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“How many?”

“Looks like fifteen at least.”

The phone rang suddenly. Dan picked up the portable phone on the table.

“Yeah, what’s up?” Dan asked and then listened a moment while Nancy watched him intently. “If you can reach Billy Bob, send him out there for backup.”

Dan set the phone down and then struggled to get up off the lawn chair. He stood for a moment before taking a step forward.

“Where do you think you are going?” Kelly asked.

“I have to go to the Senator’s house,” Dan said.

Kelly tried to step in front of him. “The doctor only released you for desk duty. You aren’t well enough yet to go traipsing around the countryside.”

Dan looked down at Kelly. “It’s important. I have to go.”

Nancy quickly stepped closer to Dan. “Why?” she asked.

As much as he appreciated their concern for his well-being, right then he had a job to do.

“It’s Jeffrey Ames. He went out to confront the Senator last night and hasn’t been home since.”

Kelly stared at Dan and then turned to Nancy while shaking her head, wanting Nancy to convince her father not to go.

“Why would he do that?” Nancy asked finally.

“Seems he found a journal in Richie’s room, and wanted to confront the Senator about it.”

“Let someone else take care of it,” Kelly cried.

“Conroy’s wife is in labor,” Dan said as he reached for the envelope. “Besides, it’s my job and I have to finish what I started.”

Nancy quickly took the chicken off the grill and put the platter on the picnic table.

“I’ll drive you,” she said and then turned to Kelly. “He’ll be okay. I promise you.”

Dan walked slowly into the house while Nancy followed close behind.


The squad car quickly came to a skidding halt in front of the Senator’s house narrowly missing Jeffrey’s pick-up truck that was parked near the front entrance. Dan refused to let Nancy drive and only let her come under the condition he drove. That didn’t set well with her but there was nothing she could do to stop him.

The grounds looked deserted. Dan slowly got out of the squad and searched around for signs of life. Given all the activity earlier that week, this troubled Dan now. Nancy hurried around the car and followed Dan up the path. Dan grabbed hold of the railing and steadied himself. He stopped and took a deep breath and then climbed the few steps to the front door.

“Are you okay?” Nancy asked with concern.

“There’s no turning back now.”

“Maybe we should wait for backup?”

“There’s no time.”

Nancy glanced at the front door with concern.

“It’s open,” she said, turning to Dan.

As Don slowly shoved the door wide open, he could hear noise coming from down the hall. After a few moments he realized it was a television coming from down the hall. Dan pulled out his gun. He motioned for Nancy to stay behind him.

“Maria, Senator,” Dan yelled and then hesitated for a moment. “Anyone home?” he asked and then listened for a moment.

Dan entered the foyer and slowly walked down the hall to an open room to the right but saw nothing. He glanced around the room. The television set seemed to be coming from a room at the end of the hall.

Dan peeked around the corner and then glanced into the room. He reached for the television set that sat on the edge of the counter and turned it off. It was then he looked across the room beyond the butcher-block island near the patio doors that he saw the pool of blood on the floor. As he walked around the butcher-block island he could see Maria lying on the floor in one of her scantily clad outfits staring blankly at the ceiling. Her throat had been slit from ear to ear. The bruises on her face and arm contested to the fact she did not go down without a fight.

Nancy rushed over to Maria while Dan winched in pain as he stood hanging onto the counter.

“Even she didn’t deserve that.” Dan said looking away.

No matter how many dead bodies he saw in the line of his work, it still bothered him the senseless way people killed their fellow man.

Dan wished now he had taken a Vicadin before they left, but didn’t dare ask Nancy for something for the pain.

* * *

Dan slowly maneuvered into the Senator’s study. He held the gun ready to fire at a moments notice. Dan heard something and then stopped. Nancy was close behind him and stopped also.

“What is it,” Nancy whispered.

Dan motioned to Nancy to be silent. He glanced around the room and the whimper could be heard again. Dan pointed to the closet door. Slowly Dan edged his way over to the door. He reached for the knob and opened the door slowly. There on the floor Jeffrey sat bound and gagged. Jeffrey’s eyes widened when he saw Dan in the doorway. Nancy quickly bent down and took the gag from Jeffrey’s mouth.

“Where’s the Senator?” Dan asked, hanging onto the doorsill.

“I don’t know. I came out last night and overheard him and his wife arguing. He killed her,” Jeffrey sobbed for a moment as if trying not to think about it. “I tried to leave but he caught me before I could get to my pickup.”

Dan looked down at Nancy. “You take care of Jeffrey. I’m going out to the barn to check things out,” he said and then turned back to Jeffrey.

“Why did you come out here?”

“I found Richie’s journal and I wanted to let the Senator know I dropped a copy off at the newspaper office. The world has to know what a pervert he is.”

“Why did he kill Maria?” Dan asked.

“They were arguing about him killing Junior. I think she wanted money to keep quiet.”

Dan bent over in pain but then recovered himself. Nancy grabbed his arm and helped steady him.

“You aren’t strong enough to go after the Senator,” she said.

“I have no choice.” Dan looked down at Jeffrey and shook his head. “It ends here,” was all he mustered up to say.

Dan knew what he had to do. He only wished Jeffrey would have come to him instead of trying to confront the Senator on his own. It only made matters worse.

* * *

Dan walked slowly through the barn with gun in hand. The sun streaked in through the open side windows. It caused shadows to dance across the floor. Dan walked around a corner and saw Jack Finnegan lying on the barn floor in a pool of blood. He suddenly heard movement from behind. Dan turned quickly.

“You killed my boy?” the Senator snarled.

“I don’t know what you mean,” Dan said.

“Alan is dead because of you.” The Senator’s jaw muscles tensed as he aimed the gun at Dan.

“It didn’t make sense why he stopped at the tall pines until now. Your property butts up to Murphy’s just beyond the woods. He was trying to lose me in there. Were you going to take him out of the country?”

“Don’t matter now,” the Senator snapped.

“You were going to let him take the blame for all of this,”

“He was weak, he always was.”

“Drop your gun.”

Dan hesitated a moment before tossing his gun. He raised his hands and then continued.

“You’re sick” Dan said. “Why did you kill Maria?”

“She caught on. Bitch was going to turn me in and take everything,” the Senator snapped.

“That, and screwing the help didn’t set well with you, did it?”

This angered the Senator. He had been to busy with his own sick ways, he hadn’t even realized his wife was sleeping with anyone who would bed down with her. He only married her to give the illusion of normality.

“I made her respectable and how does she repay me?”

“What about the others?”

“You wouldn’t understand.”

“You’re right. Nothing you’ve done makes any sense to me. Including killing Kay.”

The Senator’s anger was clearly visible on his face and then he snapped. “She was digging into things. She was getting too close. Nosy bitch got what was coming to her.”