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“HONEY,” DANNY MURMURED in surprise. His semi-hard cock stiffened the minute his sexy wife entered the shower. The best kind of mischief glimmered in her gray eyes.

“You said you had to get ready for work.” She lowered to her knees in front of him, water spraying her firm tits and dripping to her thighs. His breath locked in his chest the second she fisted his hardness. “I certainly can’t let you go to work like this. I’d feel horrible.”

Her pink tongue gliding across her bottom lip had his dick throbbing with need.

“So you go ahead and wash your hair”—an impish grin curled the corners of her mouth—“and try to forget I’m even here. I’ll just take care of business and leave you to finish your shower in peace.”

Even the hot water didn’t compare to the heat of Julie’s mouth the moment she wrapped it around his cock.

“Fuck…” His groan echoed in the tiled space as Danny widened his stance to keep from falling over from pleasure.

Like a scene from his wildest fantasies, his wife was naked before him, steam surrounding her perfect body. Her strawberry hair darkened as she slicked it back from her face, showcasing her steel eyes. She stared up at him with a perfect storm of lust, satisfaction, and power. Each time her cheeks hollowed with suction, the tip of his cock touched the back of her throat.

“Christ, Julie, oh…that’s it, take it down.” He growled the command as release gathered in his spine.

There was no disguising Julie’s mewls of pleasure, even over the pounding water and his own grunts. That, in its own right, turned him on even more. With her sitting back on her heels and her knees spread wide, just as he’d taught her, he could imagine the wetness pooling at her core and knew it was from more than just water.

“Fuck, honey, your pussy…is it dripping for me? You love sucking me off, yeah?” His dirty words were just as powerful as his tender touches, and with her mouth around him, dirty words were just about the only thing he had to offer. “Touch yourself, Jules. Let me see how you rub that pretty little clit.”

His dick vibrated with her moan as Julie’s long fingers rolled her swollen nub. Her nipples were drawn into hard points that had his mouth watering and his balls aching. But before he could so much as move to touch her creamy tits, her tongue glided around his cock head, touching the sensitive spot underneath. Release pushed through his body like a freight train as Julie took him deep into her throat.

“Fuck!” he shouted, and his hands twisted through her hair as he fucked her mouth, incapable of holding back. An endless orgasm rocked his body to exhaustion. His eyes fell closed, and his head hit the tiles behind him. “That was…”

Soft kisses marched from his abdomen to his lips before he could peel his eyes open.

“Delicious,” Julie announced, touching her lips to his. “And exactly how you made me feel in the kitchen. Now hurry up and get done. You’re going to be late for work.”

The cool air of the shower door opening did nothing to squelch the heat still thrumming in his body. The woman blew his mind, ridiculous pun not intended.

“And, baby,” Julie cooed over her naked shoulder, “the shampoo Mohawk went out in the 80s. May wanna wash that out before the water runs cold.” She blew him a kiss and shut the door, leaving him sated, steamy, and clean. No better way to start the day.

Chapter Seventeen

He Was Ours

“IS EVERYONE READY?” The ultrasound technician smiled as she entered the small exam room.

Danny was more than ready. Hell, he’d left work early to make certain he wasn’t late for the appointment. Not that he’d been late to any of them, but because the baby wasn’t biologically theirs, the need to be perfect felt tangible. Part of him knew the irrational feelings would pass once he held their baby, but for the time being, punctuality was the best he could offer.

“We’re ready,” Julie and Ivy responded.

“Can’t wait.” Danny grabbed for his wife’s hand, lacing their fingers together.

After fifteen minutes of measurements and snapshots, the baby appeared perfect. As its tiny heart fluttered on screen, Danny found it difficult not to tear up just like Julie, but with a deep inhale and a throat-clearing cough, he held himself together as he held onto her.

The tech nodded, moving the curser over the screen. “Are you interested in knowing the gender of your child?”

The question was addressed to Ivy, but before the girl could answer, Danny did. “Yes, of course we want to know.” His chest puffed with pride. “We’re his parents.”

The tech spared a quick look at an unusually quiet Ivy before pointing at the screen. “Well, Mr. and Mrs. Marcus, it looks like you’ve already guessed. You’re having a boy. Congratulations!”

“A boy,” Julie said as tears rolled down her face. “We’re having a boy.” Julie pivoted, craning her face up to his. “A baby boy, Danny.”

“I know, Jules. Happy as hell no matter what God gave us, but it’s a boy.” He waggled his brows. “Since this ain’t the time to tell you I was right, I’ll wait ‘till later.” He winked before touching his lips to hers. The kiss was chaste, given the company they kept, but the promise for more lingered.

A quiet sniffle immediately shrouded the tiny room in silence.

“Ivy,” Julie spoke with reverence, “thank you so much for giving us this gift. I wish I could explain what this means to us, but there are no words to describe how your act of selflessness is changing our lives.” Danny’s heart pounded as Julie placed her hand over the young girl’s belly. “There will never be a day where this little boy goes unloved. He’ll spend his entire life knowing everyone in his life wanted only the best for him, that both of his moms loved him with their whole hearts. And I swear to you, Ivy, Danny and I will give him the best life any child could hope for. Thank you for trusting us. We won’t let you down.”

Ivy’s wide brown eyes shifted from Julie to Danny before she nodded. “I know you won’t. You two have been incredible. Thanks for being here with me today. You helped to make things so much easier for me.”

Danny’s heart broke for the teenager. He would teach his son to be responsible, and honorable, and to be a stand-up man. His boy would learn that if he was man enough to get a woman pregnant, then he would be man enough to stand by her side until decisions were made. No boy of his would walk away from a woman he cared about, nor would he walk away from one he’d claimed to care about long enough to get her pregnant. “Anything you need, just call. Yeah?”

“Thanks, Danny. I’m just going to get dressed and head home.” Ivy quickly averted her eyes as she swung her legs to the side of the table.

“Are you sure you don’t want to go out to dinner with us?” Julie asked.

“Umm, no thanks.” A stilted silence filled the room before Ivy spoke again. “I have a term paper due on Monday, and my parents said I couldn’t go out for my birthday this weekend unless it’s finished.”

A knot formed in Danny’s gut and tightened as she spoke. It wasn’t what the girl was saying, but how she said it that had red flags shooting up around her.

“So, I need to get crackin’. After all, I can’t miss out on my eighteenth birthday celebration. Even if this little guy makes it so I can’t celebrate the way most of my friends do.”

“Oh, your birthday!” Julie bounced on her toes. “We’ll wait for you in the waiting room. We have a gift for you.”

“You didn’t have to, Julie,” Ivy whispered.

Danny noticed the pale blush spread over the girl’s cheeks. What the hell? Another bright flag sprang up in his mind. Something felt wrong.


“HEY, BABY, YOU got time for a quick lunch?”