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“Oh God, oh God … oh God!” she screamed.

She continued to shake from the force of her orgasm as I moved myself above her and glided slowly in and out of her.

“Jesus … you’re so tight. This isn’t going to take much, Harper.”

“Just fuck me, Kyler.”

No problem. I pumped in and out of her with a steady rhythm, picking up when her breathing became rougher and her moaning got louder.

“I’m going to come. Don’t stop … faster,” she begged.

I moved my hips, slamming them against hers, the slapping sound becoming louder with each motion. Harper’s orgasm took over her and she grabbed hold of my shoulders, her nails biting into my skin. She shook uncontrollably, and her muscles tightened around my cock. The wetness that gushed over me caused me to shudder. I could no longer keep up my rhythm as I pounded into her. My own orgasm hit me like a ton of bricks. I growled and shouted her name as I emptied myself inside of her.

When we finished, I laid there with my head on her shoulder. Her fingers moved up and down my spine and she held me tight while my breathing slowed. When I was able to move my head up, I kissed her lips and slid out of her.

We stayed there for about a short while longer, talking about our wedding, and the parts that had made us laugh. Right before it was time for us to leave, I rolled on to my side and looked down at her.

This beautiful woman was mine to love for the rest of my days. How a lucky shit like me was able to pull something like that off, I’d never know.

“I love you.”

She tilted her head up and kissed the tip of my nose.

“I love you, too.”

“You’ll always be enough for me, Harper.”

“I know, baby, and you will always be enough for me, too.”

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This goes to the love of my life, Derrick. You make everything right in the world for me. Without you, I’d be lost. Despite some disgruntled face exchanging between you and I during my last two weeks of writing this book, you still did what you do best, and that’s push me to be more. You are my whole heart baby. And I love you.

Savannah and Hunter, you two are my babies. I love you more than my own life. I am certain though you made me that much more bat shit crazy while I was trying to write this book, but that’s okay. You two threw down the challenge and said, “what’s up mom, you think you can write while I’m making this much noise?” I did and I showed you two how much I loved you by not burying you in the backyard in the process. I’m excited to see what sort of madness you will put me through for my next writing project.

My very dear friend and editor, Ryn Hughes, you woman are the epitome of a super woman. While working on my manuscript you not only worked your normal day job, but you took care of your kids and husband, managed your household, MOVED from one house to another, dealt with my whining and constant questions, and did it all while staying pretty. Ha! Somewhere along the way while doing edits for Ever Enough, we became friends. I confide in you, and you have been there for me every step of the way. I love you my friend. And I’m beyond happy that Delphi Rose has been so successful.

Dudelph girls, you know who you are. Oh what the hell, I’ll name you anyway. Ashley, Rebecca, and Ryn, I appreciate the laughs and the constant hounding to get me on board to watch SOA. I can’t wait to see you all in May and we can have a huge Dudelphs party. CHICAGO!!!

Trish Kuper, you are a God send! Your life is full of constant traveling, and working, and yet you did me the biggest favor and proofread my manuscript. I thank you, and Kyler and Harper thank you! I hope people will see what talent you have in those little fingers, because I am quite certain you are magical. Oh and you will be teaching me the dance to ‘Pour Some Sugar On Me.’ That will make for a fun night.

Angela McLaurin, you do such amazing work with many many books, and I couldn’t be more pleased. I have the best formatter in the business, and I look forward to working with you and Fictional Formats again for my next project.

My Misery girls, you all are hands down the best group of woman I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. Somehow, some way, every single one of us clicked and we have made an everlasting friendship between us all. Kelly Elliott, Trish Kuper, Loren Sayre, Kristin Mayer, Karen Bell, Jennifer Alexander, Jeanne Rhoads, Carmen Candy Cruz, Anna Easter, and Amber Byford you all are my girls. And even though you’re crazy asses wake me up at 5am because you all are already Voxing, I still love you all regardless. Looking forward to our next Misery girls meeting, and hopefully this time, Molly McAdams will be able to come.

Lea Gandy, well lady … it happened. I moved away from you and I’ve been miserable ever since. I won’t stop asking you to move in with me so we won’t ever have to be apart again. I think I’m even missing your sneeze face (if you ask me to repeat that, I’ll deny I ever said it.) I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to write Harper without you around but, I’m hoping I kept true to her and you. I lub you lady. You are my best friend and a piece of me will always be wherever you are.

To my beta readers, you all have been incredible and understanding of my messy writing when I send it your way. I love that you all have always given me your honest feedback, even if it wasn’t positive. Jennifer Thorne, Lea Gandy, Andrenella Dielenger, Alexandra Louk, and Lisa Serpa, I’m happy that I have the best beta readers. You girls rock!

Bobbie Jo Kirby I think I need to single you out girlfriend. You are also a beta reader for me, but a very special one. We have clicked online, and while writing this book and I wasn’t sure the direction I was going with it, you helped me brainstorm and gave up some pretty fabulous ideas. I feel like you have loved Kyler and Harper as much, if not more than I do. I will be forever grateful that you are in my corner.

Bayli Lane...yeah well you’re just awesome and you deserve and mention. Ha! You my friend have been there for me whenever I need to have a bitchfest and there is no putting a price on that kind of friendship. I love you, Bay!

And finally after this massive lovefest, to my readers, for those that have stayed with me since the beginning and loved Finn and Em, and now Ky and Harper, each and every one of you are special to me. My books are near and dear to my heart and I don’t have the words to express my feelings when something that I’ve written touches one of you. Thank you for sticking with me on this wild ride.

New readers, I hope you loved my two babies like I have. My books hold a piece of me in each of them, and I’m glad I could share it with you. Please stick by me for my next project, I promise I’ll make it worth your while.

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Stacy Borel lives in southeast Texas with her husband, two kids, and two dogs. She is a military wife, and prior to that was a military brat. She loves picking up and moving somewhere new every two to four years. Stacy is a self-proclaimed Facebook addict. If she isn’t online, she is either writing or being supermom or the awesome wife.

Look for Stacy’s future book:

Touching Scars

(coming in early December)


Title TBA

(coming in February 2014)
