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With her bra gone, he cupped her bare breasts. Perfect soft globes that filled his hands, hard little nipples that made his mouth water. He caressed her, pinched her nipples, rolled them between his fingertips. Her eyes darkened and her breathing hitched. She reached for his cock.

Soft fingers closed around him and he clenched his ass cheeks at the heat building in his balls. He toyed with her nipples, his gaze moving between her sweet tits and her hand stroking his cock. His own breathing went ragged, his heartbeat deepening to unsteady thuds.

Her lips lifted in a small smile, her cheeks going even pinker. She bent her legs and lifted her pelvis. “You want me to fuck you?” he murmured, his hands drifting down over her narrow ribcage and then clasping her waist. She looked tiny in his big hands. Delicate.

“Yes. Please.”

He shifted his knees, nudging her thighs apart so he could move between them. Yeah. There was that gorgeous pussy he’d started to get to know the other night, the softest, sweetest treasure.

“You need a condom.”

His eyes snapped up to her face, horror sweeping through him. How could he have forgotten something so basic? “Yeah,” he muttered. “Sorry. Don’t move.”

He leaped off the bed to grab one out of the drawer on the other side of the bed, ripped it open, rolled it on, and was back in place in seconds.

“Impressive speed,” she said. “I like watching you touch yourself like that.”

His blood scalded his veins in a fast rush at her words. “Yeah?” He lined up the head at her entrance, knowing she was wet. “I’d like to watch you touch yourself too.”

Her eyes went wide. “Really?” she breathed.

He pushed inside her and she sucked in air. “Really.”

Why did he keep talking about the things they were going to do to each other, when they shouldn’t even be doing this? Should. Not. But that thought was smoke in the wind, gone, as her pussy closed around him and squeezed. Hot. Wet. Fantastic.

He held her thighs as he pressed in deeper and deeper, until he was throbbing inside her, his dark hair pressed to the patch of curls at her mound. The contrast of their bodies where they were joined was stunning. Hot. He began to move, slow, sure thrusts, long slides of erotic pleasure, watching her face, watching her eyes go hazy and her mouth soft.

He let go of her thighs and held her waist again as he drove in harder. Faster.

“That’s good,” she gasped. “I like it like that.”

She took it all, and apparently loved it, every hard smack of their bodies together. He could let himself go, be real, be physical and rough and raw. Christ, that was the most powerful aphrodisiac of all, that she wanted from him what he wanted so desperately to give her.

She fingered her clit, her top teeth sunk into her lush bottom lip, eyes nearly closed. “Yes,” she whispered. “Do that…fuck me…”

Yeah, he was fucking her, holding on to make sure she came, although pressure was gathering fast inside him. A groan rumbled up from his chest and he tipped his head back. Then she gave a series of soft cries, her pussy rippling around him. His balls were torturously tight, the base of his spine aching, and then sensation rocketed through him in a bolt of red hot electricity.

She dropped her hand to the bed and he came down over her to bury his face in her neck while wrenching spasms shook his body. Her arms came to his shoulders, her thighs on his hips, and she held on tight as they strained together.

Yeah, that last time hadn’t been his imagination. They had some kind of sensational connection.

After a while, he rolled off her, his index and middle finger on the base of his dick to hold the condom in place. He flattened onto his back beside her. She reached a hand out and set it on his thigh. He did the same, his chest still rising and falling with heavy breathing.

“Thank you,” she finally said.

He turned his head, lips lifting into a smile. “Thank you?”

Their eyes met and he felt a tug deep inside him. “Yeah. Thank you. Two orgasms. Two amazing orgasms. You’re amazing.”

His chest swelled. “Thanks. You’re kind of amazing too.” He knifed up. “Be right back.”

He disposed of the condom. When he turned, she was still lying sideways across the bed. It was a king-size bed and she could easily sleep that way if she wanted. He stretched out beside her again, his feet hanging off the side of the bed, on his side, head on his hand to look down at her.

He had to touch her. He trailed fingers over the tiny freckles on her shoulder and her collarbone. “I like your freckles.”

“I hate ’em.”

“What? Why?”

“Eh. I don’t hate them as much as I used to. I was a redheaded, freckle-faced kid, especially in the summers. That gets you a lot of teasing. My nickname was Pippy. Now I’ve accepted them as part of me.”

“They’re an important part of you.” He drew a finger down between her breasts. “They make you unique.” He palmed her ribs and noticed the tattoo again, brushed his fingers over it. “As does your tattoo.”

She gave him a lopsided smile. “I know it’s not original. But I do believe in those things.”


“Last time…when you noticed it…you asked me if those were really my goals in life.”

He didn’t say anything to that.

“I know you and Duncan both think I’m just flitting around having fun. That I quit a good job on a whim.”

“You’re looking for another job.”

“Not exactly.”

He squinted a little at her. “What does that mean?”

“I’m not really looking for a job. I’ve started my own business.”

He blinked. Oh Christ. “Uh. What kind of business?”

“It’s social media consulting. I help companies with their online marketing presence.”

“Like…on Twitter?”

“And Facebook. And other networking sites. Where and how much depends on the company.”

“So…you have clients?”

“Yes.” She smiled at him, eyes glowing. “I do. I had a few before I even came to Chicago, and I’m actually still doing contract work for Kleinheinz. I did some of that when I worked for them and they liked what I was doing, so I kept them as a client. Since I’ve been here, I’ve gotten two more contracts and I met with a really big clothing company last week that I’m still waiting to hear back from.” She drew her bottom lip in between her teeth briefly. “I’d really like to get that contract. But since I haven’t heard anything, I’m starting to think they’ve gone with someone else.”

He pressed his hand to her ribs. “I had no idea that’s what you were doing.”

“I know. And Duncan doesn’t either.”

“Why haven’t you told him?”

“I don’t know.” She now reached out to touch him, rubbing his biceps. Her gaze dropped to her hand. “I don’t want him to laugh at me. He thinks I’m a big screwup. He’ll never believe that I can do this.”

His chest tightened. “Shit, Lovey. Sure he will.”

She shook her head. “I just want to wait until I’m more…established. So he can’t not believe.” Her forehead creased briefly. “If you know what I mean.”

“Yeah. I know what you mean.”

“So don’t say anything to him. I just wanted you to know…I do have goals in life.”

Something softened inside him. “Yeah.”

“I also have a blog.”

“Okay.” What the fuck? A blog?

“It’s pretty popular and people pay to advertise on it. So I’m making some money from that too. And since I quit my job, I’ve had more time to work on it, so I think I can make that grow too.”

“People pay you to advertise on your blog?” Whoa. That had to mean a lot of eyes were on that blog. Not that he knew anything about this shit.

“Yeah. They do. I’m getting more requests, and I think I can start charging more.”

“So you actually make money from it.”

Her eyes crinkled up as she smiled. “Yeah.”

“Cool.” His forehead creased. “What kind of blog?” His hand drifted down to her waist, then her hip.