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No matter how much I was enjoying being with Annabel, though, I couldn’t turn off the voice of doubt in my head. Part of me wondered if I was tripping on the high of a hero complex, where being the savior of a beautiful girl gave me some kind of sick pleasure. After all, I thought, if she hadn’t been abused at Mendoza’s hands, she would have never given a guy like me a second glance.

I hated those thoughts.

Most of all, I was afraid of doing anything that would hurt Annabel. I didn’t want to be the cause of screwing up her recovery. Like I had told her at dinner last night, there was no handbook on the right or wrong way to heal. In another time and place, Annabel would have been the type of woman I pursued. Beautiful, sweet, innocent, and a little bit sassy. As crazy as it sounded, I almost wished I had rescued a less attractive girl, or a girl who had a boyfriend or husband waiting on her at home. Anything but a girl who would catch my interest.

Instead, fate could be a cruel bitch.

Of course, I had to wonder what kind of sick fucker I was to even be thinking about Annabel in a sexual way. Last night, I’d tried to put her at ease about her feelings while at the same time I struggled with my own needs. After all, I’d known the girl a week—one part of which was spent rescuing her from sexual slavery and watching her heal. I mean, for fuck’s sake, there had to be something wrong with me. Annabel had been through mental and physical hell and had every right to be confused by her feelings for me. Me, I had no excuse whatsoever.

Annabel shifted and stretched in my arms. When I looked at her again, her eyes were open and she was taking in her surroundings. “Morning,” I said softly.

She jerked out of my arms. “Um, morning.”

“Sorry if I scared you.”

Annabel shook her head. “No, it’s nothing like that. I’m just a little embarrassed about how I acted last night.”

“Annabel, you have nothing to be embarrassed about. Nightmares and flashbacks are horrific. I know that as well as you do.”

“I hope you were able to sleep, considering I was lying all over you.”

Even in the short time I had known her, it was clear to me that she always worried too much. “I actually slept through the night. I just woke up a little before you did.”

“Guess we better get on the road, huh?”

I nodded. “If we haul it, we could make it to Georgia by tonight.”


“It’s about twelve hours when you don’t have a lead foot like mine. Of course, I know I owe you a quick shopping stop.”

She laughed. “Yes, you do. I promise to be quick.”

With a smirk, I replied, “A woman who shops fast? I’ll believe it when I see it.”

“Then I’ll be happy to prove it to you.”

Annabel was true to her word, and after a stop at Walmart, we were on the road by six thirty. We ate both breakfast and lunch in the car. I made sure she did lie down in the back for several long stretches. The rest of the time she was up front in the passenger seat beside me. As for me and my wound, I managed to keep my leg pain under control with some Advil.

We learned a lot more about each other on the drive home. It’s amazing what you can talk about when you’re trying to pass the time on a long stretch of road. Of course, I learned new things about her, but they didn’t change what I already knew. It just made me appreciate who she was even more.

When we crossed the Georgia state line, I called Bishop to let him know where we were. Since bikes made better time, he had gotten home early that morning. I wondered if he and Breakneck had even stopped to sleep much—they had probably crashed along the way at one of the Mississippi or Alabama Raiders’ clubhouses. He informed me that the guys were anxious to have me back.

I didn’t know just how anxious until we got home. As I pulled into the roadhouse parking lot, both in- and out-of-town Raiders swarmed the car. Cheers and whistles went up in the group, while others pounded their fists on the hood and trunk. Ordinarily I would have appreciated the show of support, but I knew the ruckus was the last thing Annabel needed.

Her agonized whimper drew my attention away from my brothers and over to her. She had drawn her legs up and tucked her chin to her knees. Her arms were wrapped tight around her body like she was trying to keep herself together and not lose her shit.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know they were going to do this.”

She didn’t respond. Instead, I watched as her body began trembling on the seat. “Fuck,” I muttered under my breath. Throwing the gearshift into reverse, I started slowly backing away from the crowd. My brothers’ elation quickly turned to confusion and then anger. I could hear the shouts outside the car grow in volume.

Just as I rolled the window down to try to explain, the voice of Kim, the widow of Case, our former president, interrupted me. “Are you all fucking insane? After everything that poor girl has been through, you think mobbing her is a fucking good idea?”

Leave it to Kim to say exactly what was on my mind but what I wouldn’t dare say. Thankfully, the guys got the message and hustled out of the way. Once I backed out, I pulled around the roadhouse and started down the gravel path to my own house, which happened to be across the street from Mama Beth’s.

After I put the car in park and turned off the ignition, I tentatively placed my hand on Annabel’s shoulder. “Hey,” I said softly. She turned her head slowly to look at me. “I’m so sorry about that.”

“It’s okay.”

“No. It’s not. I can tell how freaked out you are.”

She sighed as she eased her legs down. “You’re right that seeing all those men—all those bikers—did a number on me. But you can’t blame yourself, and you can’t blame them. It’s something I have to deal with. They were just happy to see you.”

“While I know Kim has chewed them out by now, I’ll make sure to tell them to give you some breathing room.”

“That’s sweet. Thank you. I really appreciate you letting me come here.”

“You’re welcome.” Motioning to the house through the windshield, I said, “Come on. Let’s get you settled inside.” I opened my door and started to haul ass around the front of the car to Annabel’s side so I could help her, but then my leg reminded me that I’d been shot ten days ago.

Annabel was already out of the car when I reached her. “Rev, you don’t have to be a gentleman every time. I can manage my own door, you know.”

“But I want to.” At her frustrated huff of breath, I added, “Even though I know you’re capable and you’re a strong, independent woman.”

She laughed. “Fine. I guess I’ll be better about you helping me.” She gazed up at the house. “So this is your place?”

Kicking a few gravel pieces with my boot, I replied, “Yeah. It’s not much. I’m sure you’re used to places that are a lot finer.”

“Rev,” Annabel chided softly. When I looked at her, she shook her head at me. With her eyes, she conveyed the message that I shouldn’t be ashamed of what I had. “I like it. It looks very cozy.”

“You may change your mind when you see inside.”

“Are you saying I might be shocked at what a bachelor’s house looks like?”

“A bachelor biker’s is probably even worse.”

“Hmm,” she mused.

“Nathaniel,” Mama Beth called from behind us.

Annabel whirled around and widened her eyes at the sight of my mother. “Hey, Mama,” I said, hurrying down the driveway to her side.

I hugged her tight before pulling away to kiss her cheek. Her bottom lip trembled slightly, and I could tell she was fighting back her tears. “I’ve been so worried.”

“I’m fine.”

She gave a slight shake of her head. “Don’t do that to me again. And don’t ever leave in the middle of the night to do something so very dangerous.” She brought her hand to her chest. “My heart just can’t take it.”

With just a few words, she had the ability to cut me down and make me feel three feet tall. I rubbed her shoulders. “I’m sorry, Mama. I truly am. But you don’t have to worry anymore. I’m home safe and sound.”