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Her tongue came out to swipe over her bottom lip as she watched him center himself against her. But before he entered her, his fingers stroked through her pussy, immediately slick with her arousal. “There,” he murmured. “Okay, we’re good to go.”

“I don’t think there was any doubt,” she panted. “I was good to go about fifteen minutes ago.”

His lips twitched. “Just making sure. Don’t wanna hurt you, Lovey.”

That was sweet. So damn sweet. Her heart tilted a little but she ignored it to focus on the building ache inside her. “Please. Fuck me.”

“Oh yeah.” With a groan, he pushed into her.

Her head went back, her body contracting hard around him at the exquisite sensation. And it got better. Deeper. Fuller. Hard and hot inside her. His jaw tightened and his temple pulsed as he slowly worked his way inside her body. “Not gonna be long,” he gritted out. “Sorry, Lovey…”

He began to move in and out, holding her knees up, and she could only stare in amazement at him there between her legs, his heavily muscled body so beautiful and strong, wide at the shoulders, lean at waist and hips. Her gaze tracked down over smooth skin on ridged abs to the thick patch of brown hair at his groin, erotically masculine. They moved together in desperate slides of liquid heat, sensation wrapping around her, tightening. “S’okay,” she panted. “I’m…I’m coming already.”

It was there, right there, already, expanding rapidly, building. She reached for one of his thighs with her left hand and slid her right hand to her clit. He watched with a moan, moving faster, hips pumping, and she could tell his own climax was building. Then she lost that focus as her orgasm exploded, so hard she shuddered and cried out and pushed against him. When he kept moving inside her, stroking against ultrasensitive nerve endings, fire burned over her clit.

“Fuck yeah,” he groaned, falling over her. She took his weight and absorbed it, wrapping arms and legs around him tightly as he went taut and still against her, pulsing inside her. He buried his face in the side of her neck, his breath short, scalding bursts against her skin.

She opened her mouth on his big shoulder in a long kiss. They stayed joined like that for several moments, her mouth helplessly kissing his hot, damp skin over and over.

“Jesus,” he muttered a while later, lifting his head. He looked down at her, his cheeks flushed, eyes glittering. He slid in and out of her, slowly. It didn’t seem he was going soft. “What the hell was that?”

Chapter 13

Marc stared down at the woman beneath him, both of them still breathing heavily. She gazed back at him, so fucking gorgeous he could barely think. Her gold-speckled green eyes were slumberous and sexy, her mouth swollen, her hair a tangled mass of red-gold brightness on his black pillowcase. That was some kind of chemical explosion.

Her mouth curved into a smile and her fingers petted his shoulders. “That was good,” she answered his rhetorical question.

“Good?” His eyes widened a little. “That wasn’t good…that was fucking napalm.”

Her smile deepened. “Okay, that’s a better description.”

So she’d felt it too.

“You, um…seem like you could go again already.” She wriggled her hips beneath him.

“I can.” He gave his head a shake.


“I can go all night,” he boasted, then felt stupid. Luckily she laughed. He grinned back at her.

“Glad to hear that.”

“This is probably when we should be having a ‘what the hell have we done’ moment.”

“Let’s not. You are not going to insult me by listing all the reasons we shouldn’t have done this. And we are not going to even mention…certain family members while we’re in bed having sex. That’s just wrong.”

“I hear you.” He was right there with her, pushing aside thoughts of Duncan and how fucking furious he was going to be about this. Not going there. Right now, he felt too good, hormones flooding his body and taking away every particle of good sense, urging him to go for it, another round with the beautiful, sexy woman who was right there, naked in his bed and more than happy to be there. How could any guy resist that?

How could he resist the enormous pleasure that had just slammed through him, leaving him stunned, barely satisfied, and desperate for more? How could he resist those shining eyes and that sexy mouth? Or all the rest of her, most of which he hadn’t even explored yet.

“Don’t think it’s a good idea to use the same condom twice,” he muttered, slowly withdrawing from her. Her body clung to him as if she didn’t want to let him go, but she dropped her arms to the mattress as he climbed off the bed to get rid of the rubber. And grab another one.

She watched him, and that made him even hornier, the way her eyes studied him with frank appreciation. “There,” she said. “Stop right there.”

He stopped and glanced over his shoulder at the bed.

“Your ass,” she said with a sigh. “It’s gorgeous.”

He huffed out a laugh and closed his eyes. Jesus. She was…fun.

“Come back here so I can put my hands all over it.”

He grabbed a condom on his way, his cock already fully hard again, his balls aching, but a smile on his face.

Back in bed, he reached for her and pulled her toward him. Now she lay half on him, and he brought her mouth to his, his thigh between her legs again, her hot pussy pressed there. He kissed her slower this time, softly at first, tasting inside her mouth, playing with her tongue. She kissed him back, long, deep, wet kisses that went on and on until his head spun and his dick hurt. He couldn’t think, could only feel her small, soft body pressed against him, her hips moving against his thigh. He shifted, pressing his leg into her, and she moaned into his mouth.

Her hand slid into his hair and her tongue stroked over his bottom lip, then slipped inside his mouth again. He wanted to swallow her up, consume her, fuck her crazy. He palmed her ass, enjoying the way she rocked needily into him. Christ, she was hot.

This was what he’d wanted ever since she’d kissed him that night, maybe even before.

Their mouths slid apart and he ran his tongue up the side of her neck. She gave a full-bodied shiver in his arms. She tasted sweet and feminine, and smelled the same, delicious as a cupcake.

He rolled her to her back, pushing her down into the mattress again, claiming her mouth. She whimpered, her mouth opening for him, their kisses going hotter still. He cupped a breast, so incredible, soft yet firm, pointy little nipple against his palm. He’d almost lost his mind sucking those nipples, perfect little peaks that tasted like temptation. And he was going to lose his mind all over again, bending his head to pull a nipple into his mouth, tugging on it with gentle suction.

Her fingers slid through his hair, her soft whimpers and moans filling his ears. “Marc,” she whispered. “I love that…”

“Mmm.” That was agreement, but he didn’t want to stop to form words. He moved to the other breast, plumping it up with his hand, first admiring it with his eyes, then his tongue. He pinched her other nipple and her back arched with a soft cry, her hips moving again.

He knelt over her, hands on her breasts, kissing his way down her midriff, over her taut abdomen. He paused at the script tattooed over her right ribs, taking in the words live, laugh, love. He traced them with a fingertip, a simple scroll font, elegant and pretty. “Words to live by?”

She lifted her head and nodded, her eyes molten, her smile slow and seductive. “Yes.”

They suited her. But he couldn’t stop from asking, “Is that the extent of your life goals?”