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Ky and Harper were still our best friends outside of each other. Despite their short lived romance, they’d ended on pretty bad terms. Harper tried her hardest not to yell ‘asshat’ whenever we mention Ky’s name, and Kyler ignores any conversation that involves Harper. If I could beat the shit out of both of them for not seeing what was right in front of them, I would. I’d never met a better suited pair, but Harper has serious commitment issues. I think that goes back to her absent father, but she won’t talk to me about it much. After Ky moved out here, he was handed the opportunity of a lifetime. The bass player from band Down Glory Road suddenly walked out, and they offered Ky the chance to come play with them on tour. He said yes, and began touring all over the world. He still makes time to visit though.

This life has been one wild ride of ups and downs. If you would’ve asked me over a year ago if I’d change anything, I would have said yes.

Now? No way.

I’d done a lot of growing up and learning in my short thirty-one years. I’d loved and lost, married and divorced, lost a child, and now I was married again with a baby due any day. I’d learned that I wouldn’t be where I was without going through everything that I had. I’d learned that even though I didn’t ever feel like I was worthy of Finn, I was. The same went for being a mother. I’d begun to believe that I wouldn’t ever be enough; that I didn’t deserve those titles. I couldn’t have been more wrong. Finn taught me that I was more than worthy of his love. In fact, he was lucky to have me. I would always mourn the loss of my baby boy, but he wasn’t taken away from me because I wasn’t capable of being a good mother. I chose to believe that I was given him so I could learn to love and have hope again. I knew now that I was meant to be a mother to our little girl, and Finn was meant to be her father.

I sighed and closed my eyes, wanting to fall back asleep.

“Get your cute little ass outta bed Tiny Girl, before I eat your pancakes!” Finn hollered from the kitchen.

“You do and you’ll lose your fingers.” I called back.

I got up, and slowly waddled my happily pregnant butt out of my room and into the kitchen to have breakfast with the love of my life.

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To my always handsome and loving husband, I love you more than life itself. Without your help and support, I know for a fact I wouldn’t have finished this book. You’ve been the biggest pain the ass, but you’ve pushed me to keep going when I wanted to give up. You took the kids out of the house when I needed silence and time to be in my own head. And now that I’m done, you’ve told everybody you know that your wife wrote a book and are the first person to share with total strangers. It warms my heart that you feel so proud of me. I’ve never met anybody that makes me laugh, cry, angry, feel adored, special, beautiful, and whatever other adjective I can think of for you. You’re my whole world, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

To my beautiful and very rotten kids, mommy loves you! Savannah and Hunter, you are the reason I get up every day. And I mean that in a way more than just because you’re in my face every morning asking for cereal and chocolate milk. My life revolves around you two, and you both are the shining beacon that makes me want more out of my own life, so that I may give it to you!

My amazing editor, Ryn Hughes, I know for a fact this book would have gone nowhere without you! The amount of time, effort, and work you’ve put into my manuscript shows me how much you care about me, and what you do. I hope everyone will see what you’re capable of, and start filling your calendar to the brim with new and existing clients. (I have first dibs!) I have nothing but great things to say about you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you! You made Ever Enough pretty. Can’t wait to meet you in person!

To my parents and sister, you three have been the best! Mom, you did the best with what you had, raising Aleah and me. Your strong ethics and work has made me who I am and I’ve always strived to be like you. Jim, you’ve been the very best dad a girl could ask for. You came into our lives after a rough start, and you really saved us. I have no idea where my life would be without you there teaching me how to be a loving parent, and how to want more for myself. Because of you, I’ve been able to see how a real man is, and how he should treat his family. In my childhood I know I always referred to you as my step-dad, but just so you know, that was wrong. You are my dad, and I love you very much! And of course my lovely big sister, you sure made life fun growing up! I love you Aleah. You’re not only my sister but you are my friend. By the way, I forgive you for breaking my arm when I was four, for slapping me around when I snuck into your room and ‘borrowed’ your clothes, for not killing me when I would hide somewhere and jump out at the perfect moment to scare you… oh! And I totally love you for always brining over the cute boys so I could drool over them as only a little annoying sister could. *smiles*

My crazy, fun, gorgeous best friend in the whole wide world, Lea Gandy, without a doubt, you are stuck with me for life lady! Nobody understands me quite like you do! You are a true best friend and I love you like crazy! I hope to never lose touch after this military life moves me away from you. And if it does… well, I’ll always have you as my Harper. Thank you for being real to me as you read my manuscript, and thank you for being the inspiration for Harper. She’s going to be hard to write in the next book without you by my side. Now that I’m officially crying while writing this, I have two things to say. You’re one hog momma (no that’s not a typo for those that are reading), and I yuv you bye!

My lovely and very loyal beta readers, you all are the bees knees! Andrenella Dielengen, Bobbie Jo Kirby, Lisa Sharley Serpa, Nicki Becker Destasi, and Ana Zuan. I think I got you all in there. You all helped this book through some major hurdles. I’ve enjoyed every single one of your opinions as you read for me, chapter by chapter. The comments without a doubt helped me create a better Finn and Em. I hope I’m lucky enough to use you all for future novels as well!

Liz Aguilar, I’m totally giving you your own paragraph. I have had the pleasure of getting to know you when I was at the very start of my writing journey. A casual “Hey would you like to read what I have so far?” has turned into a great friendship! I love that you are opinionated and told me like it is while reading my chapters. Some ideas we may have butted heads on, and others I felt you pushed me to a whole other level with my book. You are an invaluable friend to me on a personal and ‘professional’ level. I can’t wait to actually meet you in person!

Kelly Elliott, my book truly wouldn’t be complete without me reaching out and thanking you from the bottom of my heart for all of your kindness and help. When I started writing Ever Enough, I had reached out to many, asking questions about writing, editing, covers, Amazon, etc. You were hands down, the most helpful and open to me about your experiences. I know without a doubt you are going to be a forever friend! I love you for all that you’ve done for me, and I love you for how you treat people equally in this business! You care about your fans like they are your family members, and you speak to everyone like we are all your best friends. That’s a quality that warms me. I hope nothing but the very best for you in the future! And I also can’t wait to finally meet you in person and hug the crap out of you!