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My response was enough for Richard, because he reached out and gave me a tight hug that meant he appreciated what I said. “Better get back in there, and take my baby girl home. She needs to rest and keep my growing grandchild healthy.” He smiled at me.

Richard was a good man who loved his daughter. I was relieved that we’d cleared the air and he knew where I stood with Em. When we walked back in the dining room I saw my Tiny Girl’s beautiful smile, and she warmed every inch of my body. It was time to get her out of here so I could take her home and hold her close to me.

We said our goodbyes by the front door. I hugged her Mom again, and her Dad shook my hand and brought me in for a hug. They told us to come back soon and Em promised her Mom she’d call her the following week. Harper and Ky left together and I was curious as to whether he would try and stay the night at her place. Despite their constant bickering, the looks they’d given each other throughout dinner indicated that something might have been going on. I’d be asking him about that tomorrow while we worked on new music. Helping my Tiny Girl into the car, I felt a sense of relief that this hurdle was over. Her parents accepted me back into their lives, no questions asked. I was exhausted and ready to get myself and Em in bed. All I could think about on the drive home was wrapping my body around her tiny frame and holding her close. This day had been more than I ever could have asked for.

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I wasn’t sure I’d ever get used to waking up in Finn’s arms. I was still coming to terms with the fact that he was even here in my life and we were living together. I’d gone back and replayed how we’d got here in the first place, and was still shocked. Everything happened so fast, and frankly as scared as I may have been to be with him again, I didn’t regret a moment of it. My parents welcomed Finn back with open arms, which was the easy part for me. They loved me, and if I was willing to accept Finn back in my life, they would too. My parents were the best. However, the hard part would be letting Finn back into my heart. I never pictured my life where it was today. I’d picked up a new ability to accept change and to live my life however the cards fell. Not the easiest of tasks, but definitely a new quality that I had welcomed with grace.

Almost a week had passed since we’d been to see my parents, and Finn and I had become closer than ever. During the week I also received a phone call from my lawyer to say that the judge had granted my divorce from West. I found it funny that marriage, which took eight years to build, could dissolve and be dismissed in a matter of months. West hadn’t spoken to me since I announced the pregnancy. He didn’t seem to care about our child or want to know how I was doing and I have to admit, it hurt. Nobody could devote that much time to someone and then just get up and walk away without having some sort of residual feelings. I didn’t love West, and I didn’t think I ever really had. But he had been my husband, and we’d shared a life together. We had been friends, which is more than likely why I felt sadness when I thought about him not caring about me or our child. The papers that were signed and filed included the additional money he said he’d pay me for the baby; despite me telling him that I didn’t want it. When I had hung up with my lawyer, I decided that I was going to head to the bank and open up a separate account for the money to be deposited into for the time being. I would look at setting it up so that my son or daughter could have the money when he or she turned eighteen. I had no need for the money.

I’d given myself twenty-four hours to let the idea of being a divorced woman sink in, and therefore the following day, I woke up in the best mood. The weight of the divorce had been taken off of my shoulders and I felt light and airy. As I lay there in bed with Finn wrapped around me, I smiled at my new situation. I was no longer in limbo. I had more of an idea where I wanted my life to go. And the best bit? Finn was in every part of it. Some may have looked at my situation as sad, but from where I was lying—with a hot man wrapped around me—I couldn’t see it that way any longer. The unease I’d been feeling had gone. All this time I’d thought it might have been Finn, and the feeling that he was hiding something from me, but I now believed it had been the not knowing if I was going up or down, left or right.

Finn had a protective arm around my stomach and his heavy even breaths warmed my hair. Even in his sleep, he was hard. I pushed back into him and he groaned. I tried not to giggle. Squirming a little more I wiggled my butt. He let go of my stomach and placed his hand firmly on my hips.

His deep gravely voice spoke in my ear. “Don’t start something you can’t finish Tiny Girl.”

Feeling brave I responded, “Who said I wouldn’t finish? I want you… now.”

He pushed me over on my back, while he lay on his side and his mouth was on mine. His soft tender lips were fierce, as his tongue dove deep in my mouth. His hands tangled in my hair and he pulled me even closer to him. His kiss was desperate; it was clear he wanted me and it made me even wetter than I was before. All shyness left me, and desire took its place. I reached down and grabbed his cock and started stroking him through his boxer briefs.

Finn let go of my hair and let his hand slip under my tank top, brushing his thumb across my nipples. I moaned. He bit down lightly on my lower lip, tugging before he released it and kissed his way down my neck. My stroking became more frantic. He felt amazing.

He stopped his downward path long enough to pull my shirt over my head. His naked chest against my bare skin was almost more than I could take. I was desperate and I wanted him now. As that thought passed through my head, he latched on to my nipple and started sucking, hard.

“Oh god.” I put my hands in his hair and yanked him closer to me.

He let go of my nipple and I looked down at him. He snaked his tongue out and it circled my sensitive skin, his eyes looking up at me. It was one of the most erotic things I’d ever seen. I was shaking from desire and I was so close to coming and he hadn’t even touched me where I really needed him to yet.

“You like this Tiny Girl?”

Bastard. He knew what he was doing to me. I decided turn about was fair play. I sat up, pushing him back until he was the one laying flat. I licked up his neck and nipped his earlobe. His hips shifted a bit. Pulling back a bit I smiled at him. He gave me a wicked grin back.

“What are you up…”

He was cut off by my yanking his underwear down. I gripped him hard in my hand. He was so much bigger than I remembered him being. My fingers barely touched him as I stroked him up and down.

“Fuck Em!” He grunted.

Being the one in charge was a heady experience. I licked, sucked, and bit my way down his perfect body. Each and every ridge of his abs tasted more delicious than the last. Reaching my destination, I glanced up at him. He was watching me through hooded eyes. I descended on his cock and took him into my mouth, whirling my tongue around the head of him. His hands gripped the sheets by his hips.

I dipped my head down, taking as much of him into my mouth as I could. I felt him at the back of my throat before I pulled back up. I did this a few times. Always letting my teeth slightly graze the head of his cock on my upward motion. I could tell he was trying his hardest not to push himself into my mouth, but not long after I started he couldn’t help himself any longer. One of his hands came up and held the back of my head.

“Jesus Em, I’m going to come if you keep doing that.” He bit out through gritted teeth.