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He groaned too and his tongue slid between her lips and into her mouth. Holy God, she was melting. Heat pulsed between her legs, a tight pull of desire building there. Her breasts ached and she pressed them harder against his chest.

His hands moved over her, exploring, sweeping up her back, then back down to a hip, her waist. She was vaguely aware the towel was bunched around her waist and she was essentially naked on his lap, and oh God, it felt good.

He sucked briefly on her tongue, giving her a little burst of heat down low inside, then licked her bottom lip and kissed her cheek and jaw. His stubble rasped against her skin and a thrill ran through her in hot squiggles. He nuzzled the side of her neck below her ear, opened his mouth on the skin there and sucked so gently, and the thrill escalated to a full-bodied shudder.

He was such a good kisser. God. His mouth was perfect, firm yet gentle, hot and just wet enough, his tongue strong and sexy.

Her head fell back, her fingers still playing with the hair at the nape of his neck, the skin there soft and smooth. With her eyes closed and her mouth open, she let him explore her with his hands and lips and tongue. He bit gently on her shoulder, then dragged his tongue along her collarbone. She leaned back in his embrace now, exposing her bare breasts, dying for him to touch her there.

“Fuck,” he muttered. “We’re gonna go there, aren’t we.” It wasn’t a question.


“The bathroom floor is not where I want to do this.”

“It’s a big bathroom. The rug is soft. Although the blood all over is a bit of a turnoff.”

His chuckle turned into a groan. “Câlisse, Lovey. Tu me rends fou.”

She didn’t know what that meant but it didn’t sound all bad. He sounded turned on. Hungry. And holy hell, he was speaking French and that…was…hot.

“Merci,” she whispered.

He choked on another laugh and his hands went to her waist. “Christ,” he muttered. “I can’t get up.”

“Ha-ha. I think you’re already up.”

He laughed again.

“C’mon, hockey boy, you fall down on the ice all the time.” She scrambled off him and set her hands on the toilet to push herself to stand. Then she reached a hand down to him, but he was already up, using the side of the bathtub to lever his big body off the floor.

“I do not fall all the time,” he objected. His gaze had gone past her and she realized he was looking at her in the mirror—the back of her. His hand curved over her ass and gave a gentle squeeze, pulling her closer, and he groaned again. “You have the sweetest little ass.”

Her skin tingled everywhere and her stomach swooped. “Thank you. I like yours too, what I’ve seen of it. How about you undress so I can see more of it?”

“Bedroom,” he growled. “Mine. Now.”

Whoa. Her pussy squeezed hard. She hadn’t seen this alpha caveman side of him and it worked for her. Really worked for her.

He didn’t let go of her, just turned her and held her hips as he nudged her out of the bathroom, down the hall, and into his bedroom.

He’d left the lamp beside the bed on, but the room was still dim and shadowy. She was not going to confess that she’d come in here when he’d been gone on the road trip, sat on his bed, and studied the room. She hadn’t snooped in anything personal—she’d just been intensely curious about him. And she’d missed him. His bedroom smelled like him, like the zesty men’s body wash and shampoo in the shower, which she’d also sniffed more than once, combined with his intrinsic male scent. He showered a lot, which she appreciated because she’d ridden in a minivan with stinky hockey equipment many times and knew only too well how horrifically bad that odor could be. But his scent was good, clean athletic male sweat and she loved it.

In the room, she turned into his arms and their mouths locked together again, hands all over each other, grabbing and rubbing. She went up on her toes and strained against him and then he lifted her, his hands on her bare ass, and with a squeak she wrapped her legs around his waist and held his shoulders. He walked to the bed.

In a smooth, graceful motion that impressed her with his strength, he set a knee on the mattress, then had her on the bed with him on top still between her legs. His weight was a sweet pressure on her body and she adored it. One of his big hands tried to slide into her hair and encountered the big plastic clip, but he had it pried open and tugged out of her hair in seconds. He tossed it aside and his fingers cupped her head, holding her in place for more kisses. More hot, drugging, melting kisses.

She needed skin, and her hands tugged at his T-shirt until she found it—hot, sleek skin. She pressed her palms against the muscles of his back as his tongue explored her mouth. Heat rushed through her body

“I just want to point out,” she gasped when his mouth had shifted to her throat, “I still can’t see your ass.”

He smiled against her skin. “I can’t see yours either.”

“But you did.”

“Don’t worry. We’ll get to that. Fuck, Lovey. I wanna go slow, but damn, I’m in pain.”

“I know. Me too. Never mind slow. We can do slow next time. Just do it.”

“I’ve always believed in that motto.” He rolled off her, reached behind his head, and yanked his T-shirt off. There were the chest and abs she’d fantasized about since the day she’d arrived here and he’d walked out in his boxers. Her hands reached out of their own volition to touch, skimming over a taut pec and trailing down over ridged abs. He unzipped his jeans and lifted his hips to shove them and his boxers down over his thighs. When he kicked them off, powerful muscles bunched and flexed. Again she couldn’t resist touching, stroking her palm over a hairy thigh as he shoved off socks too.

Her eyes moved all over, taking him in, pausing at his heavy erection. He was a big man, so it shouldn’t have surprised her, but she did blink a couple of times at the thick girth and impressive length. He rolled away from her, finally giving her a view of his ass, just long enough for him to reach into the drawer beside his bed and grab something. On his back again, knees bent, he opened the small package and applied a condom. Good. That was good. She appreciated that very much. Especially since she got to watch his big hands holding his cock. Oh my fuck, that was sexy.

He reached for her and picked her up with such ease it made her heart flutter, holding her against him with one arm while his other hand yanked the bed covers down, then lowering her to the exposed sheets. He used one of his bare feet to push the covers aside even more so he could join her there.

He kissed her again, laying half on her, one big knee between her legs, his hand on her jaw. She circled her arms around his neck and kissed him back. Empty and aching, she needed more, needed him inside her. He’d said he was in pain and she was ready for him to just fuck her, but apparently he was still able to last a little longer, as he took his time feasting on her mouth, then shifting lower to her breasts.

Oh yes, oh God. He cupped her breasts and they swelled into his palms.

“Beautiful,” he whispered, studying them with a heated gaze that made her even hotter. He brushed his thumbs over her tight nipples, a sweet torment, then lowered his head to close his lips around one. He gave a gentle tug and sucked her deeper into his mouth. Her hips lifted with need as sparks shimmered from her nipple to her pussy.

“Oooooh.” She let out a soft sigh. “So good.”

He sucked both nipples until she was about to explode, her body quivering on the edge, her clit pulsing and begging to be touched. “Please,” she implored. “Please. Need you.”

“Mmm.” He kissed a nipple one last time. As he’d played there, he’d moved between her legs, his body heavy against hers. Her pelvis rocked into him in a helpless demand for what she needed. “Yeah. Need you too.” He pushed up onto his knees, spread wide, pushing her thighs apart, and reached for his cock.