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Uncertain which was louder, the beating of her heart or the pounding shower, Julie’s breath caught in her lungs as Danny’s chest inched closer. Flesh brushed flesh and her eyelids closed as naughty thoughts pummeled her mind. Click. Squeeze. Snap.

Her eyes snapped open. “What are you doing?

Once again, he reached past her to replace the conditioner bottle on the shelf behind her. Soft hazel eyes met hers, his long lashes clumped into spikes from the water. “When’s the last time someone took care of you?” Without waiting for a response, he continued, “Turn around.”

Kisses from heaven. There was no other way to describe how his strong fingers felt massaging her skull. When her hair was rinsed, he made good on his promise to scrub her back, and she made good on her desire to stay dirty.

“What are you doing?” Danny asked in a guttural moan when Julie wrapped her small hand around his shaft and lowered herself to her knees.

“Taking care of you.”

Giving oral sex had never been one of her favorite things to do—in fact, receiving it hadn’t been at the top of her list either—but the blissful delight Danny had brought her that night on his sofa, the way his absence had burned, and the complete joy that had consumed her when she learned that their night together had been more than a drunken mistake made Julie want to give more to the man staring down at her than to anyone she’d ever known. Eyes locked on his, she swiped her thumb over the thick head of his erection, then repeated the motion with her tongue. Danny widened his stance, his stare not leaving hers. A second lick turned into a third until Julie wrapped her lips around him, sucking him into the warm depths of her mouth.

Danny groaned as his lids slid closed. “So good. So fucking good.”

His encouragement was her incentive as she wrapped one hand around his hard shaft and fed him into her greedy mouth. Each time her tongue touched a spot under the head of his dick, he’d gasp his pleasure. He threaded his fingers through her wet hair, gripping the locks even though he seemed to restrain his movements.

“Lick me, baby, suck my cock. Fuck… oh, God…”

His pleasure became her aphrodisiac as her clit pulsed, begging for relief. The hand that wasn’t working him slid to her needy place, and as she licked and sucked with enthusiasm she never thought possible, her fingers rubbed small circles on the sensitive nerves at her core. An unchecked moan slid from her mouth as Danny’s dick hit the back of her throat.

“Fuck me”—his gaze cloaked her—“you touching yourself, honey? Sucking me off turning you on?”

She nodded, her eyes heavy with arousal. Her mouth full of him, words weren’t an option.

“Fuck.” The word was drawn out in an erotic sigh. “Do not come, Julie. Leave you for me. Understood?”

Understanding filled her over-stimulated brain as she pulled away, letting him drop from her mouth but not from her hand. The water at her back was losing heat, but she refused to have this thing between them based on anything but truth. “Then you do something for me.”

“Go on.”

“Don’t hold back. I can tell you are…don’t. If I’m not doing it the way you like, tell me. But otherwise, do not hold back.”

Danny closed his eyes, and she hoped she hadn’t read him wrong. “Open your mouth, Julie, and suck me down. You don’t want me to come in your mouth, I’ll give you warning. You stay on me, you swallow what I give.”

Arousal slid from her core as his words tingled every part of her body. She leaned forward and took him in again, starting with her tongue and working her way down. As Danny’s body started to shake, he wrapped her hair around his fist and pumped, fucking her mouth and calling her name.

“Gonna come, honey,” he warned as his thrusts slowed in order to give her a second to detach.

There was no way she was leaving him unfinished. She wanted everything he had, everything he offered. So instead of peeling her lips from his shaft, she took him deeper and hummed.

“Jesus Christ,” he grunted.

He thrust in and out of her mouth until warm liquid burst on her tongue and down her throat. Delicious it was not, but it was Danny’s. Therefore, she would take it any time he wanted to give it to her.

“Holy shit, Jules,” he rasped. “That was…holy fucking shit.”

The water was turned off, and she was lifted into his arms and carried out of the shower, out of the bathroom, and onto the bed. “Danny, we’re soaking wet.”

“Ummhmm.” He disappeared back into the bathroom and returned with the bath towels she’d left on the counter. Two fluffy towels—yes, she’d been hopeful.

Once the cotton was wrapped around him, hugging low on his defined hips, he strolled over to the bed. Up on her elbows, she watched him sit beside her and move the soft towel up and down her body.

“Curious,” he muttered, the cloth on her shoulder. “I think I’m drying you off, but goose bumps keep covering your skin. Can you explain that one?” His flirty tone had her every nerve alert and ready to be touched by him. “Wonder what would happen if I dry you here…”

His gaze moved to the wet skin of her chest, and her breath labored in her lungs. He dabbed the soft cotton over her sensitive peaks. A sigh left her lips like a song as fire burned inside her belly.

“Hmmm,” Danny said, “doesn’t seem like your body wants to be dry, honey.” A devilish grin sent her pulse racing and her insides thrumming. “Guess I’ll just need to keep you wet.”

Without a second’s delay, his tongue darted out in sweeping circles over her pointed nipple while his hands explored her body. Calloused palms ran over her skin, setting off sparks that turned to blazes. She was burning beneath him and had no desire to put out the flames.

“Oh God, oh…God…”

His teeth grazed her nipple, then the other, inflicting pain, something she’d never known to ask for. Then the moist heat of his tongue lapped the sting and, like a balm, only pleasure remained.

“So good, Danny,” she panted.

Following his hands, his lips traveled slowly, inch by inch, over her ribs, her belly, the ticklish spot at her hips, and when his fingers entered her tight channel, she squeezed her eyes closed and mewled at the indescribable feeling. Holy shit, how does he know how to do that? His wrist turned, and the pads of his fingers made contact with her g-spot—or as she referred to it, her “me-spot,” because she’d been the only person who could find it. Lost in the knowledge that he had found her hidden treasure, she nearly shot off the bed when Danny’s warm tongue slicked between her fold and across her clit.

“Your mind stays with me.”

“Oh, believe me, it’s only with you.”

“Mmm, so sweet, Julie. Your pussy’s damn sweet.”

Thick fingers plunged in and out, fucking her brilliantly as he lapped at her clit. He brought her higher, her body tighter, as release coiled in her gut, waiting for just the right moment, the right touch to go off.

“Give it to me,” he rasped, her juices glistening on his lips. His fingers stilled inside her before he lightly tapped her g-spot. “I wanna watch you come.”

The tapping turned to pressure on the special spot—no thrusting, no movement, just pressure as he sucked on her clit—and the foreign sensation set her off like nothing she’d ever experienced, nothing she’d ever heard of, nothing she’d ever forget.She lost all sense of time and self. It stole her breath and left her wondering how she had ever settled for less. Amazing.

Tremors rippled through her body in small waves of bliss as Danny’s mouth moved from her core to her hips. Ever so slowly, he traveled up her body, putting out the fires he’d stoked on the way down. Boneless and sated, Julie reached for his silken hair, running her fingers through the still-damp strands. Her breaths slowed as her muscles, sore from work and relaxed from the scrumptious orgasm, melted into the mattress. Her lids became heavier with each gentle lick and sensual suck. And then…she was gone.