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“Then you got up, made some excuse and ran over here? Was the sex that bad?” Dennie asked, her brows arching.

“What? God, no. The sex was fantastic, and I mean fantastic with a capital F. Everything I ever imagined, but better. God, so much better.” She had to bite back a groan.

“So you’re here now with me instead of back at your place in bed with him, why?”

Burying her face in her hands she muttered, “Because I’m an idiot?”

“You’re no idiot, Summer. You’re just confused. Sex can be that way sometimes. Sex you’ve wanted your whole life? I can only imagine how much weirder that must be.”

“Yeah. Weird in a good way. And in a bad way.” She lifted her head to look at her friend. “And Den, the kinky stuff—although we didn’t do too much of that—just amplifies everything. Makes it so intense. But I just can’t get that one thing out of my head—that he saw me naked in his kink world and maybe he thought it was his job to protect me, or he didn’t like the idea of some other guy touching me that way. I don’t know which, but either way it doesn’t necessarily mean he feels anything more for me than he would his own sister.”

“Honey, if he spends Sunday afternoons in bed with his sister, then there are bigger problems brewing here.”

“That’s not what I meant, Den,” she growled.

“I know, but look, the fact that he came over and took you to bed is a sign there’s more than brotherly interest in you. And frankly, that’s not news to either of us, so don’t go over-thinking your way out of that. He’s wanted you for years, even if he’s always fought it. Maybe he’s simply done being the good guy—the good guy who does the right thing and ends up empty-handed.”

“Because he saw me naked?”

“Because he saw you as the passionate, sensual woman you are—full-blown and unafraid, in a setting he apparently never expected. That might be what it took to shake him loose.”

Summer clenched and unclenched her jaw. “I don’t want him to want me for the wrong reasons. Just to make sure I’m safe or because he’s hot for my body.”

“It’s not a bad place to start—and don’t shoot me that look. You’re hot for his body, too, and there is nothing wrong with a man who wants to take care of you. Give the guy a break. Would you rather have had him see you naked and be totally unaffected? Is it really a bad thing that he found you so irresistible he couldn’t stop himself from coming over and giving you what you’ve always wanted? He’s finally recognized that you’re a woman now instead of everyone’s little sister, and you’re complaining.”

“Oh. Oh! Maybe . . . you’re right. Damn it. You are.”

Dennie nodded and grinned. “I do like to be right.”

“So what do I do now?”

“First of all, stop freaking out. Spend some time with him. Everything doesn’t need to be dealt with and thought through right this minute. You two need to get to know each other on this new level. Try to just let it happen, Summer. This is what you’ve always wanted, isn’t it? To be with Jamie?”

“Maybe that’s what scares me.”

“Probably. But this is your chance, honeypie. You know you’ll kick yourself until you’re ninety if you don’t at least give it a shot. And I plan to go at eighty-five, so you’ll have to spend those last five years picking up the pieces without me.”

“Den!” Summer popped out of her chair and wrapped her arms around her best friend. “Don’t say that. You’re not allowed to die before me.”

“You are so bossy, you know that?”

“But you love me anyway.”

“True. Now, what are you going to do?”

“I’m going to go home and get some sleep, and then tomorrow night after work I’m going to find Jamie. But before that I’m going to get some lunch—I’m starving. And oh God, before that I think I need to go home to take a shower.”

“I thought you reeked of sex but I was too polite to say anything.”

Summer laughed. “I was in too much of a hurry to get over here and talk to clean up first. Sorry, Den.”

“It’s okay. One of us should be getting some and it’s not me this week. Or this month.”

“I don’t know why the boys aren’t lining up for you.”

Dennie sat back in her chair and stretched her long legs. “Oh, I’m pretty sure I’ve worked my way through this town. Might have to start looking over in Lafayette or up to Baton Rouge.”

“Silly girl.” Summer grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze. “Thank you.”

“Anytime. I’ll send you my bill.”

Summer grinned and waved on her way out the door.

*   *   *

WORK SEEMED TO go on forever on Monday, but finally Summer was done and on her way home to get pretty for Jamie. He’d called Sunday evening, but she kept the conversation short, telling him she was tired. She felt bad, but the phone felt too distancing to her somehow. She had to see him in person.

She stopped at the local produce market to buy a basket of blackberries as an offering—they were Jamie’s favorite. Once she reached her little house she showered, taking her time, preparing herself for him in a way that felt like a ritual. She’d read about this in one of the books Allie had given her—submissive women paying attention to every detail, focusing on the feel of the soap as they made sure every inch was clean and smooth. Massaging scented lotion into their skin, dabbing perfume behind their ears, between their breasts, transforming themselves into an offering for their Dominant. Was that what she was doing for Jamie?

Tonight they were going to have those negotiations, once she apologized for practically kicking him out of her bed yesterday morning. And after that, maybe they’d have their first real play.

Oh Jesus.

Her heart beat faster and her body heated. Real play with Jamie. Play and sex, the air of command in his voice, his hands on her skin. That exquisite contrast of pain and pleasure that somehow blended and became one sensation. She let out a quiet moan. Lord, what that man did to her.

By the time she slipped her sundress on, even the cotton skimming her flesh was like a sensual touch to her.

As she slid her feet into her high denim wedge sandals, Madame came strolling into the bedroom to inspect her. Or to nap in her closet.

“Just in time, Madame. What do you think?” She did a small pirouette. “If this doesn’t knock Jamie’s socks off, I’ll have to go back to charm school. Don’t wait up for me.”

She got in her Jeep as the sun was setting and drove to his place, but there was no answer at the door. Maybe he was at the gym? If not, she knew where she’d find him. She decided to check his shop first.

Being almost seven-thirty, the place was closed, but sure enough the tow truck was out front and she could see his vintage cherry-red Corvette Stingray parked inside. She found a parking spot and remembered to grab the berries before getting out. As she walked up to the front of SGR Motors she spotted Jamie inside through the big window. He was sitting at the big desk in the office, his head bent. Even the sight of his head made her pulse run hot and thready in her veins. In that insistent, needy place between her thighs. And it suddenly occurred to her that maybe no one had ever had sex on Jamie’s desk before. She smiled and stepped inside.

*   *   *

JAMIE LEANED IN over the keyboard, skimming through the coming week’s schedule, checking to see that all the parts they’d need had been ordered, saw the note to show one of his customers the special rim catalog tomorrow morning. Since his shop’s specialty was restoring vintage muscle cars—like his sweet Corvette—he kept drawers full of stock catalogs, as well as everything available to trick out a hot ride. If a customer wanted anything from custom chrome pipes to fuzzy dice, he knew where to find it. He turned and opened one of the file drawers next to the enormous wood desk, searching for the Wheel Vintiques catalog.