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“How about if I pour you a glass of water and you sit here for a bit?” She wanted to kick herself for her overeager tone.

“You’re a beautiful woman”—his eyes traveled her face yet, she could swear he didn’t see her at all—“but I’m not looking for anything tonight. Truly sorry.” His rough voice sent tingles up her spine, quickening her pulse and turning her insides to liquid.

She inhaled slowly, allowing her core temperature to cool. “So that’s how you did it? I’ve been wondering.” Julie swallowed, trying her best to keep the embarrassing smile from spreading over her lips. “Some real talent you’ve got there, ace.” She wasn’t sure what shocked her more: when he wrapped his large hand around her wrist to stay her movement or the way her body reacted to such a small touch. “Yes?”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” His narrowed eyes penetrated hers as if begging for answers to more questions than the one he’d just asked.

Nibbling her top lip, she stared at the place where their skin connected. Heat climbed her neck and kissed her cheeks. Cotton Candy. That was what her father used to say, that she blushed pink like cotton candy and was just as sweet. The memory that hadn’t crossed her mind in a long while was both a loving stroke and a sucker punch. Withdrawing her hand from the uniformed stranger’s, she stepped back and swallowed again.

“What it meant, Sergeant, was as many women as I saw approach you this evening is as many as I saw you turn down. Yet they all left smiling, as if they hadn’t been rejected. Now I understand why.”

The man tilted his head, confusion warring with the sullenness he’d worn for hours.

“You make them feel regarded before letting them down easy.” His brows pinched together as if he didn’t quite grasp her meaning, so she tried to clarify. “It’s hard on a woman’s ego to be rejected. But the way you do it, well… you’re good. Not a thing to hate about that. A regarded rejection almost feels like a stroke instead of a brush off.” Walk away, Jul, before you embarrass yourself further.

“That how you feel? Rejected?”

Warmth once again raised the length of her neck. “Nope,” she lied. “The only thing I was offering was a glass of water and a place to sit.” Julie licked her dry lips and collected money from the customers looking to settle up.

Chester had shown up around last call and was likely holed up in his office, doing whatever it was he did back there, while Bill flirted with the woman who’d most likely be taking him home at closing time. A sprinkle of giggles fell from the mouth of Bill’s new friend as she squeezed his flexed biceps. Oh yes, she’d be giving him a ride for sure.

“It’s Julie, right?” the sexy sergeant asked, drawing her attention away from her coworker.

She nodded, sauntering back to him.

“One more shot of whisky…please?”

Most female bartenders would have probably given the guy anything he wanted, and by the hint of confidence in his request, he damn well knew it. But she wasn’t most bartenders. Julie Bell was a rule follower, and she always had been. She’d watched him carefully during the evening, and while most wouldn’t notice, his fine motor skills had definitely become impaired and his speech slightly slurred.

“I’m sorry, Sergeant, but last call was a while ago; I’m done serving for the night.” She repeated his words from earlier. “Truly sorry.”

A slow, easy smile tugged at his mouth, melting her from toes to shoulders in less than a second. It reached his eyes and made them sparkle. “A regarded rejection—very nice, Julie. You’re right, I feel nothing but fondness toward you.” The pair broke out in quiet laughter when he reached over the bar. “I’m Danny Marcus.”

“Julie Bell. It’s nice to meet you, Sergeant Marcus. But you’re still not getting a shot of whisky.”

He chuckled. “Just Danny, and that’s fine. Truth be told, I may already be drunk.”

God, the man’s throaty laugh had her nipples drawing into sensitive peaks beneath her bra.

“If we’re being honest, you’ve been drunk for a while.” Julie grabbed a high ball and filled it with ice. “That’s why I didn’t want you to leave.” She dropped her gaze and poured water into the glass.

The heat of Danny’s touch once again startled her. “If we’re being honest, Julie, then don’t lie.”

Inebriated or not, the man knew exactly what he was talking about, so she stood silently and waited for him to continue.

“I’m sure you’re concerned for my safety, and for that, I’m grateful. But don’t pretend you haven’t spent tonight wondering what it would feel like to have me kiss you. And ‘cause we’re only doing truth here, my truth is I’ve been dying to taste your lips since the second I saw them.”

Holy shit, it’s possible I just had a mini orgasm from words alone. Julie shook her head, attempting to clear her thoughts before saying them. “You said you weren’t interested in anything but your thoughts tonight.” The reminder was as much for her as it was him. Julie snapped her jaw shut, the sound of teeth clacking startling her. With a small shake to her head, she attempted to clear her thoughts.

“Been holding memories close all day.” His Adam’s apple bobbed. “Without sounding like a cheesy loser, I’d appreciate the chance to hold you for a little while instead.”

So much vulnerability, so much raw truth. She had a feeling he wasn’t the kind of man to normally open up, nor would he appreciate the reminder of it when the sun rose.

Well, Mom and Dad, here goes my first act of rebellion. I hope it doesn’t turn out as dumb as it sounds in my head. Her heart pounded as she placed a clean shot glass on the bar. His tentative smile built as his brows lifted in what could only be described as surprise when Danny watched her grab the bottle of whisky off the shelf.

“You’re right, it does sound a wee bit cheesy, but you were right about something else too. “She poured half a shot and downed it neatly, sparing not a drop. “I want so badly to kiss you, I can almost taste it.” The way his eyes lit up with excitement was comical. After pouring a generous amount of liquid into the glass, she inhaled deeply, slid the glass forward, and lifted her gaze to his. “But I’m not really a PDA kind of girl, and you’re in no condition to drive. So how about you let me drive you back to the barracks, and you can pay me with a kiss good night?”

While it may have only lasted a second or two, the silence between them felt like an eternity. In that small window of time, Julie waffled between mortification and anger. She was no pure virgin looking for a prince, but she certainly didn’t normally throw herself at strangers. If it wasn’t for the dark look of desire shadowing his face, she’d have been rocking in the phone booth, wishing for a magical escape route. That said, from the way his nostrils flared and his gaze seemed to sear her skin, she knew her invitation was all but accepted. Thank God.

Danny downed the whiskey, left crisp bills on the bar top, and abruptly stood. “I’ll be right back.” He moved toward the restroom, his balance more impaired than it had been on his last trip.

Shit, maybe that last shot wasn’t such a great idea. That’s what I get for breaking the rules. “Hey, Bill, I’m gonna drive that guy home. You okay to help Chester close down?”

His incredulous look stung nearly as much as his words. “Going for the stripes now too, Jules? Huh, didn’t peg you for that type.”

“Wow, going for an asshole vibe, huh? Funny, I knew you were exactly that type.” Julie clocked out, said goodnight to Chester, and met Danny by the door.

Bill’s words replayed in her mind, but she wasn’t attracted to Danny because of his uniform. In fact, she was attracted to him in spite of it. No matter how much respect she had for those who served their country, the last thing she wanted was to get involved with someone who willingly put their life in danger. Stop it, Julie. This is just one night, one kiss.