”

“I couldn’t make this shit up if I tried.”

“What else?” he asked, resting his elbow on the desk and placing his index finger against his lips. “Who is he?”

I reached into my pocket for my phone and checked my email. During dinner, I’d felt my phone vibrate, alerting me that I had a new email, but I hadn’t bothered to look until now.