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She gave it a few minutes to get him hot enough that he wouldn’t try to put an end to things, but she might not have been in as much control as she thought she was, because her thoughts went spinny and her pussy was aching when she finally drew back to whisper, “Bedroom.”

She shifted away to put her feet on the floor and rise, but her knees weren’t entirely steady. Marc grabbed her as she wobbled, bounding up off the couch. “Whoa there.”

She smiled. “You got me all weak and shaky.”

He shook his head, the corners of his mouth lifted.

She went on tiptoes to kiss one corner of his mouth, then the other. “Come on.”

“How do you do this?” He followed her down the hall.

“Do what?”

“Always get your way.”

She paused and shot him a flirty smile over her shoulder. “It’s a gift.”

“No kidding.”

“Come on. You want this too. That wasn’t a puck in your jeans pressing up against me.”

He gave a choked-sounding laugh.

She had the presence of mind to shut her bedroom door. Just in case.

And Marc shut his bedroom door behind them. She’d hit the light switch when she entered, but now headed toward the lamp on the table beside the bed. Some lighting was sexy, but not full, bright overhead light. She flicked the lamp on and said, “You can turn off that light.”

He did, but as he walked toward her, almost a prowl, he said, “You wanna know something about me?”

She shivered at the predatory look in his eyes and stared up at him as he came to stand right in front of her. “Sure.”

“I do like to be in control.”

She nodded.

“So stop telling me what to do.”

Her lips curved and heat darted low in her belly. “Sorry.”

“I’m not complaining, but just once I’d like to be the one who seduces you.”

Her heart skipped a beat, leaving her breathless. She loved that. She loved that so much it almost scared her. “You’re not complaining…but you are complaining.”

He closed his eyes and tipped his head back.

Damn. She couldn’t stop the smart remark that came from her nerves. And she’d missed a pretty amazing opportunity. Maybe she could get it back. “I would love to be seduced,” she said, voice throaty. “Start now.”

His eyes opened. He still looked hot for her, but his eyes now gleamed with amusement. “Babe,” he said. “What did I just say?”

“Uh…oh.” She blinked. “Right.”

“Too late for tonight.” He reached for her. “Have your way with me.”

But next time…The unspoken words hung between them as clear as if they’d been uttered aloud. She so wanted there to be a next time. And they hadn’t even really started this time.

His hands closed on her hips and he yanked her up against him. He was like a wall, big and solid. Her palms flattened on his chest over the blue-and-white-striped button-down shirt he wore. She wanted to climb him. Excitement circled in her belly.

He hoisted her up so their mouths could meet and they kissed again. His mouth moved on hers with hungry heat, his tongue sliding into her mouth. She wrapped her arms around his neck and head and let him consume her.

Their mouths were feverish, grinding. He pushed her lips farther apart and stole her breath.

Have her way with him. As if. Next thing she knew, the room was spinning as he picked her up, spun around, and headed toward the bed. This cave man carrying her around thing was hot. For a brief, bizarre second she tried to imagine Richard picking her up and carrying her. She almost laughed out loud, but then was distracted when Marc sat on the bed with her on his lap and proceeded to kiss her dizzy again. Sensation swelled inside her and raced through her blood.

His hand cupped her jaw, thumb brushing the corner of her mouth, then slid down the side of her neck, over her collarbone, and cupped her breast through her thin sweater. She sucked in a breath, pushing her breast deeper into his palm as he gently squeezed and rubbed her. Sweetness melted down through her, right to her core.

She moaned.

He shifted her on his lap and reached for the hem of her sweater. She lifted her arms so he could pull it off, leaving her in her sheer nude lace demi bra. He gazed at her with hot, seductive admiration. “Sweet.” He traced fingers over her cleavage. He pushed one strap down her arm, tugged the cup beneath her breast, and bent his head to take her nipple into his mouth.

Oh my stars! Her head went back as bliss blazed through her and liquid heat surged between her thighs. As his mouth tugged on the tender peak and his tongue flicked it, his hand went low, skimming over the front of her yoga pants to cup her pussy. He held her there, where she ached and melted, sucking her nipples, licking the curves of her breasts. Then his hand moved and began to rub her, the heel of his palm pressing on her clit.

“Oh yeah,” she groaned, holding on to his shoulders so she didn’t fly up in the air. She parted her legs to give him a little more access and he accepted that invitation, now delving his hand into her pants, into her panties, his long fingers sliding into her folds.

His hand was immediately slick, and he rubbed two wet fingers over her clit, circling it with impressive accuracy.

“Ah!” She bit her lip, slid her fingers into his hair to hold his big head at her breast, where he teased her nipples into almost unbearable hardness. Fire spread through her body and a moan climbed her throat. Then she tumbled into violent spasms, pleasure bursting inside her.

He lifted his head from her breast, cradled hers in his palm, and pressed her face to his chest, holding her through her orgasm. She panted and trembled. “Wow,” she finally managed to say. “We didn’t even get all our clothes off.”

She felt his chest shake and smiled. He was so damn serious, she found she liked making him laugh. She settled against him, limp and satisfied.

Then she was flat on her back on the bed, gazing up at him.

Chapter 15

Marc knew he was crazy to be doing this. But damn, she was irresistible, like a drug, and he wanted that high again. This week had been shit, but here, with her making him smile and making him hard, it all faded away.

With her curled up on his lap like a contented little kitten, he closed his eyes briefly at the quiet in his head, the way his shoulders had relaxed.

His dick, on the other hand, was anything but.

He lifted Lovey off his lap and tossed her to her back on the mattress, then reached for the loose black yoga pants she wore. He dragged them down over slender thighs as she stared up at him with a look that damn near undid him. Yeah, she was all flushed and sleepy-eyed from the orgasm, but the look in her eyes was something else…admiration. Excitement.

He did that to her.

He studied her pretty body, lying on his black comforter, wearing nothing but a sheer skin-colored bra and matching panties. She might as well have nothing on, her hard rosy nipples clearly visible, the thong panties a mere triangle of sheer lace. She was gorgeous, smooth pale skin, slender curves, tiny gold freckles like the ones on her cheeks scattered across her chest and shoulders.

His dick jerked, white hot need building inside him.

“I love the way you look at me,” she murmured, bending her elbows so her hands were beside her head, pushing her breasts out.

And he’d just been thinking the same thing about her. This was fucking scary.

But not scary enough to deter him from stripping off his jeans, boxers, and shirt, climbing up over her and straddling her on his knees while he removed her bra and panties.

Her gaze tracked down his chest and abs to where his cock thrust out aggressively. She licked her lips. Damn, the way she’d sucked his cock that night…like she loved it.