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When he came up with the catalog in his hand he almost dropped it. Because there in the doorway stood the luscious Summer Grace Rae, looking like some Southern version of nearly-porn. She was wearing a short—very short—blue and white gingham-checked dress with white lace around the edges that fit her body like a second skin. The halter-style top made for some gorgeous cleavage, and he knew right away there was no bra underneath. The dress was short enough that if she bent over a bit he’d know whether or not there were any panties under there. It also bared a nice, long expanse of tanned legs—or as long as they could be on such a petite girl. She looked cute as a button and sexy as hell simultaneously. But he didn’t have time to wonder how she managed to do that before she walked over and sat on his desk, her bottom right on top of the catalog, which made him go instantly hard.

“I brought you some blackberries,” she said, all sweetness with that sultry edge she was known for. She held out a small basket of succulent-looking berries, and he took them, barely able to focus.

“Thanks. That was awfully thoughtful.”

“I’ve been thinking about a few other things,” she said, her tone lowering.

He set the berries aside and scooted his rolling office chair over to trap her with one arm on either side of her delicate and faintly perfumed body—those violets again. Oh yeah, he was definitely going hard.

“I’ve been thinking a few things myself, sugar.”

She laughed, low in her throat. “I bet you have.”

Damn, what this girl—this innocent-faced siren of a woman—did to him.

Get it together.

He cleared his throat. “As much as I’d love to throw you down and fuck you over my desk without even thinking about turning the damn lights off so anyone passing by couldn’t see—and I mean that, Summer Grace—you and I have some talking to do first.”

“I was hoping you’d say that.”

She batted her lashes at him and he nearly lost it, those images he’d just called up threatening to take over his mind. And his hardening cock. He wanted to get her naked and spread her out on his big desk, fuck her right there. Right now.

Damn it. Focus.

“We need to handle negotiations,” he said, calling on his years as a Dominant to get his libido under control. “I imagine you’ve done that at least once with Maîtresse Renee?”

She nodded. “Yes, but Allie was there with me, and I’d had some coaching before.”

That sense of hyper-responsibility kicked in hard. “Do you feel you should have a mentor here to help you negotiate with me? It’s okay to say you do.”

“Not with you, Jamie.”

“Is that just need talking? Have you heard of sub frenzy?” He didn’t want it to be that, but he had to ask.

“Yes, in one of the classes I went to with Allie and Rosie. Do you know Rosie? She did my tattoo.”

“Yeah, I know who Rosie is. She’s Finn’s girl, although I knew her before they met. Real nice woman and talented. Know about her kink, too. Now tell me what you know about sub frenzy, sweetheart.”

Summer Grace nodded. “It’s that hunger for play that drives a new submissive or bottom to do things that are maybe beyond their limits. But, Jamie, I’ve wanted you for an awfully long time. I’m not giving away any womanly secret here—I’ve never hidden that from you, or from anyone. And yes, kink is fairly new to me, at this level, anyway, and I understand my personal desire may intensify the play for me. But I’ve been very clear on what I want for . . . too long. So yes, I know what it is, and while I want . . . it’s not a frenzy. It’s simply what it’s always been when it comes to you, but magnified by the kink factor. Does that make sense?”

Jesus, she was perfect. “It does. Are you ready to begin the negotiations?”

“You’re the boss, Jamie.”

“Not yet, I’m not. Not until we go through this process and you’re still saying yes—if you are. Do you have safewords?”

“I use the most common ones—green if things are good when you check in with me, yellow if I need you to switch toys, to lighten up or if I need a drink of water or something. Red if the scene needs to stop completely. But for the record I am definitely saying yes. It will always be yes with you,” she added quietly, something hard and shining behind her pretty blue eyes.

It will always be yes with you.

He forced himself to focus. “Let’s start with some of the easy stuff—things we’ve addressed casually, or that I saw you do at The Bastille. But I’m not going to assume you will do everything with me you’ve done with someone else. No, don’t say anything—that fact is a given until if and when long experience together proves otherwise. I want you to say yes, no or maybe to each of the kinks or toys or activities I throw out there. If there’s an explanation or some related detail you think I should know, speak up. Honest communication is the key here. It’s the only way we can play and I can keep you safe—physically, mentally, emotionally. If there’s an emotional trigger attached to anything, I need to know about that. Okay? Tell me you understand what I’m asking of you.”

“I understand. Allie and Rosie have had a thorough talking-to with me. More than once before they’d let me play.”

“Good. Now start by telling me about any health issues or physical limitations.”

“I’m healthy top to bottom. And I don’t know of any physical limitations. I know I like pain, especially when it’s mixed with pleasure. I have no idea how far I can go. It’s too new. And I already have a sense that it can be different depending on who I’m playing with—that some of how my body will react is mental connection and chemistry. Is that right?”

“That’s exactly right.” And Lord, the chemistry they had was off the charts. He had a sadistic side, so he’d have to be careful not to overplay her until they found out what she could really take. God, the things he wanted to do to her. “Tell me how you feel about bondage.”

“I’m not into the rope thing in the way Allie is with Mick. I’d rather be cuffed.”

“Chains?” He had to ask about one of his favorite fetishes. His hands balled into fists while he waited for her to answer.

“Oh yes,” she said with a soft catch in her voice, making him remember how hard he was. “I love how heavy-duty they are. There’s something a little dangerous about them, if that makes sense. Exciting. I haven’t tried them yet, but I really like the idea. Can a person be bound in chains? I mean wrapped all around your body like you can with rope?”

He stifled a groan. “Oh yeah. And you have no idea how happy you just made me, sugar.” She smiled, her face lighting up. Lighting him up. Making him hard again. He shifted in his chair before continuing. “What about spanking? Yes or no? Or maybe?”

“A definite yes.”

“How about a paddle? Leather? Wood?”

“Leather, yes. Wood . . . I’m not sure. I’d have to try it.”


He saw a small shiver go through her. “I’d like to try.”

“But it scares you?” he asked.

She shrugged. “A little, yes.”

He leaned in and said quietly, “You don’t have to play the tough girl with me. This isn’t the time for that. I already know how tough you are, sweetheart. You have nothing to prove with me.”

She looked into his eyes, hers gleaming in the harsh lighting of his office, the pupils enormous. She said in almost a whisper, “Don’t I, Jamie?”

He took her hands in his. “Why do you think that?”

“Because of our history—I don’t want you to change your mind before we play. And maybe because you haven’t even kissed me since I got here.”

His hand went into her hair and he drew her face to his. “That was a huge mistake on my part, sugar girl. You had me distracted—you in your tight little dress and your berries. I won’t make that mistake again. Come here,” he said before pulling her close and pressing his lips to hers.