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“You’re sick, and I’m going to see to it that you pay for your crimes.”

“My old man taught me well. You take what you want in this world because no one will give it to you willingly.”

“That includes killing young boys.”

“They all had it coming to them. Flaunting their innocent youth. They all taunted me, as if they were better than me, me a Senator and all.”

“I’m taking you in,” Dan snapped.

“You don’t have it in you. You’re just a small town cop, besides, you don’t have proof.”

“I’ve got Jeffrey. And I’ve got Richie’s journal. Maybe I can’t get you for all those other boys you’ve killed but Maria and Junior’s death will be enough to put you away for life.”

“They made me do it,” the Senator whispered, while rubbing his temple as if to ease the pain. “The voices told me to kill them.”

Dan laughed mockingly. “You working on an insanity plea now?” he said and then paused a moment. “Put the gun down and I’ll get help for you.”

“Help!” the Senator yelled. “I don’t need help. People look up to me. I’m a respected leader.”

Dan laughed to himself, thinking about how people looked up to the man in front of him. He slowly moved closer to where the gun lay on the ground.

“Dan, where are you?” Nancy yelled from behind.

As the Senator was distracted by Nancy’s voice, Dan dove for the gun on the ground. It was then the Senator fired off a few rounds. Dan quickly rolled onto the floor while he grabbed for the gun narrowly avoiding being hit by ricocheting bullets. Dan quickly aimed and fired off a few rounds, hitting the Senator in the chest with two of his shots. The Senator collapsed onto the floor.

Nancy rushed over to Dan as he struggled to get up. They stood there in each other’s arms. In the distance, sirens could be heard coming closer.

“It’s over with,” Dan said. “It’s finally over.”

The End

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