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“What the hell was that?” Alice sputtered.

Seconds later, the closet door was yanked open and I stared into the flashing eyes of Alice Fairchild. Gabriel stood behind her, staring at me in horror.

“Well, look who’s here,” she said, and turned to glare at Gabriel. “It’s your little friend. This your idea?”

“I barely know her,” Gabriel said. He grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the closet. “What’re you doing in there?”

By the time I brushed off my pants and Gabriel shoved me into the room, Alice had her gun out and pointed in my direction. Gabriel quickly stepped in front to protect me.

“Still playing the hero, Gabriel?” she said with scorn, and jerked the gun toward the chairs lined up along the wall of windows. “Sit down, both of you.”

We moved in that direction.

“Put the gun down, Mary Grace,” Gabriel said. “Are you going to keep killing everyone who works here?”

“If I have to.” She glared at me. “Brooklyn, what the hell were you doing in there?”

“I came out of the bathroom and heard a noise down here. I came to check it out. Then you walked in and started talking. Book scams? Layla’s murder? What’s going on here, Alice?”

“Shut up.” She paced in front of me. “I need to think.”

I chose to take it as a good sign that she had to think before shooting. I stole a look at Gabriel. He stood leaning against the side counter with his arms folded tightly across his chest and his jaw clenched. He glowered at me and I couldn’t blame him. We both knew Derek was going crazy right now. I expected him to storm the room at any second.

“Look, Alice,” I said, “I know the police inspector on this case. I can talk to her. You can plea bargain—”

“Shut up, Brooklyn,” she said. “There’s no way I’m going to prison.”

As she paced, a waft of incense flitted my way, jogging my memory. Incense was what Karalee said she had smelled the night Minka was attacked. Incense. I recalled a small can of patchouli-scented spray on the sink in the bathroom. Alice had haunted the bathroom constantly. She must’ve used the spray that night.

The door burst open, but it wasn’t Derek or the police.

It was Minka. “Is my coat in here?”

Alice whipped around, her gun pointed directly at Minka.

“Where the hell did Ned put our coats?” Minka asked, then noticed the gun. “What the fu—”

“Minka!” I shouted. “Alice is the one who attacked you. She hit you with a hammer and left you for dead.”

Alice turned around and shoved me. “I told you to shut the hell up.”

“That was you?” Minka said, her eyes bulging.

Alice whirled back at Minka, waving the gun. “You shut up, too! What’s with you bitches? Move over there and sit down. I need to think.”

Minka gasped and repeated, “That was you?”

“I said, get over there!” Alice jerked the gun in my direction, but Minka didn’t care. Bullheaded, she stomped right up and punched Alice in the face.

“Ooh,” I said, cringing. I’d been on the receiving end of that left hook. Minka packed a wallop.

Alice wavered, stunned. Then she rallied, lifting the gun and aiming it directly at Minka. “You cow!”

But Minka was like a caged beast let loose. She jumped on Alice and screeched, “You could’ve killed me!”

“Stone,” Gabriel yelled. “Get in here.”

Seconds later, Derek raced into the room, gun drawn, followed by four or five cops. He saw me and shouted, “Get over here.”

But I was trapped. Minka was now on Alice’s back and she was kicking her legs every which way. I couldn’t get past them.

Minka grabbed hold of a good chunk of Alice’s hair and pulled with all her might. Alice screamed as her head jerked back and she dropped the gun.

I scrambled to retrieve it, then scurried back to avoid being kicked in the head by Minka’s deadly feet.

Gabriel moved closer and tried to grab Minka, but it was impossible to get hold of the two women locked in writhing combat.

Alice kept turning and bucking, fighting to get Minka off her back, but it was like trying to remove a giant tick. Minka wasn’t letting go. She got her hands around Alice’s neck and started squeezing. That did it. Alice was so enraged that she finally flung Minka off.

Minka flew right into me and the gun went off.

The bullet shattered a window. Alice screamed and ducked.

Gabriel jumped and wrestled Alice to the ground. One of the cops grabbed Minka but quickly regretted it, as Minka was still in swinging mode. Her fist caught his ear. The cop staggered back, to be replaced by two more. Finally, they subdued her.

Derek jogged around the piles of bodies and grabbed the gun lying on the floor. He shoved it into the waistband of his jeans, then yanked me into his arms.

“We’re going to have a long talk later,” he whispered against my hair.

“I understand,” I said, shaking. “Just please get me out of here first.”

Chapter 21

The police insisted that we stay.

It was just as well, because I wanted to see with my own eyes that Mary Grace Flanagan, aka Alice Fairchild, was led away in handcuffs and thrown in jail for as long as possible. I savored the fact that, as she departed, she was snarling and feisty, no longer the demure princess she’d pretended to be for the past month.

And talk about snarling, Minka was still complaining to anyone who would listen. She told the police she planned to press charges and insisted they take pictures of her head wound for evidence.

The door was open and I could hear party sounds down the hall. Had anyone heard the gun go off or the window shatter? I almost hoped they hadn’t. I would hate for anyone to be fearful of coming to BABA, now that the true threat was gone.


We both turned. Gabriel had his hand held out and Derek shook it firmly. “Gabriel. Well done.”

“Maybe,” he said. He appeared more tranquil. Tired around the eyes, but stronger physically. He’d acted so heroically, leading Alice into a perfect trap, then standing in front of me when she drew her gun. Now he glanced at the empty doorway and bared his teeth. “Mary Grace will have her lawyer cut her loose within hours and she’ll disappear again.”

“She’d better not,” I said intently.

Gabriel looked at me. “She did a number on you, didn’t she?”

I shrugged, trying to brush off the lingering sense of betrayal. “I was a little too trusting, but it won’t happen again.”

“Babe,” he said, and reached out to touch my cheek. “Trust looks good on you.”

I shook my head, not quite believing him, then grabbed him in a fierce hug. “Thank you for saving me.”

He chuckled without humor. “I almost got you shot.”

“I mean that first time. On Fillmore.”

He gave me a brief squeeze and I breathed in his distinctive scent of earth and spice. Then I stepped back, close to Derek, who put his hand on my back.

“Do you need a ride to Dharma, Gabriel?” Derek asked.

“Got it covered,” Gabriel said, then winked at me. “Nice little town you’ve got up there, babe. I might stick around.” He flashed me a sexy grin, then walked away. At the doorway, he stopped and turned, then held up his arm to show me he was still wearing my mother’s tacky herbal healing bracelet. We traded smiles, and I whispered a quick prayer that he would indeed stick around.

“Are you all right?” Derek asked, pulling me close in a protective embrace.

“Yes,” I said, staring at the now empty doorway. “Derek, was it my imagination or did you know Gabriel before two days ago?”

His mouth curved as he smoothed my hair away from my face. “Your imagination is vast.”

That was a nonanswer if I’d ever heard one, but I let it go for now. The police continued wrapping things up. One of the crime scene guys slipped the gun in an evidence bag and carried it away. Awhile ago, I’d seen both Ned and Naomi walk by the open door, accompanied by officers, to be interviewed. And Minka was still whining.