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He watched for a while as the mayor gave his speech and awarded the medals, but it bored him. Despite having an opportunity to stare at the thin, black-haired woman on stage, he decided leaving before the end was the right choice. He slipped away, unnoticed.


The police chief was the last to speak and he informed everyone that Detectives Strong and Layne would be available for questioning in the lobby at 3:15.

“Oh, great!” It was Vanessa. “Did you know about this?”

“Nope. News to me.”

“We’re not going to get any work done on this case today.”

“It would appear not.”

As the ceremony came to an end, Lieutenant Patton motioned the two detectives to follow him. They walked down a rear set of stairs and into the back of city hall.

“Sorry about the surprise news conference. I only found out just before the ceremony.”

Vanessa felt compelled to share her displeasure.

“Jason and I need to be working on this case, not doing more interviews.”

Lieutenant Patton stopped and turned to face the detectives. His eyes rested on Vanessa.

“As I recall, you weren’t getting much done today anyway. You feeling better, are you?”

Vanessa realized she’d picked a poor time to rant about press briefings.

“Oh, yeah. I do feel better. Must have been something I ate.”

As the lieutenant resumed his pace, Vanessa rolled her eyes in Jason’s direction and it was all he could do to keep from laughing. Vanessa isn’t caught off guard very often and when she is, Jason usually finds it good for some teasing.

“Probably something in your stomach.”

Vanessa fired a loaded glance at Jason, which he pretended not to notice. There was another podium set up in the lobby of the city hall and reporters were already milling about. The lieutenant went up and tapped the mic. It responded with a thud. Everyone turned their attention forward.

“I’m going to turn this over to the detectives and let you ask your questions but there will be no name given on our victim from the other night. Her status remains unchanged and we will release another update in the morning.”

He turned and motioned Vanessa and Jason forward.

“Most of you are familiar with Detectives Jason Strong and Vanessa Layne. I’ll let them take it from here.”

Jason and Vanessa came forward and began answering questions. They took turns and tried to remain patient when the same question was asked several times in different ways. They endured it for nearly 45 minutes before the opening came to shut it down. Jason took it.

“Thank you for understanding but Detective Layne and I must go back to work.”

They turned and left the stage to the lieutenant.

Outside in the parking lot the two detectives loosened their collars and sighed.

“I’m glad that’s over.”

Vanessa sat on a bench and looked up at him.

“No kidding! I thought we’d never get away. What are you going to do now?”

Jason looked at his watch. It was after 4 pm.

“I’m going to check on the girl and then head home. See you at the station in the morning?”

“That’s fine. I’m gonna sit for a few and then head home myself.”

“Okay. See ya tomorrow.”

Detective Jason Strong: The Early Cases _2.jpg


Chapter  12

The next morning Vanessa was up early. The meds she was on were taking effect and for a change, she didn’t feel sick.

She fixed breakfast for her and Rob which they enjoyed together for the first time in weeks. Vanessa looked over at her husband.

“When we have an ultrasound, do we want to know what the sex is?”

Rob smiled.

“If it’s a boy, yes!”

“And if it’s a girl?”

“Oh, I guess that would be okay, too.”

She reached over and punched him. He recoiled but she was too fast and landed a solid blow on his arm.


“You deserved that.”

“You know I don’t care if it’s a girl or a boy.” He rubbed his arm. “Man, even pregnant, you still pack a punch.”

“And don’t you forget it!”

He laughed, got up from the table and kissed her.

“I have to get ready.”

“Okay. I’m going to clean up and head for the station.”

In ten minutes, she had the dishwasher running and some meat taken out to thaw for dinner. She grabbed her purse and keys, locked the door behind her and walked to her car.

Sitting just across the street from Vanessa’s house, was a black pick-up with a white camper top. The driver was not in it. The detective didn’t notice, she should have, but she didn’t. As Vanessa reached her car and went to unlock it, she heard a voice behind her and felt a gun in her back.

“Don’t say a word. Turn and walk directly to the black truck across the street. If you try anything, I’ll splatter your insides all over the outdoors. Are we clear? Nod your head.”

Vanessa nodded and tried to remain calm as the man reached around her waist and removed her gun. Her thoughts went to the life inside her, followed by visions containing the photos of the other girls. A glance at the truck had told her that this was the same man responsible for the wine glass murders. She looked up at the bedroom window.

Look out, Rob! See me!

Apparently, her abductor knew what she was thinking.

“Move it! Now.”

They walked quickly towards the black truck. He made her open the driver’s door and slide across the bench seat, sliding in right behind her. The gun never left her side.

He produced a pair of zip ties formed in a circle.

“Put your hands through.”

She hesitated and he raised the gun until it was pointed at her forehead.

“Do it!”

Vanessa saw no choice, she obeyed. He pulled the circle tight and started the truck.

“Behave yourself.”


Rob grabbed a towel from the pile on the shelf by the shower. He rubbed it over his hair and then wrapped it around his waist. He ran a comb through his hair and fired up his electric razor. He hated shaving but the electric made it less of a chore than using a blade. He would probably be sporting a beard if it wasn’t for Vanessa. She won’t even kiss him if he gets too shaggy.

He finished and slapped on some skin conditioner. A quick look at the bedside clock told him he needed to pick up the pace. He walked over towards the closet and saw Vanessa’s car through the window.

She should be gone by now.

He looked closer and a movement across the road caught his eye. A man was pushing a woman into a truck, she looked like…


Rob screamed her name at the window but it came back at him, unheard. Forgetting he was in a towel, he rushed down the stairs and out the door.


He was too late, the truck was driving off. He looked around wildly, hoping for a neighbor or friend who could chase the truck. Nobody was around this early. He ran back in the house, grabbed his phone and dialed 911.


Jason arrived at the station at his usual time but again he had beaten Vanessa in. He hoped she wasn’t going to call in sick, again. If she did, he would tell her she’s got to reveal her pregnancy to the lieutenant.

He walked through the station door and waved at Dave Connor, but this time he didn’t get the usual friendly response. Dave looked stricken.

“Jason, get upstairs fast!”

“Why? What’s up?”

“Something has happened to Detective Layne.”

Jason’s heart skipped a beat. He took off running, ignoring the elevator, in favor of the stairs. Ten seconds later he burst through the homicide office doors.