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Jason Strong checked in with Lieutenant Patton and brought him up to speed on the new developments.

“We've made the connection between Texas and Missouri, but we're at a standstill. Michael Barton's picture is in all patrol cars and I've addressed both day and night shift patrols.”

“Well, Detective Layne is covered up, and I'm getting to the point of needing you back here.”

“I need more time, Lieutenant. I know it's Michael Barton, and we will find him.”

“How about the media, any help there?”

“We have the picture being shown on newscasts starting tonight. Sam Garner and I will be handling the tip line.”

“All right, Jason. I won't pull the plug yet, but time is running out. You may just have to leave it to the Springfield police. Am I clear?”

“Yeah, John. I appreciate it. Bye.”


Shirley and Katie were waiting for Jack after school.

“Put your backpack away and then we can leave.”

“Okay, mom. Where's dad?”

“He's picking something up and meeting us there.”


When Jack came back down from his room, they went out to the car. Jack carried plastic forks and paper plates. His mom carried the cake. Grandma Shirley was toting a balloon bouquet that proclaimed ‘GET WELL SOON’.

The trip to hospital took less than fifteen minutes, and when they pulled up, they found Wade waiting for them in the parking lot.

“You get the packages?” Katie asked.

“Right here.”

He reached into the trunk and pulled out two brightly wrapped boxes. One was wrapped in ‘Happy Birthday’ paper, and the other said ‘Get Well Soon’. The presents appeared to be the same size. Jack's eyes lit up.

“One of those for me?”

Wade laughed.

“Yeah, can you guess which one?”

“Very funny!” Jack rolled his eyes. “Let's go, I want to see Jesse.”

They headed off as a group, each with their own package to carry. When they got up to Jesse's floor, Katie left the cake at the nurse’s station.

Jesse looked pretty much the same as he had the day before, except much more awake.

“Happy Birthday, Jack.”

“Thanks, Jesse. You should see the cake, it's a football field.”

“When can we have it?”

Katie smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

“Soon. How's your head?”

“Better, not as achy.”

“Well, I talked to the doctor this morning and he said you will be going home tomorrow.”

Shirley poked her grandson.

“Bet you wish it was today, don't you?”

“Yeah, it's borrrring here.”

Wade laughed.

“Sounds like he is feeling much better! Should we open presents?”

“Yes!” Jack and Jesse said together.

Wade handed the box with the birthday wrapping to Jack. Inside was a shiny, new bike helmet. Not what he expected.

“A bike helmet?”

“Yup, you boys are wearing them from now on.”

Jack was quiet for a moment until his mom touched him on the nose.

“Hey, you’re not done. Look in the box.”

Jack set the helmet down and looked back in the box. Lying taped to the bottom was an envelope.

“What's this?”

“I don't know, maybe you should open it.”

Jack pulled the envelope loose and opened it. Inside was a photograph of a brand new Mongoose bike.

“Cool. Whose is it?”

Wade ruffled Jack's hair.

“It's yours! It's waiting for you at home.”

Jack lit up. “Awesome!”

He showed the picture to Jesse.


Jack got up and hugged his parents.

“Thank you, It's amazing!”

“Here.” Katie handed Jesse the other box. “This is for you.”

His mom helped him open his box, as he was one handed at the moment, and the result was the same.

“A bike helmet? But my bike is broken.”

“Not anymore, Jack's old bike is yours.”

“The Black Rocket!?”

Jesse had always loved his big brother's bike.

“That's right; Jack has to have a riding partner, doesn't he?”

“Awesome!” the two boys said in unison.

“Wade, will you go light the candles and bring the cake in?”



Wade picked up the package of candles and went to the nurse’s station.

He was putting them on the cake when his phone rang.


“This Wade Duncan?”

“Yes, who is this?”

“My name is not important. Do you want to know why I ran your son down?”

Wade turned away from the nurse's station.

“You bastard! Why are you doing this?”

“If you want answers, meet me on the top level of the car park at Hammon's Hall. Eight o'clock. And if I see a cop…if I even think I get a whiff of a cop…I'll be gone.”

The line went dead. Wade stood looking at the phone.


It was Katie.

“Yeah…oh, hey.” He struggled to gather himself.

“What's taking so long?”

“Oh, nothing…the candles are being stubborn. I'm on the way.”

“Okay…hurry up!”

She ducked back into the room. Wade looked at his watch. 6:00. He lit the candles and followed her.

Happy Birthday to you...” he sang, and everyone, including the nurses, joined in.

When everyone had had their fill of cake, Wade took Katie aside.

“I need to go back to the office.”

“Tonight? Why?”

He shrugged his shoulders.

“I'm showing the Garner property to a couple from out of town.”

“But it's Jack's birthday. Can't you meet them tomorrow?”

“They're leaving town in the morning. You know what a big check that sale would be.”

She did. Wade had told her about the listing, but that didn't lessen her annoyance.

“Why are you just telling me now?”

“I didn't want to ruin the mood. The appointment is at 8:00 and I shouldn't be too long.”

She wasn't happy, but she knew trying to dissuade him was pointless.


Wade was not about to tell her the truth. She would forbid him from going, and would insist on calling the police. That was not an option until he knew what was going on.

By seven o'clock, it was clear that Jesse was running out of steam, and Jack was anxious to see his new bike. They hugged Jesse and made their way out to the parking lot.

“Call me if you’re going to be very late.” Katie said to Wade. Shirley looked at Wade with an enquiring look.

“You’re not coming back to the house?”

“No, got an appointment.”

Wade was careful not to meet her gaze. She had ridden with Katie, so she couldn't lag behind to ask more questions, and he didn't want to provide any answers.

By the time they left, it was 7:30 and Wade headed directly across town to Hammon's Hall.

Detective Jason Strong: The Early Cases _1.jpg


Chapter 11

It took Wade twenty minutes to arrive at the parking garage. There wasn't an event that night at the hall, so the cars in the four-story garage were sparse. By the time he reached the top level, his was the only car.

The garage took up an entire city block and was poorly lit. He drove to the far side of the lot and parked with his rear bumper touching the wall. He could see the entire top level, including the entrance to the stairs and elevator. He looked at his watch.


As he sat there, it dawned on him that he didn't know what he was going to say or do when he saw the man. He didn't think he could pull off the tough guy act, but he didn't want to appear afraid, either.

 Of course he was afraid. Terrified, actually. This was not the kind of thing a real estate agent usually does, meeting strangers at night in secluded places.