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The phone rang twice before he heard his sister’s voice.


"Susan, this is Stan. We are a go with my contact in Texas.”

"Good," her voice dropped to a whisper, "I'm at work so I have to go, but I'll let you know when we have someone."

 The line went dead and Stan closed his cell phone. Susan was a labor and delivery nurse in Springfield, Missouri, and she had chosen the "adoptive parents" the last three times. She was also the contact for the exchange, so she could care for the baby. As he headed home, he thought about what a good team they made.

Detective Jason Strong: The Early Cases _1.jpg

Chapter  1

Shirley Murphy knocked for the second time. Still no answer, so she let herself in with the key her daughter had given her.

"Kate?” she called.

"In the kitchen, Mom."

Shirley walked down the hall to the kitchen, smiling as always. Her 5'5" frame was covered in a bright red pantsuit, complete with white scarf and white shoes. At fifty-six, she was slim and stunning with her jet-black hair and bright blue eyes.

“I knocked—guess you couldn't hear me?”

“No, the dishwasher was running.”

"How you feeling, sweetie?"

"Oh, fine."

They had this conversation about forty times a week, and this was number three for today. Shirley sat down at the kitchen table as she watched Katie finish making a sandwich.

"You want a sandwich?"

Shirley shook her head.

"No thanks, dear. I bought something for the nursery.”

"Really? What?"

"It's in the van, but you'll have to wait until Wade gets home. I need his help getting it into the house.”

Katie joined her at the table. Normally, she was a tiny thing, but with the baby, she had put on 25 pounds. Her warm green eyes and curly blonde hair gave her a bubbly look that matched her personality.

"Aren't you going to tell me what it is?"

"Nope, don't want to spoil the surprise!"

Shirley laughed as Katie took a bite and rolled her eyes. She knew that Katie enjoyed the surprises as much as she did.

When Katie was done, Shirley helped her clean up. Afterwards, the two of them went up to the nursery. A little while later Katie heard her husband come home.

"Upstairs, honey!"

He came up to the nursery. Wade Duncan was tall, he towered over Katie, and he had to bend down to give her a peck on the check.

"What kind of trouble are you two stirring up?” he asked, winking at Shirley.

Even though he had been out showing properties all day, his light brown hair was still neatly combed. Fit but not athletic, he had dark brown eyes and a wide smile.

Shirley smiled back. Wade was more than a son-in-law. She had leaned on him when her husband had passed away and he was both her and Katie's rock.

"Actually, we've been waiting for you. There's something in the van for the nursery and I need you to carry it in."

"Certainly, madam!" He mock saluted, drawing a giggle from Katie, then wheeled around and headed downstairs on his assigned mission.

When he returned, he was carrying a beautiful oak rocking chair. Katie squealed when she saw it.

"Oh, Mom. It's just like the one you had at our home on Glenwillow."

"I know. When I saw it, I had to get it. I remember rocking you to sleep many nights in that old chair. Just don't forget, Grandmas get first dibs."

Shirley smiled as her daughter walked around the room, trying to decide on the perfect spot. Finally, she stopped and pointed.

"Wade, put it down over there by the closet. I want to give it a test drive!"

Wade flashed a big smile and did as he was told.

They watched as Katie adjusted the placement just a little and settled into the chair. She gently rocked back and forth and Shirley thought Katie might burst into tears.

"It's fantastic, Mom. Thank you so much!"

Katie started to get up, but froze and grabbed her belly, falling back into the chair. She let out a small grunt. Both Shirley and Wade were beside her in a flash.

“What is it? You okay?" Shirley asked, as she stroked her daughter’s forehead. Katie had broken out into a sweat.

"I think so. It was just...” This time, she screamed.

She clutched her stomach again. Wade scooped her up and turned to Shirley.

"Get your van, I'll bring her down.”

Katie started to protest, but was gripped with pain a third time. In less than five minutes, Wade had carried her to the van, and they were on their way to the hospital.


Wade burst through the doors of the St. Luke Hospital emergency room.

“Nurse, I need help, please!”

A nurse came around the desk to meet him.

“What is it, sir?”

“My wife, I think she's in labor.”

Wade tried not to sound as panicked as he felt. The nurse grabbed a wheelchair and followed him out the door to the van.

“How far along is she?”

“About 6 months, I think.”

When the nurse reached the van, Wade slid the side door open, revealing his wife, who was clearly in trouble. She was very pale and obviously in pain.

The nurse stepped around Wade.

“What's your name?”


“Okay, Katie, we're going to get you inside.”

Katie let out a howl when they went to move her into the chair.

“Are you having a contraction now?”

“No...yes... well, I mean, it hasn't stopped.”

“Like a cramp?”

“It feels like a lot more than a cramp.”

“Who's your doctor?” the nurse asked Wade, as the two of them finally maneuvered Katie into the chair.

“Phelps...Dr. Larry Phelps.”

Wade followed Katie while Shirley parked the van. The nurse wheeled Katie inside the hospital, around the desk and into a partitioned room. When Wade and the nurse had moved Katie to the bed, the nurse drew the curtains and picked up the phone.

Wade listened as the nurse first called Dr. Phelps and then the obstetrics ward. He could hear a nurse pick up the phone.

“Labor, Susan”

“Hi Susan, Jan in ER. We have a pregnant woman in distress on her way up. Dr. Phelps is on his way. We’re putting an IV in and he wants a monitor on her ASAP.”

“What's the patient’s name?”

“Katie Duncan.”

“Okay, we'll be ready.”

The nurse hung up and Wade watched as she gave instructions to an orderly. None of this was new to Wade. This was the third time he had rushed Katie to a hospital during a pregnancy. The last two times had been earlier in her pregnancies, and resulted in both babies not surviving. He tried not to think about it.

A short elevator ride later, they were met by another nurse. Her nametag identified her as Susan Turnbull.

“In here.”

The orderly swung the gurney through the door that Susan had appeared out of and rolled it up next to a labor bed. Katie was quiet except for the occasional moan. They transferred her to the bed. Wade was clutching her hand.

“Is Dr. Phelps here yet?”

“He's on his way. Should be here any minute.”

Right on cue, Dr. Larry Phelps came through the door. He and Wade exchanged smiles before the doctor looked down at Katie.

“What's going on here? You’re not supposed to show up for another three months.”

Wade saw Katie try to smile, but she couldn't manage it. He knew she was just as frightened as he was.

“I don't know; one minute I was fine, and the next, I was in pain.”

Dr. Phelps positioned himself in front of Katie on a stool.